Wednesday, October 30, 2019
Strategic Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words - 17
Strategic Management - Essay Example l segment along with other major players that include but is not limited to Mercedes Benz, General Motors, Toyota, Honda and Volkswagen (Sturgeon, Biesebroeck and Gereffi, 2008). Bayerische Motoren Werke AG (BMW) is based in Munich and started out as a aero-engine manufacturing company in 1917. Subsequently it transferred its attention to the business activity of manufacturing motorcycles and then into passenger cars. In 1936 BMW brought out its first sports care model and by the middle of the twentieth century established itself in the automobile industry as a manufacturer of elegant, prestigious and superior performance automobiles. In the new millennium, through its restructuring activities BMW has attempted to secure and strengthen its position in the premium segment of automobiles, through its prestigious BMW, Mini and Rolls-Royce brands (ICMR, 2002). In 2009 the number of BMW, MINI and Rolls-Royce cars that were sold totaled 1,286,610 units. This figure represents a slide of 10.4% in the number of cars in all its brands sold by BMW in 2008. A similar slide is also seen in the sales revenue for the two years. In 2009 the total sales volume was euro 47,737 million, which is 10.3% less than the total sales volume of BMW in 2008. The company has attributed the under performance in 2009 to the continuing poor state of the economies in its main markets in the developed world and the economic stimulus attempted in the developed world not really making the desired impact (BMW, 2010). Thierauf 2001, p.206 defines critical success factors (CSF) for any business enterprise as â€Å"the limited number of areas in which results, if they are satisfactory, will ensure successful competitive performance†. The wider picture on CSF and the key activities connected to it, besides favorable results in these areas for the achievement of strategic objectives, also means that it indicates where things need to proceed on the right path for the growth of the business enterprise and
Monday, October 28, 2019
The Press Agentry Model Media Essay
The Press Agentry Model Media Essay The earliest PR model to appear was press agentry or publicity. It emerged in the late 19th century and was characterized as one-way, source-to-receiver communication where the flow of information is only from the sender to the receiver. The sender is not much concerned about the second partys feedback, reviews and so on. Press agentry attempts to change the behavior of publics without changing the behavior of the organization. Under the press agentry, public relations strive for publicity in the media in almost any way possible. Grunig Hunt confirm that the model involves a propaganda function (Grunig Hunt, 1984 pp. 21) and academics such as Butterick (2009), Theaker (2004), and Johnston Zawawi (2004) agree that accuracy and credibility are somewhat compromised as the goal of the model is to influence the audience by manufacturing news, be that by way of stunts or explicit publicity seeking. Butterick (2009) states that practitioners who use this model become press agents, utilis ing a range of PR tools from press releases to publicity stunts which in turn ensures that an audience takes a specific course of action. Press agents did little research aside from monitoring the media in which they sought to place favorable articles about their clients. The prototype practitioner of this model was the American impresario P. T. Barnum. He promoted circuses and other entertainment venues such as the singer Jenny Lind. Publicity continues to be a component of contemporary American PR and is used in sports, entertainment and product publicity, although todays practitioners are less likely to take liberties with the truth. In Press Agentry publicity model, public relations expects enhance the reputation of the organization among the target audience, stakeholders, employees, partners, all other associated with it through manipulation. According to this model, hire public relations expects who create a positive image of their brand in the minds of target audience through arguments and reasoning. They influence their potential customers by simply imposing their ideas, thoughts, creative stories of their bran d, USPs of the products and so on. Flow of information takes place only from the public relations expects to the target audiences. (One-Way communication) Although J. Grunig and Hunt acknowledged that there had been public-relations-like activities throughout history, they claimed that the press agents of the mid-19th century were the first full- name specialists to practice public relations. These press agents practiced the press agentry/ publicity model of public relations for such heroes as Andrew Jackson, Daniel Boone, Buffalo Bill Cody, and Calamity Jane. The most prominent of these practitioners was P.T. Barnum, who skillfully promoted his circus performers using the axiom, There is a sucker born every minute. Curiosity and scepticism played a pivotal role in the success of the press agentry model in the 19th Century, as illustrated with Barnums stunt, and to this day it still does. Butterick (2009) points out that we only have to look at the inner editorial pages of the tabloid newspapers, the celebrity magazines or observe when a new movie or CD is launched to see the press agentry model in its purest form. Press agents like Max Clifford are often seen as masters of the industry, carefully manipulating the media coverage of their clients, as Butterick notes; even the so-called exclusive pictures of semi-naked celebrities on a beach in a Sunday newspaper can sometimes be the result of a collusion between the stars publicist and photographer. Although it is clear from the examples above that the press agentry model is still very much in use in the 21st Century, we can easily argue that the ethics involved in this model are highly questionable, and the admission from Grunig Hunt that the model has an element of propaganda attached to it does nothing to distil the negative connotations attached to PR as propaganda (Butterick, 2009). However, despite these criticisms, it is ultimately our curiosity and scepticism which ensures the press agentry model is still alive and well in the modern day. Although the modern day PR practitioner must be more au fait with the truth, the very foundations of the model still exist whether it be to publicise a sporting event, a theatre production, or the scariest film of the decade, as in the recent movie release Paranormal Activity (2009). We, the public, will either want to believe what we see, or find out for ourselves if our scepticism can be proven correct which is why this model still works for practitioners seeking to gain the illusive media spotlight and is therefore relevant for the 21st Century. Having established a need for the press agentry model in the 21st Century, we must now look at its successor; how it works, and how it continues to work today, in order to establish how relevant it remains. The public information model surfaced circa 1920, when, some say, the press agentry model started to lose credibility with journalists who had caught on to the press agents way of emitting the truth on many an occasion to get their clients into the media (Grunig Hunt, 1984). Although similar to the press agentry model in that it is characterised by a one way method of communication, the public information model differs because it is aimed at giving its audience clear and factual information. Press agentry is closely associated with publicity in the entertainment world. Press agentry is the practice of attracting the attention of the press through technique that manufactures news. Methods associated with press agentry include staged events, publicity stunts, faux rallies or gatherings, spinning, and hype. A common practice is the late 1800s and early 1900s, press agentry is not part of mainstream public relations. Rather, it is a practice primarily associated with major entertainment-related events, such as Hollywood premieres and boxing matches. The goal of press agentry is to attract attention rather than gain understanding. Even today, however, the term press agent is sometimes used interchangeably with publicist in traditional Broadway theater and motion picture industries. Todays entertainment industries are populated with publicists rather than press agents. Publicists are individuals skilled in media relations who attempt to get the name of their clients or events in the media by carefully constructing messages that inform, educate, and persuade. Some are astute in branding and positioning strategies to aid the careers and success of their clients. In contrast, press agents want attention either good or bad in most any form. Press agentry had been called persuasion for short-term advantage through the use of truth bending and even distortion, but it can also be simply the staging of provocative acts to get publicity and draw attention to an individual, event, or cause. Therefore, it is understandable that one of the earliest proponents of press agentry was Phineas Taylor (P.T) Barnum, the famed American showman and promoter who put gun Gen. Tom Thumb on exhibit and launched a mobile circus featuring Jumbo the elephant and freak shows. Barnum was a master of press agentry. For instance, he wrote letters both praising and criticizing his circus show to newspaper under an assumed name. In the early part of his career, Edward L. Bernays was also a master of press agentry. He persuaded 10 debutantes to hold up Lucky Strike cigarettes manufactured by his client, the American Tobacco Company, as torches of freedom while participating in New Yorks Easter parade. In 1929, Bernays staged a global news event by organizing the Lights Golden Jubilee, a worldwide calebration commemorating the 50th anniversary of the electric light bulb for his client, General Electric. Bernays managed to secure several prominent individuals for that event, including carmaker Henry Ford, electricity scientist Thomas Edison, and President Herbert Hoover. Henry Rogers, one of the founders of Rogers and Cowan, the largest and most successful West Coast entertainment publicity firm, became well known when he promoted an unknown contract player for Columbia Pictures named Rita Hayworth. He contacted Look magazine with a telegram from the Fashion Couturiers Association of America, a fictitious group, claiming that Hayworth was the best-dressed off-screen actress. Look magazine took the bait and put Hayworth on the cover and published 10 pages of her photographs.
