Wednesday, November 27, 2019
Study Guide for Cold War Exam Essays - Free Essays, Term Papers
Study Guide for Cold War Exam Essays - Free Essays, Term Papers CK History 8 and CK History 8 Honors - Study Guide for Cold War Exam Use your Outline of the Cold War, your History Notebook, your textbooks and any other resources available to answer the following questions.) Suggestions: A. Identify the questions that you do not yet know and make Flash Cards for each. B. The questions are roughly organized by presidential administrations. You might consider learning all the answers for each president and then move on to the next. 1. During the early years of the Cold War, Americas policy was to resist the spread of communism. What is the term that describes this policy? Containment 2. What geographic part of Europe came under the control/influence of the communist Soviet Union during and after World War II? East Europe 3. What event signaled the beginning of the Korean War? S. Korea invaded by N. Korea 4. What is the name of the competitive buildup of weapons by the Soviet Union and the United States during the Cold War? Nuclear Arms Race 5. How did Western leaders respond after the Soviets blocked off West Berlin in June of 1948? Airlifted Supplies 6. What German city was isolated by the Soviet Union after World War II until American bombers airlifted supplies into this free area? East Berlin 7. What nation on the Korean Peninsula has been an ally of the West since the middle of the twentieth century? South Korea 8. What large communist nation bordering North Korea provided hundreds of thousands of troops to help the North Koreans as they battled UN forces in the early 1950s? China 9. In September of 1950, what communist nation controlled almost all of the Korean Peninsula? North Korea 10. What is the name of the military alliance of the Soviet Union and its satellite nations during the Cold War? Warsaw Pact 11. What is the name of the military alliance that the United States joined after World War II? NATO 12. A massive $13 billion program of economic aid to rebuild Western Europe after World War II was known as what? Marshall Plan 13. A meeting of the leaders of the free world in 1944 resulted in a decision to bring economic order to currencies and trade among nations. What is the name of this meeting that created the International Monetary Fund, which is currently part of the World Bank? 14. General Douglas MacArthur was prepared to use dozens of atom bombs during the Korean War. He also spoke out openly against his commander, who favored a less aggressive approach. Who fired MacArthur over this disagreement and MacArthurs public comments about it? President Eisenhower 15. What image was used by Winston Churchill to describe the sharp division of Europe following World War II? Iron Curtain 16. To stop the spread of communism into Turkey and Greece in the years following World War II, President Harry S. Truman pledged American economic and military aid. In doing so, President Truman said it should be "the policy of the United States to support free peoples who are resisting attempted subjugation by armed minorities or by outside pressures." What is the name of this new goal of American foreign policy? Truman Doctrine 17. What term describes Senator Joe McCarthys use of unproven charges, often accusations of affiliation with communism, against his political opponents? McCarthyism 18. What is the term, which describes the widespread fear that communists might be trying to take over the US government? Red Scare 19. In the early 1960s, what was the belief that if one Southeast Asian nation (South Vietnam) fell to communism, other nations of the region would fall to communism, also? Domino Theory 20. Who was Director of the FBI (Federal Bureau of Investigation) during the 1950s? 21. What social and economic system called for workers of the world to rise up against the owners of industry (the capitalists)? 22. What World War II hero was president of the US throughout much of the 1950s? President Eisenhower 23. From the late 1800s, until the 1950s, what European nation controlled much of Southeast Asia, including Vietnam? France 24. Who was the Vietnamese communist leader that defeated the French in 1954? Ho Chi Min 25. What is the name of the rebel leader that overthrew Cubas dictator in 1959? Fidel Castro 26. Ho Chi Minh and his forces fought and finally
Saturday, November 23, 2019
Points and Punctuation
Points and Punctuation Points and Punctuation Points and Punctuation By Mark Nichol Point and words and compounds containing that root, as well as terms with the element punct- and some similar (and not so similar forms), are all cognate, deriving from the Latin verb pungere, meaning â€Å"prick†or â€Å"stab.†Such words are listed and defined in this post. appoint: officially fix or set, or assign or name, or equip or furnish as appropriate; an appointee is a person assigned to an office or position, and an appointment is such an assignment, or an office or position itself, or an arranged meeting (or equipment or furnishings collectively); someone who is self-appointed has taken it upon himself or herself to occupy a literal or (usually) figurative position of authority ballpoint: a type of pen with a point consisting of a small rotating metal point from which ink is transferred to a surface on contact; usually called a ballpoint pen bluepoint: a type of oyster cashpoint: British English term for an ATM checkpoint: a location, generally at a border or entrance, at which entry is monitored colorpoint: a color pattern on a domestic cat consisting of a light-colored body with darker features compunction: misgiving, anxiety as a result of feelings of guilt, or distress about anticipation of an event or outcome contrapuntal: adjectival form of counterpoint (see next entry) counterpoint: something that complements or contrasts with something else, the use of a combining or contrasting element in a work of art, or a melody independent of a given melody; as a verb, arrange or compose in counterpoint, or set in contrast dew point: the temperature at which vapor condenses disappoint: fail or frustrate; disappointment is the quality of failure or frustration, or someone who or something that causes such feelings drypoint: an engraving made without fluid, or a print made from such an engraving embonpoint: plumpness end point: the point of completion of a process or stage; as endpoint, a point or value marking the end of a line segment, an interval, or a ray expunge: mark for deletion, or destroy, eliminate, or obliterate eyepoint: the position of placement of an eye in relation to an optical instrument being