Monday, September 30, 2019

English vocab

The annoyed kid had an acrimonious reply when asked to clean his room. Antonym† pleasant In the newspaper article, the cruel senator cast aspersions on his political rival. Antonym- approval Most public schools strongly agree to censure any bias toward religious holidays. Antonym- agreement The famous artist critiqued his students work because there was a lack of expression. Antonym- applause The Journalist defamed the popular celebrity because of his recent arrest. Antonym† flatter; honor The murderer was derided by the police officer when he pleaded guilty on his sixth arrest. Antonym- admireThe devious politician impeached the motives of his running opponent, claiming they were false. Antonym- exonerate Are you making an innuendo that I'm carless? Antonym† evidence The soda addict remonstrated with the school to have the vending machines placed back. Antonym- approve The makeup artist upbraided his apprentice for failing to make the actor look the role for his mo vie. Antonym† compliment In the newspaper article, the cruel senator cast aspersions on his polltlcal rival. 1 OFS Antonym† applause arrest. Antonym† admire were false. Antonym† exonerate back. Antonym† approve Antonym† approval Antonym† agreement

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Music in the Roaring Twenties

MUSIC ENTERTAINMENT IN THE ROARING TWENTY’S [pic] ? Introduction The 1920s known as the â€Å"Roaring Twenties† were a time of great change, economic growth, mass production, urbanization (farmers moved to larger industrial cities), cars, telephone, radio, record players and prohibition. It was a period of a new freedom for women. It was for Americans and western Europeans, a break period from the first world, a time for happiness and peace. Finally the Wall Street Crash of 1929, ended this period as the Great economic depression set in worldwide.The Roaring Twenties were the first golden age of the American music and often known as â€Å"The Jazz Age†. This â€Å"movement† in which jazz music grew in popularity, also influenced other parts of the world. However prior to the Jazz, dance was to dominate all forms of music. ? America export Music to the world When the American dancer Josephine Baker visited Berlin in 1925, at the time when Francis Scott Fitz gerald published the Great Gatsby in the US, she performed at the â€Å"Theater Des Westens† and found it dazzling. The city had a jewel-like sparkle,† she said, â€Å"the vast cafes reminded me of ocean liners powered by the rhythms of their orchestras. There was music everywhere. † Eager to look ahead after the crushing defeat of World War I. The music played in Berlin, Amsterdam, London, or Paris, mostly originated from small towns in America. ? Origins of music in the ‘roaring twenties’ Following World War I, around 500,000 African Americans in search of better employment opportunities moved to the northern part of the United States.They left their home towns of New Orleans, (Louisiana), or Saint Louis (Missouri), Kansas City (Missouri)†¦ With them, they brought their culture to the North in places like Chicago (Illinois), Detroit (Michigan), Cincinnati (Ohio), Pittsburgh (Pennsylvania), and York City (NY) which became the place for the â₠¬Å"Harlem Renaissance† During this period of time, the works of African Americans in fields such as writing and music escalated. Styles of music including Dixieland and blues became popular as well.Throughout the 1920's many people took an interest in music and in dance. They owned pianos, trumpets, saxophones, drums, bass, guitars, clarinets, trombones and played sheet music, listened to records and visited theatres, and dance clubs. With the help of radio broadcasting, new artists become famous all over the United States and for some around the world. ? Dance clubs in the 1920’s Dance clubs became enormously popular in the 1920s. Dance music came to dominate all forms of popular music by the late 1920s. Classical pieces, operettas, folk music, etc. ere all transformed into dance music in order to please young people much as the disco phenomena would later do in the late 1970s. For example, many of the songs from the 1929 Technicolor musical operetta The Rogue Song (st arring the Metropolitan Opera star Lawrence Tibbett) were rearranged and released as dance music and became popular club hits in 1929. Dance clubs across the U. S. sponsored dance contests, where dancers invented, tried, and competed with new moves. Professionals began to perform in tap dance and other dances across the United States.With the advent of talking pictures (sound film) musicals became the main attraction. Film studios flooded the box office with new musical films, many of which were filmed in ‘Technicolor’ ne of the most popular of these musicals, ‘Gold Diggers of Broadway’ became the most known film of the decade. Harlem played a key role in the development of dance styles. With several entertainment venues, people from all walks of life, all races, and all classes came together. The ‘Cotton Club’ featured black performers and catered to a white clientele, while the ‘Savoy Ballroom’ catered to a mostly black clientele . Popular dances & Musicians The most popular dances throughout the decade were the: foxtrot, waltz, and American tango. From the early 1920s, however, a variety of eccentric novelty dances were developed. The first of these were the Breakaway and Charleston. Both were based on African-American musical styles and beats, including the widely popular blues. The Charleston dance became popular after appearing along with the song, â€Å"The Charleston,† by James P. Johnson in the Broadway musical Runnin' Wild in 1923.Although the origins of the dance are obscure, the dance has been traced back to blacks who lived on an island off the coast of Charleston, South Carolina (which is why the dance is called â€Å"Charleston†). A brief Black Bottom dance, originating from the Apollo Theatre in Haarlem (NY), swept dance halls from 1926 to 1927, replacing the Charleston in popularity. By 1927, the Lindy Hop, a dance based on Breakaway and Charleston and integrating elements of tap , became the dominant social dance. Developed in the Savoy Ballroom, it was set to stride piano ragtime jazz.The Lindy Hop would later evolve into Swing dance. These dances, nonetheless, were danced by small groups of people. The majority of people continued to dance the foxtrot, waltz, and tango. On the singing side, top singers were Nick Lucas, Scrappy Lambert, Frank Munn, Lewis James , Gene Austin, Franklyn Baur, Johnny Marvin, and Ruth Etting. Leading orchestra leaders included Bob Haring, Harry Horlick, Louis Katzman, Leo Reisman, Victor Arden, Phil Ohman, George Olsen, Ted Lewis, Abe Lyman, Ben Selvin, Nat Shilkret, Fred Waring, and Paul Whiteman. ? All that jazz in the 1920’sHowever, despite all these trends and forms of music, the most known would remain the Jazz. Jazz is a musical style that originated at the beginning of the 20th century in black communities in the Southern United States. It was born out of a mix of African and European music traditions. One name, o ne of the most famous jazz musicians of all time, is worth mentioning. Louis Daniel Armstrong (1901 – 1971), from New Orleans, Louisiana, displayed his amazing talents as a trumpeter, cornet player, and singer during the Jazz Age. He studied and played with a famed cornet player named Joseph â€Å"King Oliver† Oliver (1885 – 1938).In 1925, â€Å"Satchmo,† (his nickname) who had learned to play cornet at the age of twelve, started The Hot Fives. The band would later gain two more musicians and was appropriately renamed The Hot Sevens. He did not restrict his talents to just music, however. He also starred in films such as Pennies from Heaven. He continued working in the last three years of his life, most of which was spent in hospitals. He died at home on July 6, 1971. Some of the many artists of that time also included Duke Ellington (1899 – 1974), Joseph â€Å"King Oliver† Oliver (1885 – 1938), Bessie Smith (1894? 1937), Benny Goodma n (1909 – 1986), and Ma Rainey. ? Conclusion: The Roaring Twenties: a golden age for American Music and dance The Roaring Twenties period has long been considered a golden era of American society; the standard of living was rising, morality was being re-defined, innovation and business was soaring, and the general public perceived that times were good. It has been considered also as a golden age for the music and entertainment industry such as dance, theatre and film industry. Definition: The Harlem Renaissance was a cultural movement that spanned the 1920s and 1930s. At the time, it was known as the â€Å"New Negro Movement†, named after the 1925 anthology by Alain Locke. Though it was centered in the Harlem neighborhood of New York City, many French-speaking black writers from African and Caribbean colonies who lived in Paris were also influenced by the Harlem Renaissance. PICTURES [pic] New York Dance Club 1923 [pic] Jazz Orchestra Houston Tx. [pic] Fashion models l istening to radio [pic] News [pic] Dance club  : Cotton Club [pic]