Friday, October 25, 2019
Female Genital Mutilation in Islam Essay -- Argumentative Persuasive T
Female Genital Mutilation in Islam    Female circumcision is a practice not uncommon in Muslim society. Although this practice does not only occur within Muslim society, this paper will focus on the practices that do occur within Islamic society. The Islamic countries with the most prevalence in practicing this form of genital mutilation are Sudan (98%), Somalia (98%), and Egypt (75%) (El Saadawi 34). Other Islamic countries that practice this are Indonesia, Malaysia, Pakistan, and India, which practice this under the name of sunnah circumcision. Sunnah refers to the Muslim religion, although it is not clearly defined within the religion. There are three major types of female circumcision that are commonly practiced within Islamic society. These types are: sunnah; clitoridectomy or excision; infibulation or pharaonic circumcision. Sunnah is performed according to the tradition of Mohammed. Religious circles who favor this method of circumcision usually do not give details as to what the act actually entails. Some circles say that is the complete removal of the clitoris and labia minora, whereas others tend to say that it is just the cutting of the kernel-shaped external skin above the genitals (Falk). A cliteridectomy consists of ablation of the clitoris as well as the labia minora. Infibulation involves complete removal of the clitoris, labia minora, and part of the labia majora. Then the two sides of the vulva are sewn together with silk, thorns, or slivers of wood in order to close the vulva, except for a passage of urine and menstrual flow (Falk). Even with minimal excisions, th is experience undoubtedly traumatizes the female. "To some extent all excisions involve some degree of irreparable loss. A... ...Facts. In Global Problems [On-line]. 4 paragraphs. Available HTTP: Brownlee, Shannon, and Jennifer Seter. "In the Name of Ritual." U.S. News and World Report 7 Feb 1994: 56-58. Cloudsley, Anne. Women of Omdurman. London: Ethnographica, 1983. 105-125. El Saadawi, Nawal. The Hidden Face of Eve, Women in the Arab World. tr. & ed. Sherif Hetata. London: Zed Press, 1980. 30-44. Falk, Geoffrey. 11 August 1995. Circumcision Information and Resource Pages [On-line]. Available: halt.culture.Internet.Netscape.html Gaudio, Attilio, and Renee Pelletier. Femmes. Paris: Donoel/Gonthier Press, 1980. 52-54. Mire, Soraya. "A Wrongful Rite." Essnece June 1994: 42. Sanderson, Lilisan P. Against Mutilation of Women. London: Ithaca Press, 1981. 25.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Animal Liberation and Their Moral Status Essay
Peter Singer, author of the highly revered book entitled ‘Animal Liberation’, caused quite a stir when he released this book in 1975. Considered by some as the Bible of animal rights, the book aimed to halt the abuse that a lot of nonhuman animals were experiencing at the expense of human beings. This would include the use of animals for experimentation, as well as the consumption of animals as part of our everyday meals. The book made it a point to emphasize the fact that majority of the humans are taking advantage of animals, and treating them with disregard and without any form of consideration whatsoever. Many people credited the effectiveness of Singer’s book for the sudden burst of animal rights into the mainstream of issues surrounding society. No doubt, his views on animal rights has had a significant influence in the past. Alex Pacheco helped found People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PeTA), after reading Singer’s book. And many people still use his book as a reference when discussing the rights of animals (Internal Vegetation Union, 2006). Even so, Singer’s skills as a messenger can’t alone explain how concern about the status and treatment of animals has moved into the mainstream of public policy discussions. Master communicator though he be, the culture had to be ready for his message. It had been prepared by several factors, among them the civil rights, peace and women’s movements and the apparent failure of science and technology to deliver fully on all their promises. Chernobyl, holes in the ozone layer, pesticides in the food chain, and the possibility of a brave new world created by cloning and genetic engineering have put the suspicion and fear of scientists into our collective hearts. Singer’s Animal Rights Still, Singer proceeds to emphasize a lot of his points in his book, as to why animal cruelty should be abolished from society. For one thing, animals and humans, despite some similarities, are still so relatively different that it would be pointless to apply the results that one would acquire from animal testing, and apply it to humans. Aside from that, both animal pain and its relief by means of anesthesia not only interferes with the experimental results, but invalidates it as well. Also, there are now numerous alternatives to animal research, that wouldn’t involve hurting them in any way or form. By doing animal research, whether it is needed or could be beneficial, it is still morally wrong to inflict injury upon animals, as they too have the tendency to feel pain. Singer’s main point of concern is that nonhuman animals should not be subjected to being treated so harshly and without compassion. It is not to say that animals should be treated as equals; rather, humans should not do to them what we wouldn’t do to our fellow species. If a scientist would consider it immoral to experiment on another human being, the same sentiment should be shared to animals. If it would be morally unacceptable to use human beings as a source of food, then why is eating animals any different? Just as it is wrong to kill a fellow human being, so should be the case with animals as well. Singer believed that animals should not be â€Å"a means towards our end†, and treat them as mere commodities which only exist to satisfy our own needs, and should be treated as fellow living things (Lim, 2008). Singer’s philosophical views hold a lot of truth, as the abuse that some animals face due to the work of human beings should be considered as morally wrong. Animals should not be subjected to all sorts of scientific experiments, even if these scientists claim that this for the greater good. Some scientists would argue that the studies they make on animals would benefit us, as their discoveries could pave the way for a better understanding of life in general. But using animals as test subjects should not be condoned, especially if the animals’s health and life is in parrel. Animals should not be harmed, period, no matter what the circumstances are. In terms of preserving their lives, their rights should be just as a high as any human’s. Contradicting Singer’s Arguments Though some of Singer’s arguments may be valid, I cannot say that I agree with some of his beliefs. For instance, in the animal kingdom, when a dominant animal kills one of its prey and feeds it to its family, is that animal considered a murderer? Would it also be considered as, ironically, inhuman? Some would say that animals kill other animals as part of their primal insticts, as a need to feed themselves in order to survive. But if humans eat other animals, shouldn’t it also be considered as the same primal needs? Singer might consider the thought of eating meat to be unruly and wrong, but I beg to differ. Since the beginning of time, the earliest of humans, being not as intelligent as we are now, had the same primal instincts as any other animal. Humans, for the most part, are born as omnivores (Best, 1991). We cannot help it if we crave to eat meat rather than just fruits, vegetables and other natural produce. So for someone to dispute that humans should not eat animals is to go against our own human nature and instincts. Of course, its wrong to eat a fellow human being. But how often have you seen any other animal eating its own kind, too? In that case, it’s not even about being a species of higher intelligence. Not even animals of lower intellect would do such a thing. The point is, eating another species is part of our natural instincts; not as humans, but as natural-born omnivores. And to say that we are morally wrong to eat anything other than what grows on the ground would be to contradict the nature of not only humans, but the entire animal kingdom as well. We may be more intelligent than animals, but have the same primal needs as animals do, and to deprive us of following that need would also be considered wrong. How then, do we come to a compromise? I believe that Singer had it right when he pointed out the abuse that animals endure when being used as test subjects for scientific experiments. This method is not only unnecessary, but it should be considered as morally wrong. The same goes for sports hunting. The killing of animals should not be done as a leisurely activity, as we would not do it against our fellow man. In terms of consuming other animals as food, while I personally believe there should be limits in terms of choosing what animals can be considered, it should not be taken against those who prefer to eat meat. We as omnivores have our own needs. though not to say that we can’t survive without eating meat, it is still part of our nature to crave for it. In terms of morals, humans should not be held accountable for consuming other animals, as it is what binds us with them. To conclude, animal rights have long ways to go before any permanet laws could be issued that would be fair on both sides. Though Singer stresses a lot of important points, one still cannot deny our own rights, not as humans but as part of the circle of living creatures.  References Best, Steven. Philosophy Under Fire: The Peter Singer Controversy (1991). Retrieved 18 June  2008 from    %20Singerâ€â€summary.htm Lim, Alvin. On Peter Singer’s Ethics of Animal Liberation (2008). Retrieved 18 June 2008        from Professor Peter Singer (2006). International Vegetation Union. Retrieved 18 June 2008 from
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Five Ways to Kill a Man
In this very blunt poem, Edwin Brock describes five distinct eras in which death had taken place. It is also hinted how man has evolved in their methods to kill themselves. Each stanza represents a different time and place. This is ranged from the biblical era to the mid-twentieth century. Different phrases within the stanzas give away which era Brock is referring to. All of which have different meanings and a very unemotional tone to them. â€Å"And one man to hammer the nails home. †The first stanza features the phrase above.It refers to the crucifixion of Jesus Christ, when nailing a person to wood using nails to hold the victim was capital punishment. The people are assumed to be Roman, since this form of capital punishment was only practiced by this group in ancient times. The line in which â€Å"a crowd of people wearing sandals†reinforces the idea of the people being Roman. Brock suggests that in order to do something as gruesome as killing a person, all one wo uld need was a person, some wood, as well as nails.Things become more a tad more complicated in the â€Å"war or the roses†, or the European Middle Ages when weapons come into play. â€Å"A length of steel, shaped and chased in a traditional way†applies to swords or really any type of weapon that could be used â€Å"†¦to pierce the metal cage he wears†¦Ã¢â‚¬ or armor. Brock illustrates how wars were fought for honor. â€Å"At least two flags†, is referring to two different armies, or royalties that fight against each other so that one can gain glory and celebrate their victory by having a banquet. Gas warfare in the First World War is described in the third stanza.In this time, men would blow mustard-gas, or chlorine gas, at their enemy when the wind would be blowing in the right direction. In this time, â€Å"mud ditches†were also introduced, allowing for soldiers to hide from their enemies as well as attack without being in full view. â⠂¬Å"Round hats made of steel†describes the helmets that soldiers would wear for protection. In the forth stanza, the â€Å"age of aeroplanes†describes being to dispose of the enemy by only â€Å"pressing one small switch†. This means killing by bombing, as what was done in world war two. Since bombing was practiced by he Germans, the Japanese, as well as the Americans, no one can be too sure which nation Brock is referring to, if any specifically. However, since the line â€Å"an ocean to separate you, two systems of government, a nation’s scientists, several factories†it is implied that it is referring to the attacks on Hiroshima and Nagasaki in Japan. This is because both nations used every scientist possible as well as every factory in order to find new ways to destroy one another. â€Å"A psychopath†, is mentioned in regards to Hitler. The last stanza is even broader than the last.Purposely making it to where the reader’s own op inions can take form and assume their own reasonable explanations. â€Å"Simpler, direct, and much more neat is to se he is living somewhere in the middle of the twentieth century, and leave him there. †In my own interpretation of this line, I think Brock was trying to say to us that it’s so much easier to kill a man in this day and age than it was in biblical times or the Middle Ages. Man has evolved so much in their attempt to perfect their way of killing, that all one would have to do is leave a man in this day and age and death would be able to find him.
