Tuesday, January 28, 2020

Supporting Child Learning and Development

Supporting Child Learning and Development Supporting children`s learning and development Childrens learning and development plays a very important role in their lives. This is the foundation of their lives. It is important to teach the child and promote his / her development. Development and learning consists positive relationships and enabling environment. Childrens learning is divided into two parts. The first one is the prime learning areas, while the second is the specific learning areas. The prime area consists of three areas of the branch. This is communication and language development, physical development and personal, social and emotional development. Good. Well, there are four specific areas. This is literature, mathematics, understanding the world and expressive art and design . I would like to talk more about all the areas. Let`s start about prime areas. The prime areas is a work together in supporting the development and movement of other areas. The prime areas are divided into three groups and the groups are divided further into several aspects. Communication and language development is divided into three aspects. Its listening and attention, understanding and speaking. The second area of à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬ ¹Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬ ¹physical development is divided into two aspects. It is a movement and handling. The third prime are a of à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬ ¹Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬ ¹personal, social and emotional development is divided into three aspects, which is making relationships, self-awareness and self-confidence and managing feelings and behaviour. Good. We can not also forget specific areas, which are also divided into aspects. Literature is divided into two aspects. This is a reading and writing. Mathematics is divided into three aspects which are numbers, space, shape and measures. Understanding the word is divided into three aspects, too. Its the people and the communities, the world, technology. Well, and the fourth specific area is expressive art and design. It is divided into two aspects, which are exploring and using media and materials and second one is being imaginative. A clear outline of the prime and specific areas of learning, well done. Children learn quickly, so practicioner needs to help create the conditions for children to have the best possible start in life. Children are born ready to learn. However, this is not an automatic process. It depends on each child, because they are unique. It is also influenced by the opportunity to interact in positive relationships and interactions. Planning can be divided into the individual childs needs promotion. How? First of all you need to know what constitutes learning and development. These are three very important parts. This is a unique child, positive relationship and friendly environment. Every child is unique and he / she can continually learn and be flexible, capable, confident and independent. So, a practicioner must understand and monitor each childs development and learning, assess progress and plan the next steps. Good point. This person also has to support infants and children to create their own positive identity and a sense of culture. Also, practitioners must identify any additional support needs, create and assess the safety of children, and respect all children and families equal. Children learn to be strong and independent within positive relationships. These relationships are described generally. It is a warm and loving relationship that promote a sense of belonging, but also sensitive and responsive to childrens needs, feelings and interests. Positive relationships support childrens own efforts and independence, consistently defines clear boundaries, promotes and is built on relationships between a key person in early years setting. Children are developing well and learn in enabling environment, which purpose is to respond to their individual needs and to have a strong partnership between staff and parents. Enabling environment, it is an environment where are valued all people, learning, promote resources, appropriate for all childrens cultures and communities, has a rich learning opportunities in games and playful learning and sup ports children to take risks and explore. Children learn and develop in different ways. The system includes the education and care of all children, including children with special educational needs and disabilities. Practitioners teach children to ensure complex, playful and key opportunities in specific areas of learning and development. They promote effective early learning and playing characteristics of the study of active learning and critical thinking and creating. When planning to achieve their developmental needs a practitioner must be aware of what is specific to each age group. Age groups are divided from birth to eleven months old, from eight to twenty months, from sixteen to twenty-six months, from twenty-two to thirty-six months, from thirty to fifty months and from forty to sixty months or more. Practitioners need to evaluate and see what skills and knowledge a child shows and then plan according it. This will ensure that the individual childs needs are particular impor tant and pursued. There are many ways to determine the childs developmental needs. This may be finding out information about the childs interests and opinion. This shows, the assessment of the childs opinion and interests and also shows respect for his contribution and evaluation. Information is easily accessible and it is found in communication with parents, creating a challenging activities. It involves children into interesting activities and can express themselves and feel important. Practitioner supports childs learning and development. I will discuss how to make learning in each of learning areas. So, we should keep in mind that not less important is the age groups which i mentioned earlier. The first is the prime areas of learning, which is divided into three parts. The first aspect of communication to the development of language is divided into three aspects. The first aspect is listening and attention. Ill add descriptions of the chosen one group of age. Lets start from the first age group, which includes children from birth to eleven months. There is an ongoing monitoring what the child learns. This child in this group of age turns to a familiar sound, hear, releases