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Epidemly and biostats Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Epidemly and biostats - Assignment Example To do this, they have to contact hospitals and physicians. This activity requires a vast amount of resources and staff in order to accomplish its objectives and goals. a) The conclusion reached may be incorrect because proportional mortality was used when cause-specific mortality rates were needed. Cause specific rates are applied when calculating deaths from a specific disease (Polit, 2010). Proportionate mortality is applied when calculating the number of deaths in relation to the total deaths or all deaths (100%) a) The number of deaths from lung cancer in carpenters in 1949–1960 was greater than the number of deaths from lung cancer in bricklayers during the same period. SMR is often used to study the mortality in a specific occupation. From the data, carpenters have a higher mortality than brick layers during the same period. a)Reduce selection bias in the allocation of treatment. Treatment differences which are identified from nonrandomized trial designs possess methodological weaknesses. For example, cohort effects, selection bias and confounding. As such, the major purpose of a random assignment is to counter this methodological weakness. a)Avoid observer and subject bias. A double blind experiment design tests a drug or treatment’s effect by using groups of control and experimental subjects whereby neither the investigators nor the subjects know which drug is being used on which group (Grove, 2007). Therefore, this design eliminates the issue of prejudgment which can distort the

Friday, September 27, 2019

The Difference Between Inductive And Deductive Reasoning. How Are Essay

The Difference Between Inductive And Deductive Reasoning. How Are Issues Of Validity And Truth Distinguished - Essay Example The inductive reasoning is intuitive and majorly a result of guesswork. For this reason, inductive reasoning is said to be probabilistic (Hacking, 2001, p.38). The conclusions obtained from the specific examples are analysed to form a general proposition that is a probabilistic one. The general rule that is formed as a result of inductive is subject to test and the outcome of those tests could not be guaranteed. The concept of inductive reasoning was developed by the Scottish philosopher David Hume. Hume stated that the daily habits of human beings are the reflection of the uncertain conclusions that are derived from the limited experiences (Dewey, 2008, p.47). Thus the general principles developed are not tested and derived but are the outcome of specific events in life. This is where inductive reasoning is significant. There is no scope of drawing logical conclusions that could be guaranteed through inductive reasoning. Inductive reasoning could be termed as bottom-up reasoning. .. . Deductive reasoning links the premises to the derived conclusions. The conclusions drawn from the general principles through deductive reasoning could be validated by specific examples. The conclusions derived from the general propositions are true for any individual event that is an application of the general rule (Descartes, 2006, p.26). The laws of syllogism provide one form of logical reasoning that helps in the logical deduction of conclusions from the general statements or propositions. The general statements being given, a hypothesis is designed which is tested in order to reach a logical conclusion. There are two other laws, namely the law of detachment and the law of contra-positive that are used in the process of deductive reasoning. Deductive reasoning could be explained with the help of the following example. The general propositions considered in this case are: All tables are chairs and some tables are fans. From the given two statements, it could be deduced logically th at some chairs are fans. This conclusion has been deducted with the help of the given two statements and applying the laws of syllogism. Thus a specific instance has been drawn though deductive reasoning from the two general statements (Bacon, 2009, p.67). Distinction between validity and truth The process of deductive reasoning considers the general propositions and designs a hypothesis in order to logically deduce a conclusion. The conclusion drawn from the general statements are valid logically and are considered to be true. The premises or the general propositions are considered to be true for the purpose of logical deduction. The hypothesis is for the purpose for the logical deduction of the

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Responsive Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1

Responsive - Essay Example From this point of view, the benefits of progress are measured in terms of higher standards of living, better health, greater security and increased incomes. As a result of all these measurable factors, many have ignored their traditional cultures in pursuit of these â€Å"goodies.† Some individuals in the society willingly pursue this material targets while others are forced into the system by government policies. This means that the disadvantages of progress will affect both sets of individuals in the society. One question spurred by the reading is whether progress always impacts positively on the quality of life. This question is hard to answer because assessing economic development and progress is difficult. This leads to an assumption that the benefits of progress outweigh the detriments. Therefore, the most widely used indicator of positive progress is the standard of living which in my view is misleading. This means that an array of factors is considered when evaluating progress, and they include literacy, health programs and employment rates. In my view, money is not the sole measure of progress but the well being of individuals in the society should be also considered. Disregarding tradition implies that the ability of culture to satisfy psychological and physical needs of the population is compromised. This directly lowers the quality of life from the cultural perspective. From the article I can conclude that progress significantly lowers the standard of living due to degradation of mental and physical health, increased incidences of delinquency and crime, family instability, demographic structures and the strained relationship between the society and natural resources. It is also true that before progress took centre stage, all these undesirables were non-existent or minimal. Therefore, progress has done more harm than good to the quality of human life. The fact that many diseases arise because of economic development shows

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Write four pages about month of Ramadan with references Essay

Write four pages about month of Ramadan with references - Essay Example ing to the American Dietetic Association, â€Å"exceptions to the fast are made for individuals who are sick or travelling; women who are pregnant, breastfeeding or menstruating; children younger than the age of puberty; and the elderly, if their physical condition warrants exception† (187). The dates during which the period of Ramadan takes place can vary from year to year, but it is always during the Islamic calendar, which is a lunar calendar. As the month of Ramadan approaches its end, the Night of Power, which is sometimes referred to as the Night of Destiny is celebrated. The night marks the â€Å"night when the first verses of the Koran were revealed to the Prophet Muhammad in a remote cave on Mount Mira, near Mecca, Saudi Arabia† (McMahon 262). The end of the month is marked by a holy feast known as Eid al-Fitr. The religion of Islam was created by Prophet Muhammad. Muslims do not consider him the founder of the religion, since they believe that all he did was following the teachings of Allah. Muslims also believe that Muhammad was the last prophet that Allah spoke to. The scriptures written in the Quran were revealed to Prophet Muhammad by angel Gabriel. It took angel Gabriel years to reveal the scriptures to Prophet Muhammad, but it is believed that it is during the month of Ramadan that the transmitting of text began. Cragg points out that Ramadan â€Å"celebrates the beginning of the Quran revelation to Muhammad† (22). The word Ramadan means excess heat and the reason the month was named so, is because when the ancient people â€Å"changed the names of the months from the ancient language, they named them according to the seasons in which they fell, and this month agreed with the days of excessive heat† (Ali n.p.). The beginning, night of power and end of Ramadan are important dates during Ramadan. Ramadan begins when the new moon is sighted. According to Glassà ©, â€Å"a new moon cannot be seen with the naked eye until at least twenty hours after the

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Introduction to e-commerce Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 1

Introduction to e-commerce - Essay Example In addition, it exceeded the expectations of today’s technology, and enabled the communication industry to integrate their functionality. However, in today’s highly modernized communication world, WAP has some limitations to its functionality. Visible limitations include 1) the pace by which the wireless application protocol is transferred from wireless networks to handheld devices 2) Undeniably, high updating cost of WAP device and WAP content 3) inability of handheld devices using the application to transfer large and bulk amount of data 4) high monetary value of application (Landers, 2002). Moreover, specific engineering of WAP supports only handheld devices in a modern wireless environment. Its limitations make it unreliable to optimize WAP features and the benefits of the application. â€Å"Low bandwidth, high network latency, slow data processing, limited memory, and different obstacles make the application process slow in wireless devices† (Landers, 2002). By pooling abovementioned limitations, one could easily understand that WAP is not user friendly for hand held devices. Therefore, it is necessary to design a substitute suite of technologies that will provide functionality comparable to standard technologies. In addition, the potential of WAP to revolutionize the practice awaits exploration until or unless the technology associated with the WAP receives alteration (Stallings,