used flashpoint: the lowest temperature at which vapors produced by a volatile combustible substance will ignite when exposed to flame, or a point at which something suddenly is created or takes place or someone takes action goldpoint: the temperature equivalent to the melting point of gold gunpoint: the muzzle of a gun (used in the expression â€Å"at gunpoint,†meaning â€Å"having a gun pointed at one†) interpoint: a system of embossing braille on both sides of a paper interpunction: see punctuation knifepoint: the point of a knife blade (used in the expression â€Å"at knifepoint,†meaning â€Å"having a knife pointed at one†) midpoint: the halfway point in a journey, a race, or a process needlepoint: embroidery on a base of canvas, or lace on a base of paper, accomplished with a needle; also a verb describing the action of producing embroidery or lace outpoint: outscore, or sail closer to the wind than another vessel pen point: a metal attachment used for drawing or writing with ink pink: perforate ornamentally or cut a saw-toothed edge on, or pierce or stab, or figuratively wound with speech (other senses of pink are unrelated) pinpoint: a very small or insignificant thing, or a small or sharp point such as the point of a pin; as a verb, precisely aim, locate, or identify, or highlight poignant: emotionally cutting, piercing, or touching, or apt or stimulating, or, in the context of smell, pervasive point: a detail or essential point, the purpose or significance of something, a particular place or position or a geometric element marking a position, an exact moment or interval, a degree, stage, or step, a projecting part or marking, a unit for measuring or tallying, a compass position, any of various punctuation marks or other small marks, a short musical phrase, the head of a bow used with a stringed instrument, a small military detachment ahead of or behind an advance or rear guard or the foremost member of a military patrol, one of various positions of a player in team sports, or the credit or goodwill created by making a good impression; as a verb, sharpen or give emphasis, punctuate or mark with diacritics, direct attention to or indicate direction or position (as with a finger), turn to a particular direction, or indicate a fact or probability point blank: at close range point break: the point at which a wave breaks as it makes contact with a point of land point man: the foremost member of a military patrol, or an advocate, spokesperson, representative, or person at the forefront of a movement or organization point of view: a perspective or position for consideration or evaluation of something pointe: in ballet, a position of balance on the tip of a toe (sometimes referred to as â€Å"en pointe†) pointed: having a point, conspicuous, pertinent, or aimed at an individual or a group pointer: a stick used to direct an audience’s attention to a particular part of a display; a hint or suggestion; any of various breeds of hunting dogs; or a type of computer memory address pointillism: the painting technique of applying small dots or strokes of color to a surface that blend together from a distance; a practitioner of this technique is a pointillist pointless: ineffective or senseless pointy: coming to a point, or having various points that stick out pour point: the lowest temperature at which a substance flows punch: a tool for piercing or for applying pressure to a small area, or a hole or notch produced by a punch; a blow or the action of punching, or energy or forcefulness; strike or prod, or perforate or apply pressure as with a punch, or give emphasis or move forcefully; the sense of â€Å"fruit drink†is unrelated punctate: marked with dots, points, or small spots, or an area so marked punctation: marking of an area with dots, points, or small spots punctilio: a detail in conducting a ceremony or observing a code punction: a piercing punctual: on time; the quality of being on time is punctuality punctuate: mark or divide with punctuation marks such as commas and periods, divide into or interrupt at intervals, or accentuate or emphasize punctuation: symbols used to separate and clarify meaning of units of written content, or the act of using such marks, or something that accentuates or emphasizes punctulate: marked with small spots puncturation: the act, process, or state of being punctured, or arrangement or form of punctures puncture: an act of physically piercing or figuratively damaging, a hole or wound made by piercing, or a small depression; as a verb, pierce or deflate pungent: painful or pointed, or having an intense flavor or odor, or creating an irritating sensation silverpoint: a drawing technique using silver on a specially prepared surface standpoint: see â€Å"point of view†touchpoint: a point of contact between a buyer and a seller viewpoint: see â€Å"point of view†waypoint: a location on a route Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Vocabulary category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:75 Contronyms (Words with Contradictory Meanings)"Confused With" and "Confused About"5 Erroneously Constructed â€Å"Not Only . . . But Also†Sentences
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Financial analysis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Financial analysis - Essay Example – Financial Statement Analysis 1.1 Strategic Plan overview The Ann Arbor VA focuses on the provision of healthcare services to the veterans of US (Strategic Plan, p.11). The mission statement of Ann Arbor VA is as follows: â€Å"To care for him who shall have borne the battle, and for his widow, and his orphan†(Affairs 2013). It is made clear that the organization’s role within its industry is unique. ... families, a practice that indicates the recognition for the veteran’s contribution in the power of the country as a member of the international community (Strategic Plan, p.5). One of the key challenges that Ann Arbor VA has to face is the ‘continuous change in its operating environment’ (Strategic Plan, p.12). The number of US veterans involved in military operations worldwide is continuously increased (Strategic Plan, p.12). Therefore, the demands for healthcare services from Ann Arbor VA tend also to increase, both as of their volume and as of their complexity (Strategic Plan, p.12). Through the years, the organization has managed to secure its effectiveness by employing a series of carefully designed plans and appropriate budgetary techniques, as explained below. The analysis of the financial ratios related to the organization’s performance also verifies the organization’s success in achieving its goals and objectives; of course, concerns in rela tion to the performance of certain organizational departments have not been avoided. 1.2 Financial Statement Analysis In order to evaluate the financial statements of an organization it is necessary to retrieve data related at least to two economic (concurrent) years of the particular organization, so that a comparison is feasible (Mohana 2011). Such comparison would also help to identify the firm’s weaknesses, in regard to its various operations (Gibson 2011). In addition, it is necessary to have access to different financial statements of the organization under examination; focusing only on Balance Sheet or other financial statement could lead to invalid assumptions regarding the organization’s actual financial performance (Bragg 2012). It should be noted that the financial analysis for Ann Arbor VA is based