and responds to voices and intonations. He / she also responds to others by smile, look, motion, carefully looks for the speaking person, hears familiar sounds, words or combinations of fingers, etc. So an adult may be close, make an eye contact, communicate by touch or voice, encourage playful ness, sing songs or say poems, use the sounds and repeat it so the baby starts to recognize it. An adult can provide an enabling environment for telling stories, sharing songs from all cultures, showing pictures. The next prime area of à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬ ¹Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬ ¹the first aspect is understanding. From eight to twenty-month-old baby develops your ability to follow the others body language, in response to a variety of things, understands the individual words. So made an eye contact by saying him / her the name, speaking what is happening and what is being done is a great way to create positive relationships. The third key aspect of communication and language is speaking. From sixteen to twenty-six months of age child copies expessions, begins to use two related words, for example, want ball, and starts to ask simple questions. So, we can allow the child to make his / her own choice, accept and praise for the phrases, encourage parents to speak their native language at home, t elling stories with recurring phrases, read loud. The second prime area is a physical development, which is divided into two aspects. The first is the movement and handling. From twenty-two to thirty-six months old groups of children run with the full foot safely, can kick a big ball, turn over pages of a book, control the items keeping, imitates simple shapes. It should be noted that the child may be very active and require a short period of rest. So, it should be given the opportunity to move freely, both indoors and outdoors, to help explore new movements, promote activities to provide safe spaces and the real and role-playing opportunities. The second aspect of physical development is health and self-care. Thirty – fifty months old children can tell when they feel hungry or tired, understand how to use items safely, can wash and dry hands, dress up with a little help. Practicioner can plan their active work, talk about the importance of hand washing, promote to monitore c hanges in their body and promote actively organize cheerful games. This is because physical activity is important to maintain a good health and it protects against obesity in the future. The third prime area of à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬ ¹Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬ ¹personnel, social and emotional development is divided into three aspects, one of which is making relationships. Group of children from forty to sixty months old and more initiate conversations, and take care of what others say, explain their knowledge and understanding, give the steps to resolve conflicts. At this age children need to ensure that between them and adults is the opportunity to listen to each other and explain their actions. The practitioner must be sensitive and considerate, pay attention to the specific needs, ensure that they have the ability to communicate between their age group childrens. The second aspect is the self-awareness and self-confidence. Children from the same age group speak confidently, can expess their nee ds, interests and opinions. They also able describe themselves positively and talk about the possibilities. It is therefore necessary to encourage children to explore and hang on what they learn in terms of their ideas and ways of doing things. Children have a sense of recognition. So as a practitioner you need to enjoy success with them and give time to pursue and complete the activities. The practitioner should give children the opportunity to reflect on the success and talents and provide regular opportunities for children. A good idea is to involve children in the drawing and pursue them to describe their individual preferences and opinions. And third aspect is managing feelings and behaviour. Children from these age of group understand that their actions can affect other people, feel frustrated and trying to comfort them, sets the expectations of the environment, can negotiate problems solving without aggression. Practitioner should discuss honest and dishonest situations, chil drens feelings, justice, be vigilant, allow children to decide and resolve situations. We also encourage children to think about the other approach, ensure that children have the ability to set limits, listen to children and respectfully and kindly explain to anyone why this is important to them and to organize activities where children have to share. Last issue is about how the effective characteristics can promote childs learning and development. It is easy to observe by determining needs of the unique child in theirs groups of age. This is discussed a bit earlier. So what is the effective development? Learning is a building activity, behavior with others,learner promotion. Effective learning is the best result from all of that and monitoring and surveillance to ensure are the methods or strategiesare effective for a specific purpose and context. In other words, the ways in which children become interested. Therefore, effective learning components is a game and exploration, active learning and creative and critical thinking. Playing and exploring is the engagement. Children find and explore playing with what they know and are ready „ to go â€Å". Active learning is the motivation. Child got concentrated and participated, not stop trying, enjoy in oder to perform what they were planned. And the development of creating and thinking critically. Child takes his / her ideas and makes links, choose the ways to perform things. As an example is art, music, dance. This is an opportunity to explore and share ideas, feelings, and thoughts. Creativity is a risk and union and it is strongly associated with the game. Creativity occurs when children goes futher into action and explore ideas, express them through movement, make transformation and aspiration through the media and materials, such as paints, scissors, crayons, words, sounds. Creativity involves children initiate their learning and their choices and decisions. Playing and exploring, learning actively children are engaged with other people and their environment and this supports the learning and development of all areas. And it also supports the child staying efficient and motivated.