Monday, September 23, 2019

Discussion 3 Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 5

Discussion 3 - Assignment Example rpret that sign to mean getting a go ahead to do something while others may interpret the same to mean being sent away or being reprimanded in one way or another. An example of a euphemism that I have come across is a mother conversing with the daughter touching on sex in the presence of other peers. In this case, the mother uses expressions that explain to the daughter that her body is changing, and that sooner or later, she would start developing mountains on her chest. The mother also tells the daughter that visitors will visit her every month to mean that she would start experiencing her monthly periods. She later explains to her daughter that forests will grow on her body, to mean that the daughter will start developing pubic hair on her body. These kinds of expressions help in communication as Moore & Parker (2011) write. In this case, the euphemisms make it less embarrassing to discuss the body changes in the human

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Effects of Cannabis on Cognition Research Paper - 2

Effects of Cannabis on Cognition - Research Paper Example The use of the drug is common among the young and productive age bracket that tend to abuse the substance for leisure or relaxation. Ideally, the effects of the substance may be extensive as they may include loss of concentration and diminished planning abilities.   According to a study by Grant et al (2011), volunteers within the study exhibited no prior disorder except after indulging in the use of cannabis substance. The study sought to establish the effects of the substance among young people over a period of one week and a year. The findings established that the use of the substance immensely affected decision-making and planning abilities for this age bracket (Grant et al, 2012). This was because of the using the drug at different intervals that in turn affected the neural functioning and decision making that led to the having problems with law authorities. Overly, the use of the drug reflects on the driving abilities of adolescents that in turn attract the charge of driving under the influence of an intoxicating substance. In addition, the study also proved the substance abuse had effects on the adolescents’ school performance hence increasing the number of school dropouts because of their limited productivity in school. Sequentially, the teenagers who were under the influence of the drug also portrayed withdrawal symptoms where they could not relate properly with their peers who were not indulging in the use of the drug.  In summary, the study showed that teenagers and young adults were more likely to indulge in the substance use more than any other age bracket because of their poor judgment and decision-making skills. Additionally, this age bracket is more susceptible to pressure from peers and influence on their behavior hence making them indulge in the use of the drug (Grant et al, 2012).  

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Compare and contrast essay Essay Example for Free

Compare and contrast essay Essay Brown Brothers; How Negative Stereotypes Affect Polynesian And Maori In New Zealand My demographic is: high school cleaning ladies, fast food burger-making, factory boxpacking, rubbish truck drivers, bus drivers, taxi drivers, sober drivers and living off the pension joy riders — I am a dropout. These are all ideas raised and challenged by Joshua Iosefos 2011 viral speech, Brown Brother. Brown Brother is one of three texts that will be examined, compared and contrasted in this essay. The second text, Manurewa, is a short film based on the South Auckland murder of Navtej Singh, a liquor shop owner. The third text is Fish Heads, a short story written by Aparina Taylor, that focuses on a group of Maori boys who live in the city. The media is a huge culprit for the negative stereotyping that has been brought upon pacifica people. Brown people are more than what they are portrayed to be through media. Films such as Manurewa reinforce many of the negative stereotypes that have been brought upon Pacific people. The stereotype of brown people is a negative one, one of unemployment, one of crime, one of violence. In Manurewa each one of these stereotypes were portrayed. The men in the short film were all unemployed, all committed crime and all showed violence. â€Å"Bro Town, Sione’s Wedding, and do I have to mention the GC? Now I dont mean to condescend I mean these shows are great, dont get me wrong but can anyone explain: will there ever be a time when our representation goes deeper than putting our own people to shame?† Joshua Iosefo, in his Brown Brother speech, spoke about this issue – how the media represents brown people in a negative light. He highlights how these types of shows create and enforce the stereotypes that brown people now have to live by. While these shows are meant to entertain, this negative reinforcement only show the bad side of Polynesian and Maori people. One of the major themes of the film Manurewa is about people being trapped by low expectations and invisible boundaries. People can become trapped from attaining success, trapped from fulfilling their potential, and trapped from being heard. The message in the film Manurewa is that not all brown  people are bad, but the expectations that their stereotypes have created for them along with the people that they are surrounded with often leads to them making horrific mistakes. In this true story, a good person has been surrounded with unemployed, violent people and ultimately ends up committing a murder. In the beginning of the film the boy shows that he does have love and passion in his heart through feeding and nurturing the horse. After the murder the three older men are happy and excited but the boy was completely distressed about what he had done. These two scenes clearly show that the boy is a good person who simply made a bad mistakes because of the people that he was surrounded by. When Joshua Iosefo performed Brown Brother at the Tedx conference, he explained how brown people are trapped because of expectations, and surroundings. Meaning that the expectations that have been set from the stereotypes as well as the people that they are surrounded by impact greatly and almost trap brown people from success. He used a box as an example, where he explained that each side of the box needs to be kicked down in order for Maori and Polynesian people to succeed. People need to make the change themselves through their own actions. Brown people need to stop being what the stereotypes expects them to be and need to start proving that they are better than the stereotype. In the short story, Fish Heads the Maori boys are short of money but they do not let this stop them. All four boys are employed, they all work for the little money that they have and they show that there is no reason to live the way that the stereotype expects them to live. They are not violent, they do not commit crimes and they do not drink alcohol excessively. They respect people and they are happy living a simple wholesome life. Similarly, Joshua Iosefo talks about beating the stereotype, about standing up and showing that you are better than the stereotype. â€Å"You can do all things through Christ, Philippians 4:13. You are more than capable. And I don’t say that just to make you feel better, I say that because I know. Cause your creator told me to tell you so. Yo u will go places, you will tell stories, so do not feel afraid or alone for your God and your family and your home will forever be inside the marrow of your bones. So do not fret, do not regret. For where you go, you take us with you. Brown brother, do not be afraid to be the first, the first to graduate, the first to climb, the first prime minister,  or the first good wife — brown brother, do not be afraid to be the change. Not in skin tone or colour, but a change in mindset. From one brown brother, to another†. These are the powerful words that Joshua pointed at people living under the expectations that the stereotype has set for them. This powerful message is aimed st those who have been beaten by the expectations that have been set by the stereotype. The three texts, Manurewa, Brown Brother and Fish Heads clearly illustrate that there are negative stereotypes and low expectations for Polynesians and Maori in New Zealand. These stereotypes can lead people to feel that they are stuck and defined by their stereotype. Joshua Iosefos speech, talked of the stereotype that was his demographic but also said that Polynesians needed to be responsible for overcoming or changing this stereotype. In the film Manurewa, the inability for Isaac to escape from this cycle of negativity lead the once caring teenager to associate with bad people and ultimately lead to him murdering an innocent man. Whereas in contrast, the text Fish Heads showed that if people are r emoved from negative environments and influences, they are able to live in a non-stereotypical way.