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
E-marketing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
E-marketing - Essay Example The plan also gives an overview of the company competitors, market analysis and methods of measuring the success of the brand. Finally, recommendations on what the company can employ in order to ensure the success of the brand come the year 2013 are given at the end. 3.0 Company summary The company was formed basically as a clothing company meant to reach out to upper income class of people. This has made the company to have a range of products that are expensive and as a result, it has had a limited but profitable market share. The company sells clothing of both sexes mainly jackets, men and lady suits as well as travel bags. Despite the tough market competition, the company has maintained a steady flow of income compared to companies with similar operations. Over the past few years, the company has been experiencing fast growth in sales and market. However, it will be worth for the company to extend its operation to the middle income group of people. The company has its own outlets which supply products to wholesalers and retailers. In terms of E-business, the company has developed a site for purposes of online purchases. In this site, customers get a clear description of the company products available, their prices and delivery details. The company also posts pictures on available products and information on promotions available. 4.0 E-Marketing Objectives The main objectives of the E-marketing by the company is effective customer acquisition and to obtain a direct response from them. This is important considering the ever increasing percentage of people using the internet for business purposes. A direct response from the customer will form an important base of information for the company in terms of customer satisfaction. Another objective of the E-marketing is maintaining customer loyalty and customer retention. E-marketing ensures customers get timely information concerning new products offered by the company before they can search for the same products e lsewhere. 5.0 Company Analysis 5.1 SWOT analysis The main strengths of the company are regular customer needs analysis. This has enabled the company to produce products that achieve an instant reception. Specialization has enabled the company to always develop quality products that meet customer needs and tastes. Another strength of the company is its marketing strategies which are effective in maintaining its market share and customer loyalty, and obtaining customers. The main opportunity available for the company is the need for the product in the market. The company was able to conduct a needs analysis before coming up with the idea and realized that there was a need for the product. The results obtained from the needs analysis conducted by the company indicated that there will be a ready market for the brand upon its launch. Casual clothes available in the market are mainly cater for high income people hence there is a need to cover the middle income market. One major weakness o f the company is the possession of a supply chain (SC) that is less complex as compared to those of its competitors. The company therefore has to expand its SC for the success of the brand in the market. A major threat to the success of the brand is the available of cheap imported products that serve the same purpose. 5.2 Competitors Overview Due to high quality products, the company does not
Sunday, November 17, 2019
Performance in Basketball and Badminton Essay Example for Free
Performance in Basketball and Badminton Essay Mostly stood at top of key waiting for people to pass to him and so did little movement Major strengths of activity one- Basketball 1. Very good natural speed, able to keep up with the pace of the game 2. Natural accuracy when passing and shooting at short range 3. Good control of ball able to move at speed and hold control 4. Held his position as point guard well 5. kept away from opposition tackles Major weaknesses of activity one- Basketball. 1. Over confidence when playing against people he thought he was better than 2. Over exerted himself and got tired 3. Head down when dribbling and missed lots of movement off the ball 4. Unable to throw ball long distances accurately Major strengths of activity 2-Badminton 1. Short serve was effective in troubling their opponent. 2. Able to clear the net 90% of the game. 3. Net shots were good and they made the opponent struggle to return. 4. Good at using tactics to beat their opponent. 5. Smash was powerful and well positioned most of the time. Major weaknesses of activity 2-Badminton 1. Lack of power in most shots. 2. Grip on racket was too tight so he couldnt control the racket effectively. 3. Movement on court was lacking and he didnt return to the centre of court often enough. 