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
Execution of Project Through Generalization and Interpretation Essay Example
Execution of Project Through Generalization and Interpretation Essay Example Execution of Project Through Generalization and Interpretation Essay Execution of Project Through Generalization and Interpretation Essay Execution of the project (implementation phase of the project) proceeds on correct lines, the data to be collected would be adequate and dependable. The researcher should see that the project is executed in a systematic manner and in time. If the survey is to be conducted by structured questionnaires, data can be readily machine-processed. In such situation, questions as well as the possible answers may be coded. If the data are to be collected through interviewers, arrangements should be made for proper selection and training of the interviewers. Steps should be taken to ensure that the survey is under statistical control, so that the collected information is in accordance with the pre-defined standard of accuracy. Generalizability: It is the responsibility of the researcher to provide evidence regarding the reliability, validity and generalizability of the findings. The report should clearly identify the target population to which the findings apply. Factors that limit the generalizability of the findings, such as the nature and representativeness of the sample, mode and time of data collection, and various sources of error should be clearly identified. The reader should not attempt to generalize the findings of the report without explicit consideration of these factors. Interpretation and Conclusions: The findings should be reported in an objective and candid way. The interpretation of the basic results should be differentiated from the results parse. Any assumptions made in interpreting the results should be clearly identified. The limitations of the research should be discussed. Any conclusions or recommendations made without a specification of the underlying assumptions or limitations should be treated cautiously by the reader. WHAT IS GENERALIZATION? Generalization is to which extent the research and the conclusions of the research apply to the real world. It is not always so that good research will reflect the real world, since we can only measure a small portion of the population at a time. In fact every research study, somehow tries to relate observations to theory. If a hypothesis is tested repeatedly then researcher can move to generalization and construct a theory out of it. This is the real objective of the research. [pic] Generalization identifies commonalities among a set of entities. The commonality may be of attributes, behavior, or both. For example, a statement such as All windows have a title expresses a common attribute among all entities that are considered windows. Similarly, the statement, All windows can be resized. expresses a common behavior that all windows provide. Generalizations are usually easy to recognize as they contain words like all and every. Generalization is an essential component of the wider scientific process. In an ideal world, to test a hypothesis, you would sample an entire population. By Martyn Shuttleworth (2008) You would use every possible variation of an independent variable. In the vast majority of cases, this is not feasible, so a representative group is chosen to reflect the whole population. For any experiment, you may be criticized for your generalizations about sample, time and size. You must ensure that the sample group is as truly representative of the whole population as possible. For many experiments, time is critical as the behaviors can change yearly, monthly or even by the hour. The size of the group must allow the statistics to be safely extrapolated to an entire population. In reality, it is not possible to sample the whole population, due to budget, time and feasibility. For example, you may want to test a hypothesis about the effect of an educational program on schoolchildren in the US. For the perfect experiment, you would test every single child using the program, against a control group. If this number runs into the millions, this may not be possible without a huge number of researchers and a bottomless pit of money. Thus, you need to generalize and try to select a sample group that is representative of the whole population. A high budget research project might take a smaller sample from every school in the country; a lower budget operation may have to concentrate upon one city or even a single school. The key to generalization is to understand how much your results can be applied backwards to represent the group of children, as a whole. The first example, using every school, would be a strong representation, because the range and number of samples is high. Testing one school makes generalization difficult and affects the external validity. You might find that the individual school tested generates better results for children using that particular educational program. However, a school in the next town might contain children who do not like the system. The students may be from a completely different socioeconomic background or culture. Critics of your results will pounce upon such discrepancies and question your entire experimental design. Most statistical tests contain an inbuilt mechanism to take into account sample sizes with larger groups and numbers, leading to results that are more significant. The problem is that they cannot distinguish the validity of the results, and determine whether your generalization systems are correct. This is something that must be taken into account when generating a hypothesis and designing the experiment. The other option, if the sample groups are small, is to use proximal similarity and restrict your generalization. This is where you accept that a limited sample group cannot represent all of the population. If you sampled children from one town, it is dangerous to assume that it represents all children. It is, however, reasonable to assume that the results should apply to a similar sized town with a similar socioeconomic class. This is not perfect, but certainly contains more external validity and would be an acceptable generalization. Forms of Generalization: One of the four forms of generalization is hierarchy. In the case of hierarchy, the commonalities are organized into a tree structured form. At the root of any sub tree are found all the attributes and behavior common to all of the descendents of that root. This particular kind of tree structure is referred to as a generalization/specialization hierarchy because the root provides more general properties shared by all its descendents while the descendents typically add specializing properties which make them distinct among their siblings and their siblings descendents. The second form of generalization is genericity. In the case of genericity, the commonality is expressed with the aid of a parameter. Various specializations are distinguished by what they provide for the parameter. For example, using genericity it is possible to represent the common properties of a stack through the generalization of a stack of anything, where anything represents the parameter. Specialized forms of this generalization are stack of integers and stack of characters. The third form of generalization is polymorphism. Polymorphism captures commonality in algorithms. An algorithm may have a nested if-then-else (or case statement) logic which tests for the exact type of an object which it is manipulating. The algorithm performs some operations on the object based on the exact type of the object. However, in many algorithms the operations to be performed are the same, only the type of the object on which they are performed varies. Thus, the algorithm need not know the exact type of the object. The algorithm only needs to know that the object can respond to the invocation in some manner. The fourth form of generalization is patterns. A pattern expresses a general solution (the key components and relationships) to a commonly occurring design problem. The attributes and behavior of the individual components are only partially defined to allow the pattern to be interpreted and applied to a wide range of situations. For example, a wheeled vehicle pattern might be defined in terms of the components wheel, axle, frame, body and power source. The pattern would also show how these components would be arranged in relation to each other (e. g. , the axle must connect two wheels). Example of the wheeled vehicle pattern are automobile, horses of Generalization: |All apples are red. | |All buildings are square. | |Anyone could tell you the laws of physics. | |Everyone is literate these days. | Image Example of Generalization: | | [pic] An n-cube can be projected inside a regular 2n-gonal polygon by a skew orthogonal projection, shown here from the 2-cube to the 10-cube. Generalization Assess Knowledge Assess knowledge is used to not only judge the generalization rules, but also assess the generalization quality, such as square root law. For example, when we use deduced knowledge to reason in map generalization, it will trigger process knowledge. Also the application of process knowledge needs the parameters about descriptive knowledge. Knowledge representation is an important section of information system design and operation. It symbolizes and formalizes the knowledge of experts field and translates them into the form which computer can recognize and process. But with the limitation of computer language, we often use the formal knowledge representation to realize the automatic process. Most knowledge representations are based on logic, relationship, object, regulation, semantic network, model and ontology (Kong, 2001). For cartographic generalization system, the difficulty in knowledge representation is how to express the knowledge of cartographic experts with systematic and integrated method, and eventually to solve real problems. Interpretation: Interpretation is the process by which meaning is attached to data. Interpretation is a creative enterprise that depends on the insight and imagination of the researcher, regardless of whether he/she is a qualitative analyst working closely with rich in-depth interview transcripts or ‘thick description’ based upon intense observation or, at the other extreme, a quantitative researcher carrying out a complex multivariate statistical analysis of a massive dataset. In both instances, interpretation, the way in which the researcher attaches meaning to the data, is not mechanical but requires skill, imagination and creativity. Purpose: Interpretation is used for drawing inferences from data, expounding/exposing relationships and process underlying the findings, searching for broader meaning of research findings, understanding and explaining what has been observed in the study. It is also used for providing theoretical conceptions to serve as a guide for further research. Interpretation opens avenues of intellectual adventure and simulates the quest for knowledge. ’Post-factum’ interpretation translates findings of exploratory research into experimental research. Data Interpretation: Data interpretation is an essential element of mature software project management and empirical software engineering. As far as project management is concerned, data interpretation can support the assessment of the current project status and the achievement of project goals and requirements. As far as empirical studies are concerned, data interpretation can help to draw conclusions from collected data, support decision making, and contribute to better process, product, and quality models. With the increasing availability and usage of data from projects and empirical studies, effective data interpretation is gaining more importance. Interpretation of data for project control, here, the focus is on project execution. Factors such as the increasing distribution of development activities, the need for monitoring risks, or regulatory constraints have accelerated the introduction of data-based project management techniques into practice. However making valuable use of collected data is challenging and requires effective mechanisms for data interpretation Need For Interpretation: For better appreciation of findings and make others to understand the real significance of findings. To understand the abstract principles that work beneath findings, to link findings and results with that of others, arriving at generalization after repeated testing of hypothesis, to take decisions based on implications of results and to maintain continuity in research i. e. is to help further studies. Precautionary Tips for Interpretation: Interpretation is an art and requires great skill. Optimum use of data and techniques. No over or under or misinterpretation. No out of context interpretation. Look for generalization but no false