Friday, September 20, 2019

A Comparison of Taylor and Fayols Management Theories

A Comparison of Taylor and Fayols Management Theories Introduction The purpose of this essay is to discuss the two management philosophies from Taylor’s and Henri Fayol’s. One management theory is focus on task while another is focus on people. Both theories have made contributions in modern management practices. We will discuss the theories and outline their efficiency and effectiveness in the current firms. FW Taylor Philosophy Taylor’s management theory focuses on task management. This theory is called â€Å"scientific management† or â€Å"Taylorism†. He found that two different workers performing the same task will have different outcome and the number of output. He categorized them as first class worker and average worker (Sheldrake J, 2003a). The first class workers are highly motivated and work efficiently rather than wasting time or restricting output. They are ideal works for many industries, but not all workers are first class workers, most of them are average workers. They only work slow and easy until the wages they get paid. As the result, it drives down the production efficiency, because workers are not motivated. Thus, Tayloer’s task management develops the theory to show how to motivate workers toward a greater work performance and productivity. This theory is important to many industries firms; it helps them to using less time to increase more production efficiency. This management benefits firms create more output while still paying fair wage to the workers. The aim for this theory is to reduce inefficiency toward the output performance. Taylor suggested the wage levels based on output which means the workers will only be paid by the amount of their productivity. The more output they produced, the more wage they are paid. Thus, it drives their motivation toward a better standard. It doesn’t just increase the efficiency, but also reduce the working hours. There are seven approaches to improve the productivity in this theory. Select the appreciated workers and observe them to perform the tasks. Then record the time taken for each task and identify the quickest method. The last three are providing training, supervise workers to ensure the â€Å"best way† is carried out and pay workers on the basis of results (St impson P F. A, 2010). In order to apply Taylor’s approaches, the task has to be specialized, so workers don’t have to be trained all the time and always under-supervised. However, Taylor’s task management has two advantages and two disadvantages. When we look at work specialization, it can increase the efficiency by using the minimum resources such as time or labor. It means that it is not helpful if the output is produced at the maximum outcome while waste many resources. Using minimum resources to produce the maximum result increases the work efficiency and also production efficiency. The other advantage from Taylor’s theory, a specialized work means a profession. The problems will be solved easily, because workers are clearly known what went wrong and how to solve the problems. Workers are always familiar with what they do, so they won’t waste time on finding out the solution for specific problem. Therefore, the work specialization doesn’t just explain the effi ciency in outcome, but also increase the efficiency in process. On the other hand, there are two disadvantages on work specialization. The first one is a specialized work always make workers feel board, because they are doing the same thing at the same time for 40 hours a week, 365 days a year. As the result, It can cause many problems such as workers feel sick at their work. In addition, they won’t be careful on every single task which leads mistakes. Hence, work specialization is only beneficial in the short-run, because in the long-run, the work can become inefficient when workers making a lot of mistakes. The other disadvantage is high cost if the workers are resigned, retired or anything that makes them to stop work in the firm. The costs are included firms spending money to look for another new workers and it takes time for them to familiarize the task. In addition, the skills that were taught in the training, workers could reveal the skills to other competitor firms. It can be a cost as well. Thus, we can see that work specializatio n doesn’t necessarily exact management. Even though the efficiency in output results increases, but other factors will drive the efficiency down. Henri Fayol’s Philosophy In the Henri Fayol’s theory, he focuses on the administration and learning experience from people in the management. In his philosophy, he thinks that to manage people (worker), a firm should have a tight control. He has discovered 14 approaches and only few will be explained in this essay (Sheldrake J, 2003b). The first one is division of work; it doesn’t mean work specialization, but workers share different task to different activities. It is slightly different than Taylor’s, the work here specialized the activities or departments rather than work specialized. Subsequently, it is authority, a firm should decide who has the power to command or give order to employees. The power flow is important, because without a clear authority, it is difficult to make the final decision inside the firms. A clear discipline is essential, because it is the agreement between firm and employees. The discipline can keep workers have an appreciate behavior. The discipline also shows a clear warnings, fines, suspensions, demotions and dismissals if workers are out of the line (Sheldrake J, 2003b) The third approach is unity of command, it is similar with authority, but it shows a clear command of orders. It means that workers will only listen to only one command and no one else. Without the chain of command, the workers are always confused who should they listen to. The next approach is centralization which means whether the decision is made by top manager or in the lower managers. There are some departments in a firm, centralized decision means only one person; the top manager makes the final decision. On the other hand, decentralized is the decisions can be made by lower managers when it is related to their field of activities. The last one is equality; a firm should treat every workers the same no matter their performance. Everyone should be equal and have certain power to speak or have a say (Sheldrake J, 2003b). There are again two advantages and disadvantages in Henri Fayol’s philosophy. It is difficult to identify them in the general management, but some approaches are useful and also have limitations. We can find them from centralization structure. The advantage from centralization is tight control. The top manager always knows what’s going on inside the firm. However, the disadvantage is time inefficiency. On the other hand, a decentralized structure can also have advantage and disadvantage. If the decision is made in the lower management department, it could save a lot of time to process the information to the top manager. The reason is the decision is made immediately by the lower manager; it is time efficient, because the problems/issues will be solved immediately rather than ask the permission. However, because the information is limited in the lower management department, as the result, the decision can be erroneous. Hence, if the decision is made by the entire lower d epartments, those decisions are not consistent to each other. The other approach from Henri Fayol’s will also have advantage and disadvantage. For example, the authority, a grant permission to all the power to one manager. It can be a disaster, because he might not listen to other people’s opinions or ideas. It can cause the firms have gone terribly just because he has made a huge mistakes. On the other hand, it is time efficiency and a clear responsible person if there are small mistakes. For an instance, too many ideas in the discussion, it takes a lot of times to process and choose the final decision. However, if one person has authority, he could make the decision immediately without another word. Efficiency and effectiveness In the modern management practices, Taylor’s management can only be helpful in some situation. We have seen that the work focuses have ignored many human requirements. Unlike the workers in the past, the workers these days demand more their personal desires, wants and rights. They cannot stand doing the same work for everyday in their life. It is not just about emotional whether they feel bored. However, also they want to do more other works that doesn’t have to sit there all day or cannot have fresh air. This type of management requires workers psychologically fit in the position. For example, some old or retired people, because they cannot do too much physical works, but are patient at specialized works which is more interesting than doing nothing. In order to solve the problems, workers should switch the works between each other frequently. It means this month they specialized this part of components and doing the other in the next month. As the result, it can avoid to ignore human requirements. However, this management theory is the best concept to demonstrate the work efficiency. If a firm wants to maximize the work efficiency immediately in the short-run without caring other issues, this is probably the best and the most suitable ways. Moreover, job specialization creates a clear work tasks for workers and the owner. In the company’s administration, the manager knows who responsible to which activities, so it can minimize the conflicts inside the firm. The reason is a clear administrative, shirk or push away their responsibilities which is easier for the manager and workers. In the modern’s management, Fayol’s theory is widely used, because it concerns many factors in work force such as authority, chain of command or centralization. Without these approaches, even though the productivity is efficient, but it would cause many problems inside the environment and makes workers unwilling to stay with the firm. Fayol’s theory makes management practice less complicated. For example, without authority, it will cause many conflicts that nobody is listening to anyone. The reason is they think they have power to make the decision and when it decision is made differently, the firm will not doing the same job toward the same purpose of it. Subsequently, without the unit of command, workers are confused who should they listen to. Whose order is right for them and who should hold the responsibilities for their works? It is not easy to blame or reward everybody just because one task has done great. The person who gives orders or command also represents the team to receive the request from the owner or the firm. As the result, he/she would arrange the schedule or assign the works separately to the workers. If the unit of command is successes, it can increase the efficiency of internal communication as well. Therefore, with the modern management practices, there are so many workers and my works inside a firm, Fayol’s management theory is very popular and widely used in current management practice. Conclusion In conclusion, the two management theories have made certain contribution in current management work force. They are still un-forgettable nowadays. References Sheldrake J, (2003a), Management Theory, Chapter 2 F.W. Taylor and scientific management, pg 14 – 26, 2nd ed, Thomson learning, Retrieved 25 February 2015 Sheldrake J, (2003b), Management Theory, Chapter 5 Henri Fayol and administration, pg 46 – 55, 2nd ed, Thomson learning, Retrieved 26 February 2015 Stimpson P Farquharson A, (2010), Business Studies, Chapter 9 Motivation, Pg 156, 2nd ed, Cambridge University Press, Retrieved 25 February 2015