4. Overhead clear was not powerful enough to force opponent to play from the back of the court. Evaluation of Basketball This activity was not performed too well by the candidate. The subjects passing was weak, inaccurate and predictable so it was very hard to receive his passes. When receiving a pass he often went straight into dribbling this meant that he instantly lost his triple threat position. His shooting was often wayward of the basket and he could only score 50% of his lay-ups and rarely hit a shot from any distance. When laying up he took 3 steps to settle himself in and this in a game would be a travelling violation, which means that even if he scored the basket would not count to the score of the team and he would give away possession of the ball. In comparison with the rest of the group his skills were below average as the group were a top set PE group and most had a relatively good command of the group. His dribbling however was not too bad and the technique was similar to the demonstration given by the teacher in the fact that the ball was kept close to the body and the fingers were used to control the ball. His knowledge of the skill however was limited as he continued to double dribble on occasions, particularly when setting up for a shot or a pass. He also mainly used his right hand and when trying with his left he quickly lost control and dropped the ball then he was not fully committed to regaining control and instead of chasing the ball he pulled up and gave up the chase. Off the ball he was unable to gain a good position when on offence and never made any cuts into the key and he was always trying to get behind the ball this made him little threat towards the defensive side. When on defence he always chased the ball wherever it went and this left a hole in the defence that was easy to get through and this is a game-losing flaw in his skills. The group were performing a specific defensive strategy that the subject didnt seem to understand. Compared to players who were seemingly good at basketball his overall skills were relatively poor. Overall his abilities in basketball are not effective but he could improve a lot and be good enough to hold his position in a game situation. His levels of fitness seemed to be quite high, particularly his speed over short distances, but his enthusiasm during the game seemed to affect his endurance because as the game progressed he seemed to be suffering from fatigue and the rest of the group were then able to take command of the game.
Friday, November 15, 2019
Gender :: essays research papers
GENDER Gender can be defined as the sex-role that a person takes on according to guidelines or standards instilled in us by society. One can be a male or female biologically, but still be perceived as the opposite sex due to the way one may think or present him self or her self. Whether or not we are born with certain biological traits different in male versus female is the nature versus nurture question that has been around for years. Through research, science has found that men and women differ in the way they process information, but whether or not this is due to the way that they are socialized or if in fact they are born this way has yet to be proven. In women and men, both respectfully, there exist many obvious differences that may sometimes overshadow some similarities. Some of the more common identities familiarized with the males are their independence and sometimes exaggerated aggressiveness. Males also tend to be more focused on tasks and connections when with larger groups. The women, on the other hand, tend to be more interdependent, less aggressive, more sharing, more imitation of relationship and intimate discussion, more charitable, more empathetic, more likely to smile, more sensitive, and more skilled at expressing emotions non-verbally. Let’s face it males, women are the super humans. One of the positive key advantages of a male is their assertiveness and high self-esteem. The women on the other hand are more extroverted and tender minded, qualities, which enable them to be all of the characteristics listed before. When gender differences are viewed at in a sexual aspect, the men are still the stereotypical â €Å"pigs†. Through relationships males are more likely to be involved for one thing, sex. The females, being much more sensitive and all, want love and compassion through a relationship, and maybe sex, or making love on the side. In other words men want lust and women want love. Although popular belief may have that the females are the more mentally advanced, or smarter, studies show that both males and females have the same academic abilities and IQ average. Males are much better with mental rotation though.
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Censorship in Literature Essay
The works of J.D. Salinger, Harper Lee, and John Steinbeck are recognized as classic literature masterpieces that have been read by young students across the nation. Books such as the Catcher in the Rye, To Kill a Mockingbird, Of Mice and Men, and many more have all been banned from schools at one point since being published (Top). The banning of books in schools is considered as censorship. There has been much controversy concerning the offensiveness of the profanity, racial comments, and sexual content these books are said to have. You would expect that readers nowadays be used to these types of elements in the books they read, but many school administrators still continue to censor specific books in hopes of keeping their students away from bad influences. To Kill a Mockingbird, I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings, and Huckleberry Finn have all been challenged since the 1970’s because of the racial comments made throughout the books. The Catcher in the Rye, The Diary of Anne Frank, and The Red Pony are just a few examples of books that have been challenged because the sexual content these books contain (Censored). If one were to read one of these books nowadays, it would be because a teacher had assigned the book to the student as a reading assignment. Would a teacher demand his students to read the first one hundred pages of a book if they thought the book had vulgar language and disturbing sexual content in it? It is understandable why a school would forbid its students to read books with adult content in it in the early to mid 1900’s because of the sensitive subjects the authors were writing about. Racist language was offensive to all races. The sexual content exhibited by the author in his books was offensive to the people that consider that the sexuality of a person is to remain clean and pure. Now in the 21st century, sensitive subjects such as racism, sexuality and even profanity are the least bit of a readers worries. Our opinions on what should be censored in literature have changed since the 20th century. The reasons for censorship in literature have expanded from racism and profanity to religion and witchcraft as the years have passed. Bless me, Ultima by Rodulfo Anaya, and the Harry Potter series by J.K. Rowling have been banned because it is said that these modern books promote witchcraft, which is beyond offensive to many religions (Banned). In our current generation, all people worry about is how books will harm our religion and way of living. Racism and profanity is not much of a worry because most of our society has grown past racism and has grown used to the fact that profanity is something we encounter everyday. So, why are some of the most popular classic novels still banned from some schools across the nation? It is believe that although our