or even broad generalization. No hurry, have patience. Be impartial, have correct perspective. Wrong interpretation would lead to inaccurate conclusions. Make correct use of statistical measures. Interpretation and analysis are highly interdependent. Evaluating Interpretation: Why evaluate? Evaluating your interpretation will tell you whether it’s working or not. To evaluate you must have clear objectives for your interpretation. There a re four kinds of interpretive objective: Learning objectives – what do you want visitors to know about the site? Emotional objectives – what do you want visitors to feel about the site? Behavioral objectives – what do you want visitors to do as a result of the interpretation? Promotional objectives – how do you want to present your organization? When do I evaluate? Evaluation is classified according to when it’s done in the interpretive process. Front-end evaluation is done while you’re developing your interpretive objectives. It answers questions such as ‘what do the audience already know about this topic? ’ and ‘what are they most interested in? ’ This way you can tailor your interpretation to your visitors’ knowledge and interests. Formative evaluation tests visitors’ reactions to trial versions of your interpretation. For example, proofs of leaflets and panels can be tested to see if they attract attention and communicate the right messages. This allows you to change the design or content to make sure it works. Remedial evaluation checks that once all the elements in a display are brought together they work – for instance, the lighting is appropriate, visitor flow patterns are optimized, and distraction/competition between elements is minimized. Summative evaluation answers the question ‘is our nterpretation meeting its objectives? ’ Summative evaluation is carried out once a project is implemented. How do I evaluate? A range of evaluation methodologies are available. They can be subdivided into: Quantitative methods which count and measure things. Here your data is already in the form of numbers or can be converted into numbers that can be analyzed statistically. Qualitative metho ds which attempt to describe your visitor’s opinions, attitudes, perceptions and feelings. This information will require further interpretation and organization. Phase |Method | |Front end |Focus groups | | |Questionnaire interview | |Formative |Observation | | |Simple interviewer administered | | |questionnaire | |Remedial |Observation | | |Simple interviewer administered | | |questionnaire | |Summative |All methods but primarily observation| | |and questionnaire | | |Critical appraisal | Examples for Interpretation: 1. Representativeness of the data – Comparison of distribution of characteristics among population, sample and response population 2. Take note of nature of questions and types of responses – Dichotomous question with either or type answer. – Multiple-choice questions which require only one answer. – Multiple responses to multiple choice questions. – Open-end questions. Frequency Distribution Of Age (Comparison of characteristi cs distribution among population, sample and response sample) Population Response Population Age in Years No. % No. % Up to 24 95 11. 6 69 13. 2 25-29 268 32. 6 173 33. 0 30-34 255 31. 0 165 31. 5 35-39 151 18. 4 85 16. 2 40-44 39 4. 7 27 5. 1 45-49 6 0. 7 1 0. 50-above 8 1. 0 4 0. 8 Total 822 100. 0 524 100. 0 3. Handling and interpreting unanswered – Not answered. – Can’t answer. – Don’t know. – Don’t want to answer. – Distributing proportionately among other categories. – Keeping as a separate category. – Estimating answer from other data contained in questionnaire. 4. Representing the data – Percentages (ratios proportions) should be computed in the direction of causal factor, if any. – Percentages should run only in the direction in which a sample is representative. Do not average percentages(without weighing by the size of samples) – Do not use very large percentage(e. g. 1200% increase) – Do not use too small a base(e. g. 33 1/3% for 1 in 3 ) Interpretation of correlation coefficients(r,rs) 0. 9 Very highdependable Chi-square test No (expected) frequency cell should have value less than 5(use Yates correction formula) Hypothesis testing Accepting null hypothesis on the basis of sample information does not mean or constitute the proof that hypothesis is true. It only that there is no statistical evidence to reject it Logically ordering the data so that questions can be raised and answered Cross tabulation of 2 or more attributes or variables is merely a formal and economical method of arranging the data so that the logical method of proof may be applied . Cross tabulation is an approximation of the controlled experiment, i. e; just thinking in terms of cause and effect. Cross tabulation may lead to spurious explanation. Examples: Family size v/s income (valid) No. of automobiles owned v/s brand of toothpaste preferred (spurious) Elaboration Is a process which is limited only by the analysis (his/her ability, patience and purposes) and by the nature of data? Check need for elaboration and what test variable to apply. Range of cross tabulations suggests test variables.
Monday, October 21, 2019
Logistics and E-Business in Dell Inc. The WritePass Journal
Logistics and E-Business in Dell Inc. Introduction Logistics and E-Business in Dell Inc. ). With the absence of retail stores and through call centers and phone orders, the company adopted a build-to-order assembly model through which it receives orders. Its website made a strong influence on software applications of its own customer service representations to establish a self service web application that enables customers to produce their own custom orders for personal computers. Dell allowed customers to explore a number of computer configurations with the use of a ‘choice board’ capability, showing price differences for components that customers intend to include in their order. This PC order is then submitted through the website ecommerce, translating the order data into a design, ordering the components, and electronically scheduling the proper resources to complete the order (Kurbel, 2013).  Customer demand is also integrated from direct-sales channel that is linked to its back-end supply chain (Harsono, 2014). The company is able to pursue an effective integration and implementation of e-commerce and supply chain management Noteworthy is the fact that Dell serves as a strategic supplier to British Airways, in which the former supplies desktops and notebook computers to the latter’s purchasing agents. Dell enables British Airways to buy and track orders to a Dell website that adopts customisation for the user’s needs.  The airline has adopted Dell’s e-procurement tools on its intranet, allowing authorised staff to make PC purchases through a portal that is directly connected to Dell’s system (Harsono, 2014). Not only does Dell support its business customers with e-procurement tools, but it also utilises e-commerce for its own e-procurement. It was able to develop a specific e-procurement model aimed to be shared with its business partners. One feature of the model is the conduct of bids using electronic tendering, which Dell also uses when buying product components.  Through Dell’s adoption of process technology and e-business, it is able to communicate and collaborate with a range of business partners. Its build-to-order capabilities allow it to pursue significant improvements in its demand planning and accuracy of factory execution, reduce the time entailed in order and delivery, and improve customer service. It is worthy of note that Dell also partners with Accenture to create and foster a high-performance supply chain solution for planning and design execution. Its factory scheduling and demand-planning capacity and inventory management also became automated, through in formation technology utilisation and adoption of e-supply chain models (Harsono, 2014). Dell’s supply chain has been cited by several researchers as a model of excellence, which is made possible through a closed-loop supply chain and logistics techniques. Dell utilises a variety of techniques that maintain build-to-order operation. It has an assortment of process maps within its forward and reverse supply chains. Dell’s example suggests a need to provide emphasis on supply chain efficiencies in order to build customer value and carefully investigate its capabilities prior to the implementation of any specific collection of logistics approaches similar to its supply chain operation (Kumar and Craig, 2007).  In addition, Dell is constantly adjusting and improving its processes over time, in which its business model consists of working directly with customers and providing better value (Teece, 2010). Dell organised its value chain around the choice of products that it sells through its distribution system whereby it enables developing efficient capabilities on selecting the specific products to produce. Certainly, the whole strategy is reliant on available suppliers who are able to produce at highly competitive prices. It must be noted nonetheless that Dell did not bring significant enhancements to the technology of personal computers but is noteworthy for its combination of innovations of both suppliers and its own distribution systems in delivering compelling value to its customers (Teece, 2010).  An important point as well is that Dell does not utilise the Internet to create a marketplace; rather, it uses the Internet to exchange information on demand and inventory with its suppliers, thereby allowing suppliers to produce proper production levels and aid Dell’s supply chain towards improved complementariness of its supply and demand (Chopra and Van Mieghem, 2000; Har sono, 2014). By being a virtual IT department apart from being a PC vendor, Dell tracks all corporate-wide purchases visvis giving customers the convenience to order anytime at any place. Indeed. Dell has relied heavily on a few suppliers that also function as long-term partners (Chopra and Van Mieghem, 2000). Just-in-time production is implied in Dell’s logistics process, in which expected administrative problems related to large numbers of individual orders have been superseded by information technology. Dell has epitomised this move towards the system of building products to order and shipping them to the customer. It is important to note that the company has integrated its computerised management information system with its logistics software to aid the analysis of purchasing and selling of products. Further, e-logistics allows Dell to view the big picture by capturing data for procurement, in which logistics-generated data are being sent to strategic decisions formulated by other aspects of the organisation. Apparently, the Internet has provided Dell real information of supply and demand, rather than a merely forecast one. E-logistics likewise enables a closer integration of Dell’s internal business systems with web-based functions, allowing the facilitation of colla borative solutions in the supply chain (Joseph, 2005). The company continues to integrate the Internet into its whole business process, such as procurement, online sales, and relationship management (Chou et al., 2004). Impact of Process technology and e-business on Dell The effect of process technology and e-business for Dell is increased customer value, in which the company enables to keep its retail customers to come back, helping the company to drive sales to more than $55 billion in 2004. Additionally, Dell utilises e-commerce to provide real-time information to its suppliers in the supply chain. In this regard, suppliers utilise this information to adjust their production time, in which they only produce the adequate components for Dell’s needs and adopt an appropriate mode of delivery to enable these products to arrive just in time for production (Ross, 2011). It must be noted also that the strong impact of e-business in Dell’s supply chain enabled it to deal with its more than US$ 100 million losses through a best practice example of impeccably incorporating e-marketing and supply chain management to boost its processes (Harsono, 2014). With Dell’s utilisation of e-business and process technology, the effect is its revolu tionisation of the business model in its core geo-product sphere with its manufacture and marketing of personal computers. Its adaptability and flexibility allowed Dell to acquire wealth by leveraging its revenue, utilising alliances to develop the right combination of products, and reducing change-related costs (D’Aveni, 2001). Another impact of process technology and e-business on Dell’s logistical and operational capability is its ability to deliver high customer value in relation to customisation, as well as lower process cost. Its direct selling of computer using web technology enables it to receive higher margins than conventional PC