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Teaching Children with Autism Essay -- Teaching Education Disorders Sp

Teaching Children with Autism There has been an increase in the number of children diagnosed with autism or other autism spectrum disorders. It is likely as an educator that you will have at least one child with this diagnosis in your classroom. This paper explores some of the methods used to teach autistic children. Autism is a disorder characterized by significant problems in communication and social functioning. Autism is actually called Autism Spectrum Disorder and encompasses a broad range disabilities such as Asperger syndrome, Rett’s Syndrome, and Pervavasive Development Disorder (Dunlap & Fox, n.d.). There are also varying degrees of the disorder from low-functioning (no communication and no social interaction) to high-functioning (some communication and inappropriate but existent social skills.) One of the most difficult things teachers will face when dealing with Autistic children is their lack of communication skills and inappropriate or nonexistent social skills. In addition to academic instruction children with Autism require instruction in communication techniques and social skills. Kamps says â€Å"A key to accommodating students with autism in public school settings is the provision of social and behavioral programming to develop meaningful participation with nondisabled persons† (p.174). There are many techniques that are useful in teaching children with autism communication and social skills. One method is the Responsive Classroom, an instructional approach that integrates the teaching of academic and social skills as an aspect of everyday classroom life (Sapona & Winterman, 2002, p. 30). According to Sapona and Winterman (2002) teachers implementing this model in their classroom include six comp... ...avioral Skills to Children with Autism. Focus on Autistic Behavior, 10 (1), 1-9. Dempsey, I. & Foreman, P. ( 2001). A Review of Educational Approaches for Individuals with Autism. International Journal of Disability, Development and Education, 48 (1), 105-116. Kamps, D. (2002). Peer Training to Facilitate Social Interaction for Elementary Students with Autism and Their Peers. Exceptional Children, 68 (2), 173-187. Marks, S. et. al. (2003). Instructional Management Tips for Teahers of Students with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). Teaching Exceptional Children, 35 (4), 50-55. Dunlap, G. & Fox, L. Teaching Students with Autism. ERIC Digest, E582. Winterman, K. & Sapona, R. (2002). Everyone’s Included: Supporting Young Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders in a Responsive Classroom Learning Environment. Teaching Exceptional Children, 35 (1), 30-35.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Aristotle Essays -- essays research papers

Aristotle   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  In our fast paced technologically advanced society today, our governments have evolved into supposedly well oiled machines effectively managing budgets, jails, militaries, as well as many other programs. Unfortunately, many of these governments are not as well organized, as they could be. Democratic countries like France, Germany, and even the United States have some very serious shortcomings to the way their governments are managed. These problems occur, many times at a very basic level, rather than at the minor details. One problem that is consistent with many countries is the maintenance of governmental programs over large geographical areas. Many times geographic or social differences within countries are what cause these problems. The ancient Greek philosopher Aristotle had simple, yet ingenious ways to deal with problems, precisely like these. Aristotle solved this problem, for example, by dividing the country into both geographic and social regions. Then h e would have smaller governments for each of these sections. These divisions were similar to states or provinces in some modern countries today. Aristotle’s ideas, in general, on governmental politics were revolutionary in Athens, when he wrote them and some could even have positive effects on governments today. Modern governments, such as Germany, France, and the United States could all use Aristotle’s ideas to make their own governments run much more efficiently. Aristotle even had plans to minimize corruption, a big problem in most governments today (politics 1286a). If modern democratic countries based their political philosophies more on Aristotle’s theories, they could run smoother and do a better job of supporting the people, which is what democracies were made for in the first place.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The polis is a partnership of citizens in a system of government that serves to achieve the common good. It is not just a place where people live together for defense against enemies and for the exchange of goods. It is rather a partnership between households, clans, and villages for the sake of a fully developed and self-sufficient life. The polis gives those who possess wisdom and moral intellect a chance to move up to high positions Justice is the political good in the polis, and it must promote the common interest of the people. What is perceived to be good has to be distrib... ...ld have authority rather than those who are "best fit to rule", and groups few in number. Although everyone in the polis may not be a political scientist, they can work better together with peers. With each individual having qualities of excellence and intelligence, they join to form a single entity.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The real difference between democracy and oligarchy is between poverty and wealth. Oligarchy occurs when rulers owe their power to wealth whether or not they are the majority. Tyranny can be described as the worst of two potential evils. It is extreme oligarchy in its "distrust of the masses" and extreme democracy in its "hostility to the noteables" (Page 211). Aristotle says the best form is one based on merit. A combination between oligarchy and democracy is constitutional government.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Although people can agree on what justice is, they often fail to reach it because they can not stop from pursuing their own goals and desires. A good government can moderate between what people think is just and what is best for the common good. Aristotle's theories are fundamentals of our current political system and earned him the title "The Father of Political Science."

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Street Smarts versus Book Smarts Essay -- essays research papers

Everyone has an opinion concerning what type of education is most useful. We all know that a college education is important in the competitive world we live in today. For instance, if you want a career in engineering, medicine, chemistry or law, a bachelor's degree or higher is mandatory. We often see people who have made it really big, and yet have little or no formal education. My opinion is, in order to get and keep a good paying job, you need both â€Å"street smarts† and â€Å"book smarts.† The combination of practical knowledge and explicit knowledge is the key to a successful career. Both types of knowledge have distinct advantages. They have both used their experiences in life to achieve their goals. For example, if a street smart mart person had a severe cough they would ask friends, family about how they could make the cough better. Book smart person would check or search internet to find the cure. They are both determine to get what they want by using the skills they know. They will both work hard to get the job they want. They are both resourceful. They will use their r...