society has matured in the past century, schools still have some sort of policy which states that â€Å"books must be age appropriate and related to [the] school curriculum†(Coatney). Many schools believe that buy censoring literature they are preventing kids from being exposed to adult content, but in reality, what schools believe that specific books should be rated â€Å"R†are really rated â€Å"PG-13†to the minds of their students. Although schools and parents support the idea of censoring books because of their adult content, they do not realize that rather than protecting them, they are keeping them away from what can be valuable lessons. Books such as To Kill a Mockingbird and The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn can contribute to the lesson that racism was never fair to begin with. By reading The Catcher in the Rye, the youth can learn that there is more to life than just violence and sex. Students can truly learn from the books that have been censored throughout these many years because â€Å"high school students are evolving and learning to formulate their own opinions in life†, regardless of the amount of vulgar language, sexual content, and violence that is in the books they choose to read (Censorship). However, there should be limits to how much adult and offensive content there is in books. For example Adolf Hitler’s Mein Kampf is a book that encourages racism and violence while other books only promote the importance of goodness by exposing the bad. Books such as that are the type of books that can do some harm to the youth of our society. Also, there are some books in present day that should be censored because of their sexual content. Fifty Shades of Grey, written by E.L. James is, for example, too outspoken for the young readers of today. The sexual content in The Catcher in the Rye would be considered to be nothing compared to the work of E.L. James. Although every book cannot be kept away from each student, the books that are labeled as too explicit should at least be the ones to be banned from schools. Censorship has played a large role in literature ever since authors have experimented with the types of stories they can create by using different types of adult content to get their lesson across. Many classic literatures that have been taught in schools for many years have been censored many times since the first time they were published, but people still find a way to make a positive lesson out of those books regardless of the content demonstrated by the author of the book. It is possible that one day books will not need to be censored because of how exposed our future generations will be due to what is exhibited out in the real world for everyday people to see. Works Cited â€Å"Banned & Challenged Books.†Good Reads. N.p., n.d. Web. 20 Jan. 2013. â€Å"CENSORED BOOKS IN THE USA.†Bulletin 43 over Censored Books in the USA. Office for Intellectual Freedom, n.d. Web. 19 Jan. 2013. â€Å"Censorship: The Negative Effects Parents Don’t Know About.†Yahoo! Contributor Network. N.p., 11 May 2009. Web. 21 Jan. 2013. Coatney, Sharon. â€Å"Banned Books: A School Librarian’s Perspective.† N.p., 22 Sept. 2000. Web. 20 Jan. 2013. â€Å"Top 100 Banned/Challenged Books: 2000-2009.†American Library Association. N.p., n.d. Web.18 Jan. 2013.
Sunday, November 10, 2019
Political Philosophy and National Integration Essay
1. Central Quotation â€Å"National integration is partly a by-product of other social and economic developments, partly the result of deliberate government policies.†(Birch, 36) 2. Argument In this text Birch gives a historical overview of national integration process. He discusses different attitudes towards assimilation of minorities that existed in North America and Europe. Before 1960s that it was current believe that national integration could be challenged by the existence of different ethnic groups within the borders of the country and assimilation was desirable. After 1960 however, this attitudes has changed in favour of social pluralism. Birch also presents patterns, which describes common practices of national integration. 3. Question The question raised in this text is â€Å"Whether the process of national integration must be accompanied by wholly or partial assimilation of minorities?†Birch describes both negative and positive effects, which social, economic and political integration of minor ethnic and cultural groups could have on building a sense of nationhood. His argumentation is based on contradictory assertions. One argument is in favour of social homogeneity i.e. stresses the importance of common language and feeling of unity among people for development of democratic institutions. In the same time author mention several scientific works that question the assumption that further integration is required for establishment of representative democracy. 4. Experiential Connection Even thou I grew up in Sweden, I have a lot of friends with different ethnic origin who lives there, mostly 1st or 2nd generation immigrants. All of them had a chance, upon their own will to learn Swedish free of charge as soon as they arrived. That was the part of integration programme established by government in order to facilitate immigration process. That makes it easier for immigrants to interact with local citizens, get the jobs and thus contribute to social, political and economic development of the country. 5. Textual Connection. Birch’s argumentation is quite similar to Will Kymlicka’sagrument in the text â€Å"Western political theory and ethnic relations in eastern Europe†. As well as Birch, Kymlicka stresses that attitudes toward ethnic minorities among democratic liberals in West had changed since 1960 and multiculturalism become more acceptable (Kymlicka, s. 33). Kymlicka focuses on different ethnic groups and describes assimilation attempts made by governments towards these groups. He also emphasizes the importance of different governmental policies that determines integration process (Kymlicka, s. 42). 6. Implications. This text analyses the different ways in which minor groups can be merged into national societies and poses the question of whether national integration is a positive or a negative process. This question must be answered by citizens and representative governments in every country before there will be taken any further action toward national integration or disintegration. I think government have to consider prior experience of integration of minorities in different countries to choose appropriated policies for the particular county. This can be done throughout case studies and with help of patterns of integration drawn up by theorists and scientists.