manufacturers, who need to share some margin with retailers. It is clear that retailers occupy a weaker position to utilise this e-business opportunity than other members of the supply chain. In terms of revenue, Dell’s direct sales model through its e-business channel made the company to continue obtaining increased margins compared to traditional computer manufacturers with resellers. It was able to effectively manage its ability to change prices and delivery times based on component availability. In the same manner, the company is able to work on its supply chain’s input and output ends to harmonise demand with supply (Chopra and Van Mieghem, 2000). Apparently, through Dell’s stance to use e-business, the results include increased efficiency in logistics and marketing processes, cost reductions, reduced inventory levels, decreased time-to-customer process to improve competitive situation, and lower time to market process (Shin, 2005). Conclusion This brief was focused on Del Inc. as it attempted to provide a critical evaluation of planning and organising in its efficient operations and networking activities. The discussion was centred on the impact of process technology and e-business on the company. Dell became a market leader in selling personal computers and services, employing direct selling to customers, enabling it to provide preconditioned systems for customers at a very competitive price. The company was successful in combining IT and front-and-back office operations. Its fast cycle of product development was based on a build-to-order e-business design. The build-to-order assembly model featured the use of call centers and phone orders rather than the usual retail store. Dell’s supply chain and logistics success is exemplified in its partnership with British Airways and Accenture. The company utilises e-commerce to provide e-procurement tools to its business customers and for its own e-procurement. The effects of Dell’s process technology and e-business are increased customer value; enhanced real-time information processes for suppliers; high customer value delivery in terms of customisation; lower process cost; increased margins;  reduced production cycles; increased efficiency in logistics and marketing processes; and decreased inventory levels. These impacts are enabled by a demand-driven supply chain that replaced the traditional supply chain approach. References Chopra, S. and Van Mieghem, J. A. (2000) Which E-Business is Right For Your Supply Chain? Accessed on 8 December 2014 from Chou, D. C., Tan, X., and yen, D. C. (2004) Web technology and supply chain management. Information Management and Computer Security, 12 (4), 338-349. Chen, I. J. and Popovich, K. (2003) Understanding customer relationship management (CRM): People, process and technology. Business Process Management Journal, 9 (5), 672-688. Daniel Gmoe’s Blog (2010) Green Logistics. Accessed on 8 December 2014 from D’Aveni, R. (2001) Strategic Supremacy: How Industry Leaders Create Spheres Of Influence. NY: The Free Press. Dignan, L. (2009) Dell Aims to Diversify Away From PCs, But How? Accessed on 8 December 2014 from Harsono, A. (2014) The impact of e-commerce in supply chain management at Dell Inc. Journal of Multidisciplinary Engineering Science and Technology, 1 (3), 11-18. Joseph, P. T. (2005) E-commerce: An Indian Perspective. Second Edition. New Delhi: Prentice-Hall of India. Kumar, S. and Craig, S. (2007) Dell, Inc.’s closed loop supply chain for computer assembly plants. Information, Knowledge, Systems Management, 6 (3), 197-214. Kurbel, E. K. (2013) Enterprise Resource Planning and Supply Chain Management: Function, Business Process and Software for Manufacturing Companies. First Edition. NY: Springer. Ross, F. D. (2011) Introduction to Supply Chain Management Technologies. Second Edition. FL: CRC Press. Rushton, A. and Walker, S. (2007) Supply Chain Outsourcing: From Local to Global. London: Kogan Page. Shin, N. (2005) Strategies for Generating E-Business Returns on Investment. London: Idea Group Publishing. Sushil, S. (2013) Flowing Stream Strategy: Leveraging Strategic Change with Continuity. NY: Springer. Teece, D. J. (2010) Business models, business strategy and innovation. Long Range Planning, 43 (1), 172-194.
Sunday, October 20, 2019
3 Hot Industries to Watch in Donald Trump’s America
3 Hot Industries to Watch in Donald Trump’s America After the election, whether you’re happy with the outcome or not, one thing remains true: a new president means a new era. Changes in the economy tend to come as the new president takes office and starts enacting policies. And politics aside, there are some industries you should be keeping your eye on as America embarks on its Trump administration journey†¦ especially if you’re not selected for a cabinet position. ManufacturingDuring the campaign, Trump made a lot of promises about bringing manufacturing jobs back from overseas. Realistically, many of these jobs have been replaced by technology and automation- but this shift actually creates new opportunities in the manufacturing sector. While these jobs may have been blue collar, factory-floor jobs in the past, now the openings will more likely be in areas like industrial design, logistics (trucking and transit), marketing, and other front-office-type jobs. In decades past, a high school diploma was usually the ti cket to a solid manufacturing job, but as the industry undergoes further changes, you’ll see more opportunities for those with postsecondary education (training programs) or higher.Example: Industrial DesignerThe job: Industrial designers develop concepts and plans for manufactured goods like cars, electronics, toys, etc. This is a role that combines engineering, creative design, and business needs to create products that are cost-effective to produce and useful to consumers.Education required: Bachelor’s degreeThe salary: Median salary of $67,130 per year, according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics.HealthcareWhether or not Obamacare is repealed and/or replaced under a Trump administration, healthcare is going to continue to be one of the career hotspots in the next four years, and a focus for economic growth.Example: Medical AssistantThe job: Medical assistants are professionals who handle administrative and clinical tasks in healthcare facilities like hospit als, clinics, doctor’s offices, or nursing homes.Education required: High school diploma, plus completion of a training programThe salary: Median salary of $30,590 per year, according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics.CybersecurityThis is a hot-button issue- perhaps you’ve heard? If you’ve been paying attention to the news, you’ve seen the same themes pop up over and over all year long: â€Å"hack,†â€Å"breach,†â€Å"leaked emails,†â€Å"Russia.†Personal data has become kind of like the Wild West out there- the info exists, therefore someone will claim it. Every industry and just about every company struggles with keeping ahead of hackers and would-be bad guys seeking to snipe others’ information for their own gain, and that will likely continue over the next few years as more and more public attention is brought to these security breaches.Example: Information Security AnalystThe job: Information security an alysts are IT professionals who are often a company’s first line of data defense. They plan and implement security measures throughout a company’s computer networks and systems, to defend against cyberattacks and data breaches.Education required: Bachelor’s degreeThe salary: Median salary of $90,120 per year, according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics.As with any new president, the best thing you can do, career-wise, is to prepare for change: new technologies, new national priorities, and new policies. You never know where the opportunities will arise, so it’s important to be open to those changes, no matter how you feel about the politics of it all.
Saturday, October 19, 2019
Recent changes made to the National Breakfast and Lunch Program Research Paper
Recent changes made to the National Breakfast and Lunch Program - Research Paper Example It is in the process of seeking to ensure that the meals received by children at schools meet the required health standards that the USDA has issued new dietary guidelines, which the school meals should meet. While the new requirements might seem to be too demanding or disruptive of the current school breakfast and lunch program, it is conclusive to say that the new requirements are highly beneficial not only to the school children, but also to the society at large. The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) new requirement standards for the school breakfast and lunch programs provides that children should be served with more fruits, vegetables and whole-grain containing foods, while at the same time being offered low-fat or fat-free dairy products (USDA, 2012). Secondly the new requirements provide that processed meat and processed dairy products should wholesomely be eliminated from the school breakfast and lunch programs, to avoid the adverse health effects that are associated with these type of foods on children’s health (FRAC, 2014). Offering daily plant-based snacks/salads as an option for all children eligible for the NSLP, which constitute of fresh garden salad-bars, as way of ensuring the provision of fiber-based whole meal diet for children (FRAC, 2014). The other recommendation of the new NSLP requirements is that the schools should ensure to offer low-fat, fat-free or nondairy milk on a daily basis as an option for all children eligible for the NSLP, where soy milk; a plant-based nondairy milk, has been recommended as the new milk beverage that schools should offer to the children, owing to the potential health benefits that are associated with this nondairy milk (FRAC, 2014). The other requirement by the USDA revised school food programs provide that the schools should increase their annual food and nutrition classes to a minimum of 50 hours per academic year (USDA, 2012). This recommendation has been established on
Friday, October 18, 2019
Strategic Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 2
Strategic Management - Essay Example GM has a brand name with Cadillac, Buick, Chevrolet, GMC, Hummer, Pontiac, Saab, and Saturn. Trucks, sport cars, sedans, and SUVs are made by GM. The recognition of the GM brand sets it above new automotive company competition. Another asset is GM’s resources. Money, automotive parts, factories, and stock allow GM to remain competitive worldwide. GM has spent millions on research for hybrids and other cars that run on alternative fuel, lower emissions, and safer products. This creates confidence in the GM product for the consumer population. External Analysis---The remote environment is promising for GM. The resources available to GM allow the company to comply with economic, social, political, technological, and ecological demands. The industry environment is no problem for GM. Entry barriers, supplier power, buyer power, substitute availability, and competitive rivalry are handled by GM’s strong foundation and brand name in the auto industry. The operating environment is more unstable. Customers, creditors, competitors, labor, and suppliers can be affected by a recession or high oil prices. GM will need to take this into consideration and make necessary changes accordingly. As long as GM continues to change in the face of adversity, produce quality products, and research alternative fuel sources, the company will make it through tough times and
British Petrolium Exploration Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