Monday, September 16, 2019


Ms. Czapski’s 1st, 2nd, 5th, and 6th Hour Advanced Placement English Language and Composition Classes Name: __________________________________________ Hour: ________ Date: _____________________ Introduction to Writing the Precis DIRECTIONS: Please thoughtfully answer each of the following questions about Geoffrey Nunberg’s The –Ism Schism; How Much Wallop Can a Simple Word Pack, Ellen Goodman’s In Praise of a Snail’s Pace, and Ronald J. Glasser’s We are not Immune: Influenza, SARS, and the Collapse of Public Health. You may write directly on this worksheet. For Geoffrey Nunberg’s The Ism Schism; How Much Wallop Can a Simple Word Pack: 1. ) What is the complete name of the author of this article? _____________________ 2. ) Who is this author? What are his/her expertise in relation to this topic? What is his/her experience with this topic? How did he/she gain his/her knowledge to compose this article? Use a short phrase to answer this question: ____________________________________________________________ ______________________ 3. ) What is the genre of this work (what type of writing is it)? ________________________________________ 4. ) What is the complete title of the work? _______________________________________________________ 5. ) What is the publication date of this piece of writing? _____________________________________________ 6. ) Is any other interesting or noteworthy publication information included? If so, what? ___________________ 7. ) Please use a rhetorically accurate verb (such as â€Å"assert,† â€Å"argue, † â€Å"suggest,† â€Å"imply,† â€Å"claim,† etc. ); and a THAT clause containing the major assertion (thesis statement) about the work. Avoid the use of more general words such as â€Å"writes† and â€Å"states. † The THAT clause is designed to demand a complete statement: a grammatical subject (the topic of the essay) and predicate (the claim that is made about that topic). If the THAT clause is not employed, you will end up allowing â€Å"about† and â€Å"how† to slip out in stating the thesis: i. e. , â€Å"Sheridan Baker writes about attitudes in writing† or â€Å"†¦ states how attitudes affect writing†   Ã¢â‚¬â€ neither of which reports what he claims to be true about attitudes. _________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ __________________________ 8. ) Explain how the author develops and/or supports the thesis, preferably in chronological order – identifying the writing techniques he/she utilized to achieve this. Sometimes it works best to report the order of development: â€Å"The author develops this assertion first, by applying these techniques to two poems; second, by providing definitions; and third, by explaining the history of each approach. A more general statement may also work in the second sentence: â€Å"The author develops this idea by comparing and contrasting the lives of these two Civil War heroes. † In works of literature you may provide a short plot summary: â€Å"Hemingway develops this idea through a sparse narrative about the ‘initiation' of a young boy who observes in one night both a birth and a death. † ________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ __________________________ 9. What is the author's apparent purpose of this piece (introduce with the infinitive â€Å"to†)? Try not to simply restate the thesis: â€Å"The author's purpose is to prove that†¦ † Remember that one’s purpose is always to put forward a thesis, but there are others as well. The infinitive â€Å"to† phrase should transcend a phrase such as â€Å"Her purpose is to inform;† look beyond such a simplistic response to assess what the author wants the audience to do or to feel as a result of reading the work. ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ _________________________ 10. ) Provide a description of the intended audience and/or the relationship the author establishes with the audience. Ask yourself how the language of the work excludes certain audiences (non-specialists would not understand the terminology; children would not understand the irony) in order to see that the author did make certain assumptions about the pre-existing knowledge of the audience. You may also report the author's tone. ____________________________________________________________ ________________ ___________________________________________________________ _________________________ For Ellen Goodman’s In Praise of a Snail’s Pace: 1. ) What is the complete name of the author of this article? __________________________________________ 2. ) Who is this author? What are his/her expertise in relation to this topic? What is his/her experience with this topic? How did he/she gain his/her knowledge to compose this article? Use a short phrase to answer this question: ____________________________________________________________ ______________________ 3. What is the genre of this work (what type of writing is it)? _________________________________________ 4. ) What is the complete title of the work? _______________________________________________________ 5. ) What is the publication date of this piece of writing? _____________________________________________ 6. ) Is any other interesting or noteworthy publication information included? If so, what? ___________________ 7. ) Please use a rhetorically accurate verb (such as â€Å"assert,† â€Å"argue,à ¢â‚¬  â€Å"suggest,† â€Å"imply,† â€Å"claim,† etc. ); and a THAT clause containing the major assertion (thesis statement) about the work. Avoid the use of more general words such as â€Å"writes† and â€Å"states. † The THAT clause is designed to demand a complete statement: a grammatical subject (the topic of the essay) and predicate (the claim that is made about that topic). If the THAT clause is not employed, you will end up allowing â€Å"about† and â€Å"how† to slip out in stating the thesis: i. e. , â€Å"Sheridan Baker writes about attitudes in writing† or â€Å"†¦ states how attitudes affect writing†   Ã¢â‚¬â€ neither of which reports what he claims to be true about attitudes. _________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ __________________________ 8. ) Explain how the author develops and/or supports the thesis, preferably in chronological order – identifying the writing techniques he/she utilized to achieve this. Sometimes it works best to report the order of development: â€Å"The author develops this assertion first, by applying these techniques to two poems; second, by providing definitions; and third, by explaining the history of each approach. A more general statement may also work in the second sentence: â€Å"The author develops this idea by comparing and contrasting the lives of these two Civil War heroes. † In works of literature you may provide a short plot summary: â€Å"Hemingway develops this idea through a sparse narrative about the ‘initiation' of a young boy who observes in one night both a birth and a death. † ________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ __________________________ 9. What is the author's apparent purpose of this piece (introduce with the infinitive â€Å"to†)? Try not to simply restate the thesis: â€Å"The author's purpose is to prove that†¦ † Remember that one’s purpose is always to put forward a thesis, but there are others as well. The infinitive â€Å"to† phrase should transcend a phrase such as â€Å"Her purpose is to inform;† look beyond such a simplistic response to assess what the author wants the audience to do or to feel as a result of reading the work. ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ _________________________ 10. ) Provide a description of the intended audience and/or the relationship the author establishes with the audience. Ask yourself how the language of the work excludes certain audiences (non-specialists would not understand the terminology; children would not understand the irony) in order to see that the author did make certain assumptions about the pre-existing knowledge of the audience. You may also report the author's tone. ____________________________________________________________ ________________ For Ronald J. Glasser’s We are not Immune: Influenza, SARS, and the Collapse of Public Health: 1. ) What is the complete name of the author of this article? __________________________________________ 2. ) Who is this author? What are his/her expertise in relation to this topic? What is his/her experience with this topic? How did he/she gain his/her knowledge to compose this article? Use a short phrase to answer this question: ____________________________________________________________ ______________________ 3. ) What is the genre of this work (what type of writing is it)? ________________________________________ 4. ) What is the complete title of the work? _______________________________________________________ 5. ) What is the publication date of this piece of writing? _____________________________________________ 6. ) Is any other interesting or noteworthy publication information included? If so, what? ___________________ 7. ) Please use a rhetorically accurate verb (such as â€Å"asser t,† â€Å"argue,† â€Å"suggest,† â€Å"imply,† â€Å"claim,† etc. ); and a THAT clause containing the major assertion (thesis statement) about the work. Avoid the use of more general words such as â€Å"writes† and â€Å"states. † The THAT clause is designed to demand a complete statement: a grammatical subject (the topic of the essay) and predicate (the claim that is made about that topic). If the THAT clause is not employed, you will end up allowing â€Å"about† and â€Å"how† to slip out in stating the thesis: i. e. , â€Å"Sheridan Baker writes about attitudes in writing† or â€Å"†¦ states how attitudes affect writing†   Ã¢â‚¬â€ neither of which reports what he claims to be true about attitudes. _________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ __________________________ 8. ) Explain how the author develops and/or supports the thesis, preferably in chronological order – identifying the writing techniques he/she utilized to achieve this. Sometimes it works best to report the order of development: â€Å"The author develops this assertion first, by applying these techniques to two poems; second, by providing definitions; and third, by explaining the history of each approach. A more general statement may also work in the second sentence: â€Å"The author develops this idea by comparing and contrasting the lives of these two Civil War heroes. † In works of literature you may provide a short plot summary: â€Å"Hemingway develops this idea through a sparse narrative about the ‘initiation' of a young boy who observes in one night both a birth and a death. † ________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ __________________________ 9. ) What is the author's apparent purpose of this piece (introduce with the infinitive â€Å"to†)? Try not to simply restate the thesis: â€Å"The author's purpose is to prove that†¦ † Remember that one’s purpose is always to put forward a thesis, but there are others as well. The infinitive â€Å"to† phrase should transcend a phrase such as â€Å"Her purpose is to inform;† look beyond such a simplistic response to assess what the author wants the audience to do or to feel as a result of reading the work. ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ __________________________

Grill Rite Case Study Essay

There are five issues that are relevant.†¨The president’s stance on steady output conflicts with seasonal demand. However, it is unlikely that this will change. The main problem is inventory management. One advantage of having a single, centralized warehouse is the lower need for safety stock due to the canceling effect of random variability in orders from the various regions. Conversely, with separate warehouses, each warehouse needs a relatively larger safety stock to guard against variations in demand. This would enable the centralized warehouse to see what the regional warehouses are stocking and also review their historical demand patterns and future customer forecasts. The fact that the regional warehouses have increased their order size but customer service has not improved reflects that the â€Å"wrong† inventory items are very likely being ordered. Relevant costs would include transaction costs, transportation costs, versus the potential increase in profit by making up a shortage. Other issues include the following: ISSUE ONE: One alternative might be to identify a complementary product that would offset seasonal demand for electric grills. ISSUE TWO: What is needed is overall control of the system that would take into account seasonal variations in demand and achieve a better match between regional demand and supply. This might involve making or improving regional forecasts. In any case, improved system visibility is essential: direct access to regional warehouse data by the main warehouse is needed in order to be able to coordinate and set priorities on inventory shipments to regional warehouses. ISSUE THREE: It is also necessary to examine the feasibility of shipping from one warehouse to another when a shortage occurs. ISSUE FOUR: Develop a policy regarding shipments from the main warehouse (to end user customers versus regional warehouses). ISSUE FIVE: Invest in software (distribution resource planning [DRP]) which would provide desired visibility and also enable the main warehouse manager to â€Å"push† inventory where it is needed versus regional warehouse managers â€Å"pulling† inventory where they believe they need inventory, which may not be correct.