Friday, November 8, 2019
Erich Hartmann - World War II Ace - Luftwaffe
Erich Hartmann - World War II Ace - Luftwaffe Erich Hartmann - Early Life Career: Born April 19, 1922, Erich Hartmann was the son of Dr. Alfred and Elisabeth Hartmann. Though born in Weissach, Wà ¼rttemberg, Hartmann and his family moved to Changsha, China shortly thereafter due to the severe economic depression that struck Germany in the years after World War I. Residing in a house on the Xiang River, the Hartmanns lived a quiet life while Alfred established his medical practice. This existence came to an end in 1928 when the family was forced to flee back to Germany following the outbreak of the Chinese Civil War. Sent to school in Weil im Schà ¶nbuch, Erich later attended schools in Bà ¶blingen, Rottweil, and Korntal. Erich Hartmann - Learning to Fly: As a child, Hartmann was first exposed to flying by his mother who was one of Germanys first female glider pilots. Learning from Elisabeth, he received his glider pilots license in 1936. That same year, she opened a flying school Weil im Schà ¶nbuch with the support of the Nazi government. Though young, Hartmann served as one of the schools instructors. Three years later, he earned his pilots license and was permitted to fly powered aircraft. With the beginning of World War II, Hartmann entered the Luftwaffe. Commencing training on October 1, 1940, he initially received an assignment to the 10th Flying Regiment in Neukuhren. The following year saw him move through a series of flight and fighter schools. n March 1942, Hartmann arrived at Zerbst-Anhalt for training on the Messerschmitt Bf 109. On March 31, he violated regulations by performing aerobatics over the airfield. Sanctioned to confinement and fines, the incident taught him self-discipline. In a twist of fate, the confinement saved Hartmanns life when a comrade was killed flying a training mission in his aircraft. Graduating in August, he had built a reputation as a skilled marksman and was assigned to Fighter Supply Group, East in Upper Silesia. In October, Hartmann received new orders assigning him to Jagdgeschwader 52 in Maykop, Soviet Union. Arriving on the Eastern Front, he was placed in Major Hubertus von Bonins III./JG 52 and mentored by Oberfeldwebel Edmund Roßmann. Erich Hartmann - Becoming an Ace: Entering combat on October 14, Hartmann performed poorly and crashed his Bf 109 when it ran out of fuel. For this transgression, von Bonin made him work for three days with the ground crew. Resuming combat flying, Hartmann scored his first kill on November 5 when he downed an Ilyushin Il-2. He shot down an additional aircraft before the end of the year. Gaining in skill and learning from skilled compatriots such as Alfred Grislawski and Walter Krupinski, Hartmann became more successful in early 1943. By the end of April he had become an ace and his tally stood at 11. Repeatedly encouraged to get closer to enemy aircraft by Krupinski, Hartmann developed his philosophy of when he [the enemy] fills the entire windscreen you cant miss. Using this approach, Hartmann began rapidly increasing his tally as Soviet aircraft fell before his guns. In the fighting that occurred during the Battle of Kursk that summer, his total reached 50. By August 19, Hartmann had downed another 40 Soviet aircraft. On that date, Hartmann was aiding in supporting a flight of Ju 87 Stuka dive bombers when the Germans encountered a large formation of Soviet aircraft. In the resulting fight, Hartmanns aircraft was badly damaged by debris and he came down behind enemy lines. Quickly captured, he feigned internal injuries and was placed in a truck. Later in the day, during a Stuka attack, Hartmann jumped his guard and escaped. Moving west, he successfully reached German lines and returned to his unit. Erich Hartmann - The Black Devil: Resuming combat operations, Hartmann was awarded the Knights Cross on October 29 when his kill total numbered 148. This number increased to 159 by January 1 and the first two months of 1944 saw him shoot down another 50 Soviet planes. An aerial celebrity on the Eastern Front, Hartmann was known by his call sign Karaya 1 and the distinctive black tulip design that was painted around the engine cowling of his aircraft. Feared by the Russians, they gave the German pilot the sobriquet The Black Devil and avoided combat when his Bf 109 was spotted. In March 1944, Hartmann and several other aces were ordered to Hitlers Berghof in Berchtesgaden to receive awards. At this time, Hartmann was presented with the Oak Leaves to the Knights Cross. Returning to JG 52, Hartmann began engaging American aircraft in the skies over Romania. Clashing with a group of P-51 Mustangs on May 21 near Bucharest, he scored his first two American kills. Four more fell to his guns on June 1 near PloieÅŸti. Continuing to run up his tally, he reached 274 on August 17 to become the top-scorer of the war. On the 24th, Hartmann downed 11 aircraft to reach 301 victories. In the wake of this achievement, Reichsmarschall Hermann Gà ¶ring immediately grounded him rather than risk his death and a blow to Luftwaffe morale. Summoned to the Wolfs Lair in Rastenburg, Hartmann was given the Diamonds to his Knights Cross by Hitler as well as a ten-day leave. During this period, the Luftwaffes Inspector of Fighters, Adolf Galland, met with Hartmann and asked him to transfer to the Messerschmitt Me 262 jet