British Petrolium Exploration - Essay Example Finally BP Explorations current strategies against future competitions they face are also discussed. According to Forbes (2004), BP was compared with, Shell, ExxonMobil and Total. The data were taken from the companies non-financial reports (CnFR), added on with more information on their CSR website. This data was made available at the time of the analysis (BP, 2005; ExxonMobil,2004; Shell, 2004; Total, 2004). The prime objective of the analysis was to get information on the actions which the companies attributed to CSR, what the inducements, aims, and targets for these actions were, and how they designed to attain this. A real study of the four companies reveals the fact that they are very similar in many respects. The table below presents some vital information about the 4 companies. Apart from the information presented in the above table all the companies possess a major part of the value chain of oil and gas resources. The four companies are concerned from extraction to retailing and they have a large petro-chemical activity. Corporate governance is a mode of the direction and control which the companies have on their operations. ... This term derived force only after the corporate scandals like Enron in which leaders profited themselves rather then the company. The companies deal with this issue by giving a description of proper assessment making procedure and the economic interests of those making these determinations, i.e. stock options, participation in other companies etc. Extended producer liability is regarding the responsibility for the products after they have been sold, generally for the use and removal phase of the life cycle. BP centers on modifying their customers to use their products safely (BP, 2001, BP Business Policies: What we stand for. Retrieved April 21, 2009 from Smart technology moves Getting the right technology is vital for building a competitive energy business and for creating a sustainable future. The strategy which was instituted on tackling precise technologies in back up of clear business goals (Frontiers, December 2003), is now bearing fruit in the case of BP. The company is developing so that it faces to meet the challenge of the world's rising energy demand by discovering new ways of getting at more hydrocarbons from on hand and new resources. The company also believes in BPE 5 developing and delivering new products to customers. In a way by investing in technology the business in BP is shaping up and is opening up new alternatives. At present BP ranks as the number two oil and gas company and this company has achieved through its market capitalization.'Market Capital is nothing but the share price multiplied by the number of shares in issue, Rankings are normally done on a $ basis.' When calculating in dollars for BP the ADR price (American Depository Receipt - the
Short-Term and Long-Term Post-MBA Goals Personal Statement
Short-Term and Long-Term Post-MBA Goals - Personal Statement Example  I set my long term goal to become such a mayor-a leader of change, devoting myself in refocusing a service government which fulfills its responsibilities on economic regulation, market supervision, social management and public welfare based on service. Furthermore, I aspire to bridge my city from landlocked West China to the global stage. To get prepared for such a vision, I set my short-term goal to become a strategist, stepping up to the senior executive assistant after completing my MBA. I will serve as the chief strategic officer in my hometown and a strategic partner to the mayor, creating, communicating, executing, and sustaining the city's strategic initiatives. For me, the strategy is more than forging new city developments, working relationships, and synergies across government functions; it also involves establishing greater transparency and accountability. The Chinese government thirsts for a new generation of government... My step up into government requires further preparation to learn to balance my business philosophy with my government mission. In this regard, Columbia Business School serves as the best venue to achieve both as it offers holistic education. I admire the educational institution's innovative approach to learning because I believe that the latter should evolve in order to accommodate the emerging needs of students and the international business arena. By becoming a venue for active learning, entrepreneurial training, and bridging research and practice, I believe that Columbia Business School will equip me with the necessary knowledge and skills which will enable me to attain both my short term and long term goals. T
Thursday, October 17, 2019
Business-Level and Corporate-Level Strategies Essay - 4
Business-Level and Corporate-Level Strategies - Essay Example Among many of them, one of the most essential business-level strategies is transnational strategy (Funaru, 2010). According to this strategy, the organization desires to sell its products in global markets comprising of all the essential features and specifications of the local customers. It is done to meet the needs and preferences so as to develop a renowned position in the market among other rivals. Not only this, the profit margin and revenues of the organization might also get enhanced due to its global presence among other competitors (Toyota, n.d.). Apart from this, the management of Toyota Motor Corporation also introduced the strategy of KAIZEN, so as to develop a strong global presence. KAIZEN means continuous improvement of the features and specifications of the products as per the requirements of different markets to create a position in that market. So, it might be depicted that the transnational strategy is the extremely essential for an organization operating successfu lly in automobile sector in long-run (Funaru, 2010). Transnational strategy is the most essential strategy implemented for long-term success as it might facilitate Toyota Motor Corporation to attain a global presence. It might not remain restricted in domestic markets resulting in amplification of the total sale and profit margin of the organization (Toyota, n.d.). ... Justify your opinion. The corporate level strategies of an organization are also essential just as business-level policies (Funaru, 2010). In order to attain a global presence, Toyota Motor Corporation implemented varied types of strategies such as diversification to some other sectors. In order to attain profit margin and brand image, Toyota Motor Corporation decided to get diverted to handloom sector along with automotive segment (Toyota, n.d.). Apart from this, it also decided to go for joint venture and retrenchment. In order to penetrate in various global markets, Toyota Motor Corporation utilized the strategy of joint venture to enter the global markets as its entry is restricted due to trade barriers and presence of varied competitors (Toyota, n.d.). However, diversification is the most essential strategy followed by Toyota Motor Corporation to enhance its brand image and reputation in varied international market among other rivals (Funaru, 2010). It might also prove effective for the organization to improve its profit margin and revenues in long run as compared to others. As a result, the corporative goals might also get fulfilled in an effective way resulting in improvement of the portfolio of the organization (Toyota, n.d.). 3) Analyze the competitive environment to determine Toyota Motor Corporations’ most significant competitor. Compare their strategies at each level and evaluate which company you think is most likely to be successful in the long term. Justify your choice. The competitive environment of the Toyota Motor Corporation is extremely fierce and un-predictable. It may be analyzed with the help of Porter’s five forces model. Competitive rivalry: The competitive
CRIME CONTINUES TO BE A MASCULINE PURSUIT.DISCUSS - Essay Example 285). Despite reports that females are committing crimes at an increased rate, males continue to commit the vast majority of crimes (Anthony 2008, p. 94). The prevailing view is therefore that crime continues to be a masculine pursuit despite modest increased in female offending. The question then is, whether or not crime is and continues to be a masculine pursuit. Theories and assumptions that attempt to explain the disproportionate rate of male offending help to answer the question of whether or not crime continues to be a masculine pursuit. The prevailing view is that, if male offending can be attributed to masculine theories rather than traditional criminology theories, then we might be able to state that crime continues to be a masculine pursuit. Some explanations include the role of gender socialization, the perceptions of police, and the independence and opportunities that men are accorded (Browne 2011, p. 249). However, with the exception of gender socialization, the other ex planations and theories are not gender specific. For instance, perceptions of police can be entirely related to education or exposure. Similarly, independence and opportunities are likewise linked to both men and women. ... This paper is therefore divided into three parts. The first part of this paper provides a factual basis for the contention that males are more predisposed to commit crimes than females are. The second part of the paper analyses the various theories, assumptions and explanations relative to the male propensity to commit crimes. The third part of the paper examines the rise in female crimes and concludes that the rise in female crimes do not change the disproportionate number of male crimes. However it does indicate that crime is not and does not continue to be a masculine pursuit. It does indicate that crime is not specific to males and therefore can not be characterized as a continuing to be a masculine pursuit. The objective is to analyse masculinity theories with a view to demonstrating how crime is perceived to be a masculine pursuit and then to look at the increase in female offending to demonstrate how crime cannot be perceived as a masculine pursuit. Although crime was perceive d to have been a masculine pursuit, developments in female offending inform that it is impractical and unreasonable to continue to view crime as a masculine pursuit. I. Males and Crime The latest statistics released by the UK Office for National Statistics reveal that as of October 2006, 4 out of every five offenders were male. Moreover, man â€Å"outnumber women†in all of the most serious crimes (Office for National Statistics 2006). For instance between 84 and 95 per cent of burglary, robbery, drugs-related offences, criminal damages and violent crimes are committed by males. 98 per cent of all sexual offences are committed by males (Office for National Statistics). In the US there is evidence that the
Wednesday, October 16, 2019
Business-Level and Corporate-Level Strategies Essay - 4
Business-Level and Corporate-Level Strategies - Essay Example Among many of them, one of the most essential business-level strategies is transnational strategy (Funaru, 2010). According to this strategy, the organization desires to sell its products in global markets comprising of all the essential features and specifications of the local customers. It is done to meet the needs and preferences so as to develop a renowned position in the market among other rivals. Not only this, the profit margin and revenues of the organization might also get enhanced due to its global presence among other competitors (Toyota, n.d.). Apart from this, the management of Toyota Motor Corporation also introduced the strategy of KAIZEN, so as to develop a strong global presence. KAIZEN means continuous improvement of the features and specifications of the products as per the requirements of different markets to create a position in that market. So, it might be depicted that the transnational strategy is the extremely essential for an organization operating successfu lly in automobile sector in long-run (Funaru, 2010). Transnational strategy is the most essential strategy implemented for long-term success as it might facilitate Toyota Motor Corporation to attain a global presence. It might not remain restricted in domestic markets resulting in amplification of the total sale and profit margin of the organization (Toyota, n.d.). ... Justify your opinion. The corporate level strategies of an organization are also essential just as business-level policies (Funaru, 2010). In order to attain a global presence, Toyota Motor Corporation implemented varied types of strategies such as diversification to some other sectors. In order to attain profit margin and brand image, Toyota Motor Corporation decided to get diverted to handloom sector along with automotive segment (Toyota, n.d.). Apart from this, it also decided to go for joint venture and retrenchment. In order to penetrate in various global markets, Toyota Motor Corporation utilized the strategy of joint venture to enter the global markets as its entry is restricted due to trade barriers and presence of varied competitors (Toyota, n.d.). However, diversification is the most essential strategy followed by Toyota Motor Corporation to enhance its brand image and reputation in varied international market among other rivals (Funaru, 2010). It might also prove effective for the organization to improve its profit margin and revenues in long run as compared to others. As a result, the corporative goals might also get fulfilled in an effective way resulting in improvement of the portfolio of the organization (Toyota, n.d.). 3) Analyze the competitive environment to determine Toyota Motor Corporations’ most significant competitor. Compare their strategies at each level and evaluate which company you think is most likely to be successful in the long term. Justify your choice. The competitive environment of the Toyota Motor Corporation is extremely fierce and un-predictable. It may be analyzed with the help of Porter’s five forces model. Competitive rivalry: The competitive
Tuesday, October 15, 2019