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Medicare Never Pay Events Essay

Medicare is currently the primary healthcare insurer of the elderly in the United States of America. Medicare, which is funded by the federal government, paid providers $444 billion dollars in 2008 for healthcare expenses (National Healthcare and Medicare Spending, 2010). Due to enormous expenses, Medicare implemented changes during 2008 to improve patient safety and reduce cost by eliminating reimbursement to those who provide unsafe care. Medicare designed a list of â€Å"never† events. These are events Medicare will not reimburse, and the provider cannot bill the patient for the service. All providers receiving Medicare reimbursement have made themselves very familiar with the list outlined by Medicare. Failure to adhere to the list of never events would lead a facility into bankruptcy and out of business. The list includes wrong site surgery, retention of foreign object, death or disability with intravascular air embolism while in a healthcare facility, infant discharged to wrong person, patient death or disability associated with patient disappearance for more than four hours, patient suicide or attempted suicide resulting in serious disability while being cared for in a healthcare facility, death or disability due to medication error, death or disability due to incompatible blood products, death or disability associated with hypoglycemia while being cared for in a healthcare facility, stage three or four pr essure ulcers acquired after admission to a healthcare facility, and sexual assault while on the grounds of a healthcare facility (Torrey, 2011). Basically, never events are incidents that should never happen to anyone, and if they do neither Medicare nor the patient will be financially responsible. Thus, increasing accountability to the providing facility. Medicare Reimbursement and Nurse Retention Medicare reimbursement affects nurse retention by reducing revenue that could be allocated into budgets for pay increases, benefits, supplies, continuing education, and recruitment. In addition, keep in mind the stress associated with staff being aware of the costly event and the injury sustained by the individual and family. Furthermore, many of these issues are sure to stimulate legal action. Decreased budgets and additional stress factors definitely decrease nurses longevity with a facility. References Torrey, T., (2011). What is a medical error? Retrieved from: National healthcare and Medicare spending. (2010). Retrieved from:

Saturday, September 14, 2019

Europa Europa Film Assignment

At first in the orphanage, Solomon goes through indoctrination, and the ideas are presented to him. From there it seems that he begins to change, but gets reinforcement when the bombs begin to I fall after the candy incident. In the interaction with the German troops, he adapts by lying on who he is really is to survive, and make it through the events. The theme of adapting ties with Judaism, because as Jews were expelled from place to place, as they moved they changed to fit into environment, and lastly survive through time.This Idea becomes visible because s Solomon moves from place to place, he changes his Identity to adapt and survive. However this Is not only a literal change of his Identity. At a point he pulls his skin on his pens In attempt to make It look Like he Is not circumcised. This Is a physical change that he tries to perform, but Is not able to do so In the end. From here It Is clear that he wants to hide out, but every time it is a change that goes with hiding his r eligion and the ideas that create that religious ideology. In the movie, adaptability becomes a need to survive, and in sense has relation toJudaism. Within the roots of Judaism has the sense of movement to find out that the ideas have dispersed. In the movie, the sense that he is exiled from his identity, and at times it seems that he is far out, and cannot come back. But as the plot develops, he attempts to return back to his true identity, but then to be caught within the lines of the Germans yet again. But then in the end he ends up returning to his real identity. But as he comes back, he learns that his family Is dead except for his brother, and In sense the family is dispersed away from each other.In the movie Europe Europe, there are various themes that are apparent. But the idea of adaptability to survive comes up over and over through the movie. It establishes that in the end the true identity that comes from your cultural background, ends up, at times having oneself to cha nge for survival. Within the movie Solomon changes to survive, in hope that he may see the light in the end of tunnel. Through this ordeal, he confronts his religious beliefs and has doubts about them. But over and over through specific scenes he is reinserted that belief is still strong tit him.Through his perils he encounters various events, when these events take a turn for the worse; the belief is restored through some specific event, or him being saved from revealing his real identity. Solomon changes himself not to oppose his beliefs or even his religion, but more so to survive. From Judaism the idea of exile implies that you leave, and upon leaving you slightly alter yourself to fit In, and blend From here one can conclude that In various manners, Solomon performs an act that is identified within in his religion.Solomon survives Dye slung ten concept AT adapt TTY Tanat comes Walt n ten Idea AT exile, and is though he alters his belief, he is reinserted by his beliefs yet agai n that they are in reality in him. Even when he tries to pull his skin to cover his circumcision he fells the pains, and learns that the identity follows him regardless if he lives with them in the open, or if he attempts to hide them. Solomon holds the idea of adaptability to secure his life, and at the time it was one of his main concerns, and he successfully does so.

Friday, September 13, 2019

World History Soldier's Journal Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

World History Soldier's Journal - Essay Example However gradually I realized that it is my duty, my responsibility and I should not be emotional about it. With the passing time, I started perceiving my job as a symbol of manhood and started feeling proud about being a soldier. The advancement of nationalism in the 19th century had many severe outcomes. Rivalry for trade and colonies started to increase. Europe’s immense powers were rapidly segmented into two alliances, the Triple Entente and the Triple Alliance. Predicaments in the Balkans within 1908 to 1913 made several European countries annoyed with one another. They were enthusiastic to go to combat to safeguard the supremacy of their national regions. Not all racial sections turned out to be nations. However the development of nationalism made the Poles, the Slavic and the Irish people’s demand of forming their individual national states. The National demands were not the sole reason behind the developing internal divergences during the initial years starting from 1900. During those times the socialist labor movements became further authoritative. These progresses were more and more intending to make use of strikes to achieve their objectives, even though this procedure paved the way f or hostility. A few of the conventional leaders were scared of the fact that their countries were on the edge of mutiny. Some history scholars claim that the terror of upheaval and the willingness to restrain internal disputes influenced the authoritative figures of some countries to take part in the war of 1914. Subsequent to 1900, the magnitude of armies all around Europe started to growth at a shocking rate. Conscription, a military draft, was utilized by the majority of the Western countries prior to 1914. It brought about the size of the European armed forces to an amount that is double the earlier number of armies between the time period 1890 and 1914. Militarism (arrangement for war) was developing. Military guides got to be