Sunday, January 19, 2020

OSI Model :: essays research papers

To hell with the OSI 7 Layer Model Back in the 1980's, when all music sucked and men dressed like fags, a bunch of sissy Europeans got together in a passionate effort to overstandardize computer networking. They created this thing called the Open Systems Interconnection (OSI) networking suite. Anyone who has taken a CS (Computer Science) or CIS (Computer Information Systems) course knows this; they cram this fact down the student's throat from day freaking one. It is only when the student enters the real world do they realise that the OSI seven layer model is a sham. First off, what the hell is any European organization doing dictating standards that have to do with computers or networking? (Well...besides that paradigm shifting Linux stuff and all that other huge shit) Hello! How many bleeding edge computer or networking innovations have we seen come out of the European continent? Are they even participating in this revolution? Part of this is not really directly their fault; it probably has something to do with the fact that a minimum of venture capital spent in Europe even goes into high tech; most of it goes into high fashion and entertainment instead. No wonder we booger eating Yanks think the Europeans are sissies. Hey, we may be pigs, but at least we are running the Internet. Nah nah na-na nah. Secondly, the seven layers proposed by OSI are completely out of touch with reality. The defacto networking standard is TCP/IP. TCP/IP is the grandaddy of XNS, IPX/SPX, Banyan, AppleTalk, and a host of other protocols and pre-dates that seven layer thing because it was funded by the largest organization in the world devoted to maintaining Eurocentric socioeconomic domination; the US Military. And for some reason, that makes it better. Yeah. And yet this seven layer curse won't go away. Companies still have staffs of Marketing inspired artists drawing up elaborate maps of how their protocol maps to the OSI Seven Layer Model. Sham! Its a sham I say! To hell with the OSI Seven Layer Model! To its credit, we have found that there are indeed a few things in this world that actually follow the seven layer model; but none of them have anything relevant to do with today's high tech world.