Program Evaluation - Module 4 - SLP Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Program Evaluation - Module 4 - SLP - Coursework Example For appropriate delivery of health nursing program to the community, the following methods are necessary depending on the situation and the environment that the program undergoes. Some of the main methods include goal-based evaluation method, outcome evaluation method and process evaluation method. However, for such a nursing health program, outcome evaluation is preferred because it would help in identifying the results to be achieved by the end of the program and the level at, which the desired outcomes can be achieved (McNamara Para 4). As such, inclusive result entails the following steps as best implemented throughout the whole program evaluation process (Deniston et al. Para 16). The first step involves engaging all the stakeholders within the practice area as it would greatly help to avoid rigidity at any level of the evaluation process. The second step is to describe the program to all the participants so that everyone of them get familiarized with the concept concerning the course of action that is supposed to be taken while relaying a lot of focus on the evaluation design. After such a focus then the evidences gotten are taken to the next step to justify the conclusions. Finally, the lesson leant is further disseminated to all the participants concerned. It becomes easier for a program manager to discover that following a proper program evaluation process is a direct leeway towards the achievement of such a program. McNamara, Carter. Authenticity Consulting, Designing Your Program Evaluation Plans. Online integrated library for personal and professional development. Compliance & Ethics Institute Chicago - September 14- 17,
Monday, October 14, 2019
Effect of Nutritional Deficiencies Occurring During Pregnancy
Effect of Nutritional Deficiencies Occurring During Pregnancy The type of nutrition that a mother gets during pregnancy, both qualitatively and quantitatively, can be the deciding factor in a childs well-being. A study1 showed that there was a small (70 g) but significant increase in birthweight among infants of mothers receiving multiple micronutrients as compared with infants of mothers receiving iron-folic acid supplements hence signifying the importance of giving not just the traditional supplements. It is essential that the mother intake a very healthy diet: according to American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG), pregnant women should increase their usual servings of a variety of foods from five basic food groups to include the following: Three to four servings of fruits and vegetables Nine servings of whole-grain or enriched bread, cereal, rice, or pasta for energy Three servings of milk, yogurt, and cheese for calcium Three servings of meat, poultry, fish, eggs, nuts, dried beans, and peas for protein Separate and specific supplements for the nutrients found in the above foods should only be taken to make sure all the requirements are being met, not as a replacement for a healthy diet. The specific nutrients required by women in the pre-pregnancy and pregnancy state have already been discussed. This section talks more about the effects that malnutrition (lack of specific essential nutrients) during pregnancy state will have on the health of a child. The effects being studied in this report focus more on cognition, language, social and emotional behavior. In order to properly identify the specific effects of malnutrition, it would be beneficial to first allocate a time-period during which development is most sensitive. This period is termed the critical period and extends from gestation to first 2 years of life. However this may vary study to study and also with reference to different aspects of development being studied. A Broad Perspective Maternal malnutrition, which amounts to a BMI of
Sunday, October 13, 2019
The Road Ahead By Bill Gates Essay -- essays research papers
In his book The Road Ahead, Bill Gates relates to a non-technical audience the history, growth, and future of technology. He discusses how the trends, technologies, and issues of the Information Age are affecting society. Gates makes predictions and gives advice on how to adapt and succeed in the future of incredible change in computing and communicating. His book is written with two major concerns: the development and future of technology, and its influence on society. Bill Gates begins by explaining how computers will be interconnected globally in what will be called the information superhighway. Of course the precursor to this network is the currently used Internet. The development and use of this interactive network is the main focus of the book. Gates uses the metaphor of the 'ultimate market'; to describe how all manner of human activity will take place in this market, with the medium of exchange being digital information of all kinds. Bill Gates states that the ability to change and manipulate information and the increasing speed at which is it handled places us at the beginning of an 'information revolution.'; Since almost all information in the future will be digital, conventional communication devices will be altered. As soon as the cost of communication drops and it is combined with other technological advances, Bill Gates predicts that the results of this interactive information will be like the effects of electricity. He also predicts t hat the house of the future will have one wire running into and out of it that will carry television, phone, or news information that will be sent to the appropriate device. Â Â Â Â Â In his book Gates attempts to tell the history of the computer industry, but instead he tells about the development of Microsoft and his achievements while debasing his competitors. He recounts the history with a degree of arrogance and criticizes IBM for the mistakes it made, for example not buying thirty percent of Microsoft when given the opportunity, and for wasting time and money on the OS/2 and OfficeVision projects. Bill Gates speaks on Microsoft's success and, in a way, reaffirms customers that Microsoft will not raise its prices or stop innovation. The future success, he says, depends on innovation and improvement to stay ahead of competition. Â Â Â Â Â He dedicates a chapter to ap..., investment in education, regulation, and the balance between individual privacy and community security. The question of responsibility arises and some have suggested that communication companies should be made gatekeepers in charge of the filtering the content of what they carry. A rating system, like the one used for movies, could be implemented and parents could then restrict what rated sites their children visit through their web browser. Bill Gates refrains from using technical vernacular and explains all computer terminology as he discusses it, making it clear and easy for normal people to understand him. He is convinced that this new technology will 'enhance leisure time and enrich our culture by expanding the distribution of information.'; This, however, oversimplifies most issues and results in a dull, repetitive book for most experienced computer users. He succeeds in explaining his vision of the future and why he has chosen to switch Microsoft's focus to the Internet. Bill Gates optimistically looks ahead at the emerging tools of technology that will forever transform the way we buy, work, learn, socialize, and communicate and encourages us to help shape the future.
Saturday, October 12, 2019
Shakespeares Othello - Troubled Iago Essay -- Othello essays
Troubled Iago    Unquestionably the most perfidious character within the cast of Shakespeare’s Othello is the cunning Iago. He spends his life, it would seem, taking revenge on the general and destroying nearly everyone around himself. Helen Gardner in â€Å"Othello: A Tragedy of Beauty and Fortune†elaborates on Iago’s exact function and place in the play: . . . Iago ruins Othello by insinuating into his mind the question, ‘How do you know?’ The tragic experience with which this play is concerned is loss of faith, and Iago is the instrument to bring Othello to this crisis of his being. His task is made possible by his being an old and trusted companion, while husband and wife are virtually strangers, bound only by passion and faith; and by the fact that great joy bewilders, leaving the heart apt to doubt the reality of its joy. The strange and extraordinary, the heroic, what is beyond nature, can be made to seem the unnatural, what is against nature. This is one of Iago’s tricks. (143) Iago’s very language reveals the level at which his evil mind works. Francis Ferguson in â€Å"Two Worldviews Echo Each Other†describes the types of base, loathsome imagery used by the antagonist Iago when he â€Å"slips his mask aside†while awakening Brabantio: Iago is letting loose the wicked passion inside him, as he does from time to time throughout the play, when he slips his mask aside. At such moments he always resorts to this imagery of money-bags, treachery, and animal lust and violence. So he expresses his own faithless, envious spirit, and, by the same token, his vision of the populous city of Venice – Iago’s â€Å"world,†as it has been called. . . .(132) Iago is the â€Å"perfect†bad guy in the sense that his type is just what ... â€Å"Two Worldviews Echo Each Other.†Readings on The Tragedies. Ed. Clarice Swisher. San Diego: Greenhaven Press, 1996. Reprint from Shakespeare: The Pattern in His Carpet. N.p.: n.p., 1970. Gardner, Helen. â€Å"Othello: A Tragedy of Beauty and Fortune.†Readings on The Tragedies. Ed. Clarice Swisher. San Diego: Greenhaven Press, 1996. Reprint from â€Å"The Noble Moor.†British Academy Lectures, no. 9, 1955. Shakespeare, William. Othello. In The Electric Shakespeare. Princeton University. 1996. No line nos. Wright, Louis B. and Virginia A. LaMar. â€Å"The Engaging Qualities of Othello.†Readings on The Tragedies. Ed. Clarice Swisher. San Diego: Greenhaven Press, 1996. Reprint from Introduction to The Tragedy of Othello, the Moor of Venice by William Shakespeare. N. p.: Simon and Schuster, Inc., 1957.
Friday, October 11, 2019
Speech Summary
Hannah Smith 30 December 2012 Clinton Speech Summary The main idea of William J. Clinton’s speech â€Å"Remarks to the Convocation of the Church of God in Christ†is that the United States is becoming more violent every day, many innocent children are dying every day, and that he wants the American people to start doing something about it. In his speech Clinton spoke at the church where Martin Luther King Jr. last delivered a sermon about freedom. Clinton used the opportunity to address issues of crime, violence, and family as he launches his plans to make America safer for future generations.He addressed many stories where young kids were being killed and being violent towards others. Clinton’s main argument is that the people of America need to lower the crime rate in the United States and make health care available for everyone. In his speech, Clinton claims in lines 62 and 63 that a hundred and sixty thousand children stay home from school every day because t hey are scared they will be hurt in their school. Clinton is saying that violence and crime is affecting many of the children here in America. In line 19, Clinton claims that the American family is being destroyed.Clinton is claiming this as he is reenacting what Martin Luther King would say if he was still present on this Earth. In line 58, Clinton backs up his argument that we need to lower the crime rate by stating a statistic that more than 37,000 people die from gunshot wounds in this country every year. He also says in line 20 that gunfire is the leading cause of death in young men. The audience of this speech is the people of America, the members of the church that Clinton is speaking at, and anyone that is willing to make a change in America.For example in the speech Clinton specifically mentions â€Å"so I say to you today, my fellow Americans, you gave me this job, and we’re making progress on the things you hired me to do†. In lines 147 to 149, Clinton talks about how the people of the church should stand up for what is right because they are filed with the spirit of God. Towards the end of Clinton’s speech he talks a lot about the things he would like the audience to do and accomplish. In lines 149 and 152, he says that he wants the church to make a partnership.He also says that he wants America to be there to give structure, discipline, and love to the children of America. In the last two paragraphs of the speech Clinton talks about how he wants the audience to recognize that the ravages of crime and violence are due to the breakdown of families, communities, and the disappearance of jobs. Clinton also tells the people to honor the life and work of Martin Luther King and to honor the meaning of the church. He wants the people to replace guns with books, give the children a future, take away despair and give hope, and rebuild families, neighborhoods, and communities.
