Sunday, August 25, 2019

Evaluating Human resource management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Evaluating Human resource management - Essay Example But quite often a distinction is drawn between the Human Resources Management (HRM) and the labour management concentrating on the industrial relations of the large enterprises. However in the context of globalization the pressures exerted on HRM and labour Management initiatives have really changed the nature and scope of these distinct functions. "Changes in IR practices (rather than in institutions and systems) such as increased collective bargaining at enterprise level, flexibility in relation to forms of employment as well as in relation to working time and job functions have occurred as a result of such factors as heightened competition, rapid changes in products and processes and the increasing importance of skills, quality and productivity." ( Silva) These factors also seem to have an impact on the policies and practices of the HRM. In this context this paper presents an overview on the problems of labour management to the extent it affects the growth and progress of an organization and the role of the HRM in providing effective solutions to the problems being encountered in the labour management. "Enterprises driven by market pressures need to include in their goals improved quality and productivity, greater flexibility, continuous innovation, and the ability to change to respond rapidly to market needs and demands" ( Silva). Such enhanced organizational goals increase the efforts and commitment of the HRM in realizing the management goals. For this purpose the HRM has to shift its focus to largely depend on individualism rather than collectivism that result in the alignment of the pay systems to the individual performance and skill sets. Thus realizing the improved organizational goals call for an effective change management, larger involvement of employees, increased commitment from the employee side, provision of more training, soliciting more employee participation to exhibit team work and cooperation which are all the important HR initiatives. At the same time all these can be viewed as potential industrial relations issues needing an effective labour management. With this increased responsibilities "The dominant position towards which HRM is moving points to a "change in power relations and highlights the supremacy of management. The management prerogative is rediscovered but in place of command and control the emphasis is on commitment and control as quality, flexibility and competence replaces quantity, task and dumb obedience. To put it another way: the managerial agenda is increasingly focused on innovation, quality and cost reduction. Human resource management makes more demands on employees, work is intensified .... there is less room for managerial slack and for indulgency patterns." (John Purcell) 3.0 Objectives of Labour Management and HRM: In order to have an appreciation of the ways in which HRM can provide solutions to the labour management issues, it is important to understand the basic objectives of the labour manage

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