Saturday, January 11, 2020

Influence of Music Essay

Music and radio has roots in American culture and the way society is today. The different types of music genres have shaped American culture and social behavior of Americans. Audio media has had a major affect and influence on the attitudes of Americans and especially today’s youth and young adults. Music and radio has given American culture its values, the way that jazz, blues, and R&B created rock & roll, music created American culture. Music appeals to young adults, and youth as an escape to the hard times of real life. Drawn by the explicit lyrics and beats, the youth always searches out for music to dance to and music to connect with. American culture has been steadily changing due to music and what is known as pop culture. The need to be accepted in a certain social group has a lot to do with music. Music brought a cultural shift in the race segregation, black artists playing music with white artists and for mixed audiences. American culture before the 50’s was a strict segregation culture and music allowed for the barrier to be broken. Artists using sexual innuendoes and other antics changed what was the norm of morals and values and put a more â€Å"lax† outlook on such things. Music has influenced the openness of sexuality and sexual orientation. More and more artists are open about their sexuality, making it more of a normal thing in American Culture. Being gay used to be shunned, and now it is openly celebrated. All of these things are because of music. The radio started playing what was known as â€Å"race† music on white stations and this made it so a lot of different Americans can hear and be exposed to a broad range of music. Becoming more acceptable rock and roll, punk, and hip hop have had an impact on the teens and young adults of American culture. The 80’s brought the rebelliousness out of teens with punk rock music, while the 90’s hip-hop has had a big effect on fashion and attitudes of people. Music has shaped American culture in many ways, a way of expressing one’s opinions and bringing groups of people together with similar ideals and opinions. A way of bringing what was different cultures together and making one culture, The American Culture. Rock and Roll is a genre of music that has forever changed the social behavior of Americans. Rock and roll has influenced American culture in the daily life, fashion and attitudes of most Americans. Rock and Roll broke the race barricade, forming in a time of a civil rights movement. Rock and roll was a new form of music that encouraged desegregation. Evolving black artists and white artists playing black music, rock and roll changed the way American culture accepts what was once taboo. Rock and roll put a perception of sex, drugs, and alcohol to be accepted and what is considered â€Å"cool†. Artists singing about doing drugs, or hooking up with random woman made it something to be idolized. Rock and roll influenced young adults to engage in risky behavior. Now is American culture, these things are almost considered normal. Rock and roll shaped fashion and is continuously changing fashion. Fans copy styles of their favorite artists as a way to express one’s self. From ripped up, tight, or baggy pants, long hair, colored hair, or shaved heads, the fashion is always changing. Some fashions coming back and making another appearance in American culture, a lot of fashion comes from Rock and roll. Piercings and tattoos once forbidden, is becoming more and more acceptable in American culture. It is not strange to see business people and stay at home moms with tattoos. Rock and roll has influenced this change in American culture and tattoos are â€Å"normal†. Rock and roll artists have changed the way sexuality and sexual orientation is looked at. Rock and roll has made it okay to be gay and okay to dress how someone wants. Rock and roll has given the care-free attitude to young adults. American culture has changed into a â€Å"screw society, morals and values† type of attitude, based on what rock and roll has made society. Rock and roll has given a sense of community to certain groups of people who share ideals and values, and brings them together into a certain setting. Rock and roll has had a major effect on social behavior of Americans and American culture. Music does affect social behavior and attitudes of Americans. Music gives people an outlet to express their opinions. Audio media has links to American cultures in every decade, changing and molding American into what it is today. Since the 1700’s even, people have sought out music as a way to connect to others. Audio media is an ever changing thing, which will always reflect on the social behavior and attitudes of Americans.

Friday, January 3, 2020

The Risk Factors For Entering Street Level Prostitution

Several studies have been conducted looking at the risk factors for entering street-level prostitution, the characteristics of those involved, and the barriers to exiting. For example, Kramer and Berg (2003) examined the influence of minority status, education level, and the experience of risk factors (such as physical and sexual abuse) on entry into prostitution. It is important to learn why women enter prostitution in order to better learn what barriers may be trapping them in the work. Women were located and surveyed through a program set up for prostitutes that worked both inside and outside of a women’s prison. The study found that half of the women were physically or sexually abused and that continuing education reduced the risk of women entering prostitution (Kramer Berg, 2003). Mansson Hedin (1999) found that 75% of women involved in street-level prostitution had had difficult childhoods, characterized by sexual and physical abuse, negative relationships with parents, and rape experiences. This is similar to what Kramer and Berg (2003) found, that 49% of women involved in sex work had been physically abused by a family member and 47% had been sexually abused. The lack of emotional support from their families and their desensitization of abuse are major risk factors for women entering prostitution. Baker and Winebarger (2004) gathered information on health problems, feelings of stigmatization, life satisfaction, and literacy skills of women who are involved inShow MoreRelatedShould Prostitution Be Legal?1150 Words   |  5 PagesWhen the chance to pick an arguable topic arose I chose one that has been particularly sensitive within my own group of friends. The question is: Should prostitution be legal? My question is: Why shouldn’t it? 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