Thursday, October 10, 2019
Foot Binding: Beauty And Torture Essay
Women have been deformed, bounded and altered their bodies to not only survive in the society but also because of the practice of the dominance of men over women. The Lotus Shoes were very popular back in the Qing Dynasty as foot binding were a practice that many Chinese women participated in and became bound to patriarchy. This practice was implemented in the Chinese cultural values and traditions. Footbinding as a duality due to not only it’s beauty and charm, but also it’s deformity and foul odor (Ping, 2000). The moral restriction not only affected women, but also the culture and society. The rise of footbinding, together with the rise of the practice of the exemplary woman, symbolizes the social, political, and cultural predicaments in the late imperial period†(Ping, 2000) Foot binding is a painful process that allowed women to be thought as beautiful and a good future wife. The cult of the exemplary woman in the Ming and Qing dynasties reach the most terrible self-mutilations and the most shocking methods of suicide (Ping, 2000) Throughout history and in many different cultures, people have different perspective and perception on what beauty is or means. However, foot binding is probably one of the most extreme practices of body modification for beauty. This practice goes beyond the superficial. Body alteration, however, is not something solely unique to China, across history we have observed many different cultures with their own practice and perspective of beauty as seen in figure 2 & 3. As women with bounded foot couldn’t move or do much, they would often lead the life of the wealthy and enjoy their day with fellow foot bounded women (Figure 4). The practice was a custom of the royalty and wealthy until the start of the 17th century, where women from all classes started binding their feet to imitate the upper classes. (Footwear History, 2013) At the point when a young girl achieved the age of three, each toe was broken aside from the principal toe on each foot and what is left of the foot was bound with material and strips that were intended to keep the foot shorter, this likewise influenced the foot to twist at the underside. Ladies were compelled to experience torment and keeping in mind the end goal to feel delightful. (Cummings, 1998). One of the popular theories said that it began with Emperor Li Yu. Amid the 970 A.D., Emperor Li Yu saw his most loved partner moving on a brilliant lotus platform and was spellbound by her feet, which she had wrapped in portions of material – much like those of a ballet performer moving on pointe – so her moving seemed more delightful. Seeing the ruler’s pleasure, other court ladies comparatively wrapped their feet. Before long high society ladies received the mold, and inevitably it spread to all ladies, regardless of their economic wellbeing. Just a couple of are as opposed, similar to the Manchu and the individuals who hailed from Guangdong in southern China. (Holman, 2013) (Ross, 2013) Surprisingly, as the custom became widely practiced, a transformation of the styles and techniques was a witness. Ladies needed ever-littler, more bent feet, thus the foot restricting procedure was made to accomplish very curved, 3-inch feet. (Figure 6) The training flourished for a long time until the point when it was prohibited in 1912 after the insurgency of Sun Yat-sen. (Evans, 2013) (Minnesota-China Connection) Be that as it may, ladies kept on restricting their feet in parts of China until the late 1950s. After the Communists came to control in 1949, ladies were compelled to do hard physical work like burrowing repositories, and those with bound feet found the work horrifying. The ladies often gave up daily sustenance out of vanity as they simply could not work the fields or gather food. They regularly abandoned sustenance as they couldn’t satisfy their day by day creation amount nor scrounge in the mountains for organic products like other ladies. (Lim, 2007) When the practice became a tradition, it seemed impossible to discontinue it. Bounded feet were deemed normal and beautiful, while unbound feet were otherwise. The culture and practice have left parents feeling upset and caught in between. They wouldn’t want to inflict pain on their daughters but at the same time, their daughter would be out cast by the society, and they would have a hard time getting a husband if their feet weren’t bounded. The size of the feet meant so much more than the social status of the female. However, foot binding has also left a positive impact on the society despite the negative influences. The practice was also a strong multi-generational bond for women. (Figure 7) (Figure 9) Women with bounded feet were proud of their feet size and would get together to sew their shoes regularly. The procedure was also performed by the women of the family. (Figure 8) †It was a strong tradition passed from mother to daughters, entangled with shoemaking, how to endure pain and how to attract men. In many ways, it underpinned women’s culture,†says Dorothy Ko, a` history professor at Barnard College in New York and author of †Cinderella’s Sisters: A Revisionist History of Footbinding.†(Gillet, 2012) Beyond human relations, this practice has also influenced China’s architecture. Due to the bounded feet, the maximum distance women could walk was only about 3 or 5 miles. This has led them to receive more care and support. The houses were the mostly single floor, double at the maximum as it was hard for the women to move around. (Figure 10) The walkways and lanes were very small so women could get support from the walls or even railing when they walk. Foot binding also affected the culture on a global scale. The Westerners were able to explore the world and colonized lands. As the Chinese women had their feet bounded, it made it hard for them to travel or commute. Their husband would often stay with them too. The Chinese that managed to settle new lands were from ethnic groups that didn’t practice binding. (Ross, 2013) Foot binding likewise cultivated the predominance of men over ladies. Since it was troublesome for a lady to stroll with bound feet – the most distant she could walk was 3 or 4 miles (4.8 to 6.4 kilometers) – Chinese ladies never strayed a long way from home, nor had much contact with others outside their towns. (Holman, 2013) Their lessened portability for all intents and purposes guaranteed they couldn’t have extramarital illicit relationships, or flee to get away from a beating when their spouses were disappointed. As foot restricting ended up noticeably dug in amid the Song administration (960-1279), instruction for ladies was entirely diminished and autonomous property rights banned (Ross, 2013) A law in Imperial China was that ladies did not pick their spouses as marriage was orchestrated by the men (Nosotro, 2000), which again focuses on the overwhelming talk of a male controlling country. The men chose the ladies by the measure of their feet, the wealthier men pick the lady with the littlest. A go-between would visit went with a single man, and he would sit and watch the ladies’ twisted feet. On the off chance that they were too substantial and did not fulfill him, he basically turned her down which was a ††¦ extremely humiliating undertaking†¦ †cites Zhang Ru-lian. The possibility of sustenance restricting was so well known as the showed that ladies could endure torment this exhibited the characteristic of the train which was alluring. To place this into the point of view foot restricting is practically similar to female circumcision, as it takes away some type of energy, and it influences the ladies to feel vulnerable. Foot binding also cultured an erotic practice, it became an antiquated fetish for men. In the same way as other sexual interests, accommodation in Asian culture is one prevailing fixation. For official, it’s not constrained upon the female sex. Indeed, it is normally guardians that start this sort of training so their little girl would have a decent future prospect. This training is a sort of accommodation since it makes the females claimed by their spouses. The feet have been one of the fixations of mankind. The shape and form and in addition the way that it is shrouded, makes it all the more energizing as far as sexual fervor. Women in the past were objectified and used by men for their sexual needs and fetish. (Holman, 2013) Antiquated manuals taught men in how to exotically caress bound feet in incalculable ways, and utilize them to improve sexual experiences. Further, numerous ladies kept their feet bound all through sexual experiences, upgrading their persona while cover ing their deformity. Be that as it may, a few men got a kick out of the chance to see the unshod – they would be in contact with it. Peculiar foot obsessions grew, for example, drinking the water a lady had used to wash her feet or setting nuts between her twisted toes, at that point eating them (Evans, 2013) The bound foot denied ladies of their opportunity to move their feet and their flexibility of soul. The fact that this practice isn’t compulsory and they are done even by mothers, demonstrates that this training begins to be not an easygoing practice in nature but rather can transform into a type of accommodation later on. When a man marries a woman because of his sexual attraction towards her feet, then it can be perceived that the women submitted to the man because of her feet. Another way for seeing this is footbinding would not be a prevailing fashion and practice if men in China did not demonstrate any slant to young ladies with little feet. The once well-known routine with regards to foot restricting, at last, reached an end toward the finish of the lines. Ladies in China have made considerable progress in the way they have been dealt with. Ladies have progressed significantly in Chinese society and the playing field has turned into somewhat more even yet ladies are still observed as lesser than men in the present society. Even till today, there is an interest for infant young men to be conceived. Chinese society inclines toward young men to young ladies since children can grow up to deal with their folks when they develop old though guardians can’t move in with the lady as she grows up and moves out of the house when she gets hitched. There is presently a point of confinement set up expressing what number of children a couple can have. Families are permitted to have one tyke as long as that first youngster is a kid and a moment is permitted if the primary type is a young lady however after two children couples a re not permitted to have any more kids or they would need to pay a $3,500 fine. In the 1980’s, the legislature started implementing a strict one tyke for every couple run the show. Despite the fact that ladies have progressed significantly in Chinese society, ladies are as yet viewed as the second rate compared to men even today. (Chang, 2008) However, women today are not any longer pressured to have little feet just to guarantee men will like them. The stereotype of females being a sex object is gradually being supplanted by superior women who has influenced and made an impact in the Chinese society. The practice is part of China’s ancient tradition. It fills in as a lesson that people can do outrageous things to their body just to please others. Footbinding is a piece of China’s history that shows us how our reality today comprehends and acknowledges that men and ladies are made similarly and must be dealt with correspondingly. (Jackson, 1998)
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