program. Erich Hartmann - Final Actions: Though flattered, Hartmann declined this invitation as he preferred to stay with JG 52. Galland again approached him in March 1945 with the same offer and was again rebuffed. Slowly increasing his total through the winter and spring, Hartmann reached 350 on April 17. With the war winding down, he scored his 352nd and final victory on May 8. Finding two Soviet fighters performing aerobatics on the last day of the war, he attacked and downed one. He was prevented in claiming the other by the arrival of American P-51s. Returning to base, he directed his men to destroy their aircraft before moving west to surrender to the US 90th Infantry Division. Though he had surrendered to the Americans, the terms of the Yalta Conference dictated that units that had largely fought on the Eastern Front were to capitulate to the Soviets. As a result, Hartmann and his men were turned over to the Red Army. Erich Hartmann - Postwar: Entering Soviet custody, Hartmann was threatened and interrogated on several occasions as the Red Army attempted to compel him to join the newly formed East German Air Force. Resisting, he was charged with bogus war crimes which included killing civilians, bombing a bread factory, and destroying Soviet aircraft. Found guilty after a show trial, Hartmann was sentenced to twenty-five years of hard labor. Moved between work camps, he was finally released in 1955 with the aid of West German Chancellor Conrad Adenauer. Returning to Germany, he was among the last prisoners of war to be released by the Soviet Union. After recovering from his ordeal, he joined the West German Bundesluftwaffe. Given command of the services first all-jet squadron, Jagdgeschwader 71 Richthofen, Hartmann had the noses of their Canadair F-86 Sabres painted with his distinctive black tulip design. In the early 1960s, Hartmann vigorously opposed the Bundesluftwaffes purchase and adoption of the Lockheed F-104 Starfighter as he believed the aircraft to be unsafe. Overruled, his concerns proved true when over 100 German pilots were lost in F-104-related accidents. Increasingly unpopular with his superiors due to continued criticism of the aircraft, Hartmann was forced into early retirement in 1970 with the rank of colonel. Becoming a flight instructor in Bonn, Hartmann flew demonstration shows with Galland until 1974. Grounded in 1980 due to heart problems, he resumed flying three years later. Increasingly withdrawing from public life, Hartmann died on September 20, 1993 in Weil im Schà ¶nbuch. The highest scoring ace of all-time, Hartmann was never downed by enemy fire and never had a wingman killed. Selected Sources Aces of World War II: Erich HartmannLuftwaffe: Erich HartmannWorld War II: Erich Hartmann
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
Spains Arab Connection Influenced the Language
Spain's Arab Connection Influenced the Language If you speak either Spanish or English, you probably speak more Arabic than you think. Its not real Arabic youre speaking, but rather words that come from the Arabic language. After Latin and English, Arabic is probably the biggest contributor of words to the Spanish language. A large portion of English-Spanish cognates that dont come from Latin come from Arabic. Spanish Words and Arabic Origins If you know much about etymology, the English words youre most likely to think of as Arabic origin are those that start with al-. This includes words such as algebra, Allah, alkali, and alchemy. These words exist in Spanish as lgebra, Al, lcali, and alquimia, respectively. But they are far from the only Arabic-derived words in Spanish. A variety of other types of common words such as coffee, zero, and sugar (cafà ©, cero, and azà ºcar in Spanish) also come from Arabic. The introduction of Arabic words into Spanish began in earnest in the eighth century. But even before then, some words of Latin and Greek origin had roots in Arabic. People living in what is now Spain spoke Latin at one time, but over the centuries, Spanish and other Romance languages (such as French and Italian) gradually differentiated themselves. The Latin dialect that eventually became Spanish was highly influenced by the invasion of the Arabic-speaking Moors in 711. For many centuries, Latin/Spanish and Arabic existed side by side. Even today, many Spanish place names retain Arabic roots. It wasnt until late in the 15th century that the Moors were expelled. By then, literally thousands of Arabic words had become part of Spanish. Although it is believed that the English words alfalfa and alcove, which originally were Arabic, entered English by way of Spanish (alfalfa and alcoba), most Arabic words in English probably entered the language by other routes. Keep in mind also that Arabic has changed substantially since the 15th century. Some Arabic words from then arent necessarily still in use, or they have changed in meaning. aceite - oilaceituna - oliveadobe - adobeaduana - customs (as at a border)ajedrez - chessAl - Allahalacrn - scorpionalbacora - albacorealbahaca - basilalberca - tank, swimming poolalcalde - mayorlcali - alkalialcatraz - pelicanalczar - fortress, palacealcoba - bedroom, alcovealcohol - alcoholalfil - bishop (in chess)alfombra - carpetalgarroba - carobalgodà ³n - cottonalgoritmo - algorithmalmacà ©n - storagealmanaque - almanacalmirante - admiralalmohada - pillowalquiler - rentalquimia - alchemyamalgama - amalgamaà ±il - indigoarroba - symbolarroz - riceasesino - assassinatà ºn - tunaayatol - ayatollahazafrn - saffronazar - chanceazà ºcar - sugarazul - blue (same source as English azure)balde - bucketbarrio - districtberenjena - eggplantburca - burqacafà © - coffeecero - zerochivo - billy goatcifra - cifraCorn - Korancuscà ºs - couscousdado - die (singular of dice)espinaca - spinachfez - fezfulano - whats-his-namegacela - gazelleguitarra - guitarhachà s - hashishharà ©n - haremhasta - untilimn - imamislam - Islamjaque - check (in chess)jaque mate - checkmatejirafa - giraffelaca - lacquerlila - lilaclima - limelimà ³n - lemonloco - crazymacabro - macabremarfil - marble, ivorymasacre - massacremasaje - massagemscara - maskmazapn - marzipanmezquita - mosquemomia - mummymono - monkeymuslim - muslimnaranja - orangeojal - I hope, God willingolà © - bravoparaà so - paradiseramadn - Ramadanrehà ©n - hostagerincà ³n - corner, nooksandà a - watermelonsof - sofasorbete - sherbetrubio - blondtalco - talctamarindo - tamarindtarea - tasktarifa - tarifftrtaro - tartartaza - cuptoronja - grapefruitzafra - harvestzanahoria - carrotzumo - juice
Sunday, November 3, 2019
How can social policy eradicate child poverty Essay
How can social policy eradicate child poverty - Essay Example eople have different thoughts on who is responsible for tackling the issue of child poverty; although the entire burden of blame would be on the government, families, communities and organizations, - all who have to play the biggest role since they face and handle the problem often. Referring to the UNICEF, child poverty is expressed â€Å"as the deprivation of a range of both material and social supports and services that it considers to be essential to ensure children’s well-being†(Minujin, et al., 2006, p. 485). Helping the children escape poverty has to occur early in life when a problem is discovered, so that rectification takes place. By assisting the children, their future is secured; but also their families and the entire community’s lives benefit from the process. The power to prevent child poverty is within human reach making it possible to formulate social policies, which are action oriented through use of both economic and non economic resources, in equal redistribution as a way of improving the child welfare. Through the government, social policies are delivered through the enactment and reforms of law. The administration comes up with programs and initiatives just like community organizations to benefit the child welfare, by improving their economic and social state. The social policies help to protect the child and uphold their fundamental rights, which may entail helping the children or the young individuals directly or providing extensive support to their families. Children are sensitive beings who do not have the power to vote, or form petition authorities to foster programs that could defend their right. Whether being born in poverty or suffering from it during the childhood, the social policies provide rescue plans if not reducing the impact it causes in their lives. Some of the social policies are government pensions, welfare to the poor, health care, food stamps, unemployment benefits, affordable housing initiatives, educational
Friday, November 1, 2019
Cloud Computing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Cloud Computing - Essay Example Tayade (2014) explains that due to the emerging complexity of mobile devices, security trends are becoming more prevalent in various firms. Yang et al. (2011) explains that cloud computing in organizations has been essential in the fact that it assists easier access and processing of information. The cloud computing systems have also assisted in effective storage of sensitive information in order to provide minimum security operations. The organizations have been made possible to use enforceable password to unlock screens and implement automatic lock on the device using cloud computing. Cloud computing systems also result in fixed device encryption, which has been installed to maintain the confidentiality of sensitive data whenever there is any theft or loss of the device. Anti-virus, firewall, or anti-malware software is installed in cloud computing systems (Tayade, 2014). Performing system scans has been beneficial since it assists check for any malicious threats or viruses. Ren et al. (2011) argue that cloud computing users do not install applications directly from the internet without having any assurance that the product to be installed is safe or has no malicious code. As such, restrictions on cloud computing users are advantageous because the operators can download applications from any websites and perform third-party software installation (Tayade, 2014). Cloud computing has become an attractive target for many cybercriminals, and the susceptibility of open source application is well documented. This occurs mainly in organizations that use mobile and cloud computing appliances to download apps without applying security practices like installing antivirus software to their devices (Tayade, 2014). Ren et al. (2011) indicate that when suspicious threat occurs, the organizations can limit and restrict mobile access by customers by applying some hardening steps to mitigate security trends. Various organizations face refined cyber security problems
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