Thursday, September 12, 2019

Renaissance Art Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Renaissance Art - Essay Example nimity is neither dependent upon his genealogy nor upon his extraordinary achievements as a statesman or a brave warrior- unlike Agamemnon or Achilles. On the contrary, man’s intellectual achievements, as personified by Faustus, coupled with his ceaseless passion for rediscovery were for Marlowe, the sole criteria for ascertaining a man’s greatness. In addition to this, through his awe-inspiring tragedy, Marlowe also revolutionized the much popular debate between fate and free-will. According to the ancient Greeks, fate almost always superseded free-will. They believed that destiny was unalterable. Once his unintentional sin is disclosed to him, the Greek tragic hero, Oedipus considers himself as the victim of the malevolent forces of nature. However, instead of waging a battle against the Oracle; he realizes his limitations as a mortal, indulges in self-martyrdom by blinding himself and surrenders himself to the ominous fate that awaits him. Dr. Faustus, on the other h and, emerges out as an apostate by exclaiming that, â€Å"a sound magician is a demi-god† (I. i. 61). He undoubtedly epitomizes the Renaissance individual- one who unlike the classical Greek heroes, defies the dictates of Divinity. Moreover, Faustus also contests the notion that man’s abilities are limited. He is enticed by the secular-humanistic assertion made by Mephostophilis, â€Å"But think’st thou heaven is such a glorious thing?/I tell thee Faustus it is not half so fair/As thou or any man that breathes on earth† (II. ii. 5-7). Thus, Faustus adheres to the belief that Heaven is great, but man is greater still. Thus, by negating the supreme role played by fate and by placing much more emphasis on individual responsibility, Marlowe has iterated that the Renaissance individual’s suffering is... This paper work describes a period of ‘rebirth’, resulted in the flourishing of arts and literature. During the Reneissance skepticism, humanism, emphasis on rational thought and reformulation of traditional belief systems were the hallmarks. The practice of viewing everything with an eye of skepticism and daring to explore the unexplored led to the formulation of: the notion of Copernican motion, the acknowledgement of the unimaginable potential granted to man by Providence and most importantly the conviction that dogmatic religious ideology or a puritanical belief system is not the absolute. In the literary realm, Marlowe’s ‘Dr.Faustus’, can be categorized as a paradigmatic example of the Renaissance literature. With the emergence of Renaissance, art in general and painting in particular assumed an altogether different dimension. In the classical Greek and Roman eras, decorated vases and sculptors were in vogue. Likewise, the Golden era of Byzantine had also seen a flourishing of arts and culture. However, in these afore-mentioned eras, not much emphasis was placed on making art life-like. The endeavour of making paintings and portraits resemble real life and of depicting man as a sentient being, was taken up by the renowned artistic masters of the Renaissance period- Leonardo da Vinci, Raphael, Mossacio (also known as Tomasso Guidi) and Rembrandt. Rembrandt was undoubtedly one of the most accomplished Dutch artists of the late Renaissance period- the seventeenth century.

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Ghandi, The Man not the Myth Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Ghandi, The Man not the Myth - Essay Example Gandhi’s approach to life is to build, not break. He knew that prosperity in the real sense of the term will not happen unless the people are sound and industrious, and basic conditions are created for them to become this way. With the profound knowledge that he possessed about cultural traditions and the state of the economy, he was in a position to guide the destiny of the people. The country he was associated with had their economy and cultural traditions exploited and devastated with a calculated plan by the colonial rulers. He desired that every segment of the population of the country needs to be self-sufficient and should not look forward for foreign aid. He desired and worked for the Indian people to make them self-sufficient and lead the life maintaining the essential dignity. Truth was the underlying message in his way of life. Non-violence to him meant strength without destruction, with no chance for weakness or fear for challenging injustice. In the dark coalmine o f politics, he was the sparkling gem. He had powerful issues to fight with, like racism, violence, religious fanaticism, and colonialism. Since truth was at the root of all his battles, he had no confusion about his goals, for he knew his destination. To him, how he did, what he did, and the honest means employed were more important than the violent tactics normally adopted by the politicians. "Truth remained at the root of his integrated approach to life, and by non-violence he meant vitality without destruction, with no opportunity for weakness or fear for challenging injustice." Religion enveloped every action in his life In 1944 Albert Einstein said, â€Å"Generations to come, it may be, will scarcely believe that such a one as this ever in flesh and blood walked upon this earth,†. He spoke of Gandhi as an angel, that only occurs once on earth. That was the time when Gandhi was at the peak of spiritual advancement and the Indian Freedom struggle had entered the conclusive phase. Most of the people then and eve n today understand the superficial Gandhi, a tall lean figure with a walking stick and robe. They were enthusiastic about following him, without understanding the basic principles for which he stood for. In turn he mixed freely with the people, irrespective of their class or official status and at the same time he maintained the essential dignity needed in a true leader. He possessed personal assets like purity in personal lifestyles, good dietary practices (he was a strict vegetarian), celibacy, and a life devoid of violence (ahimsa) His dietary practices were often ridiculed and termed as impractical for a hardworking and busy individual. However, Gandhi knew the scientific justification for his pursuits in this area, which he considered as an important aspect for his spiritual advancement. Gandhi’s food discipline is part of this theory. His mother took advice from a Jain priest and the 5 five great vows of Jainism are: nonviolence, truth, non-stealing, celibacy, and non p ossession (Holmes, p.6). Those taking junk and non-vegetarian foods are prone to anger, restlessness and unsteady behavior, get upset over frivolous issues and have jealous dispositions. Gandhi terms his life as an experiment with truth, and he tendered convincing proofs for all his actions. Gandhi does not expect everyone to follow his principles blindly and as the man with the divine orientation he knows that each individual is born with a level of progression. There is a place in which he has to commence the one’s own journey of life from the given set of circumstances. When the individuals are honest about their intentions and have an unselfish approach, all problems, personal, societal, national and international, can be solved. Apparently, this may seem hard to obtain, but this is the only alternative to challenge the issues confronting humankind. Treading the spiritual path is a gradual process and the episodes presented by Gandhi chronologically in the book need to be understood in this context. As one progresses spiritually, many a past beliefs turn myths. Meaning, such an individual has transcended the

Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Service Marketing and Product Marketing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Service Marketing and Product Marketing - Essay Example Example, if a car manufacturer sells extended warranty services against a car model the marketing aspects of such services are related with the performance of the product in the market segment and hence if the product is already selling successfully, the associated service packages can be sold without many problems. However, if services are sold independent of products then their marketing strategies need to be different. Coviello and Brodie et al. (2002. pp42) presented an empirical generalization that the companies selling products engage with their customers in more transactional manner whereas the companies selling services engage with their customers in more relational manner. In fact if the work done by these researchers is analyzed closely, it reveals that the fundamental difference lies in the way the methodology of marketing is chosen - whether for products or for services. The researchers presented four methodologies of marketing - Transaction Marketing, Database Marketing, Interaction Marketing and Network Marketing. The choice of markets depends upon the way cash flow is expected from the consumers to the firm - one time or recurring. Any marketing strategy targeting regular cash flow from consumers will prefer relationship marketing. Some marketing strategists prefer to adopt pluralistic approach of accompanying both relationship & transactional marketing depending upon the demands of the market segments. Example, low cost products & services may be promoted more through transactional marketing while premium products & services may be promoted more through relationship marketing. Database & network marketing are relatively complex and hence are of lesser preference among marketing professionals. Is Product or Services marketing fundamentally related Coviello and Brodie et al. (2002. pp42) argued that empirically the services & product marketing areas have been treated differently. The engagement channels are more in services marketing than products marketing. Moreover, usage of IT enabled tools result in more impact on customers in the services marketing than product marketing. This is because the expectations of customers from services are more complex than from products. Krishnan and Ramaswamy et al. (1999. pp 1197-1200) presented a detailed research on customer satisfaction in banking & financial services industry. They presented that unlike manufacturing industries that produce fully tangible products, the financial services industry offers productized services that are delivered through multiple channels to the customers and hence the span of customer expectations widens given that their frequency of interactions with the companies are much more. In case of products, a consumer may call the service lines only if a fault or defect is detected or else some usability features are not clear. These transactions are one time in nature that may occur few times in a year. However, in services industries the customers interact with the companies too often whereby their experience in every interaction counts in building the perceptions. Hence, in case of service

Monday, September 9, 2019

Business plan and some figures.a Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Business plan and some figures.a - Essay Example These partnering companies are called Pks and Shane. The companies will each buy 1000 units of wigs each month. This means therefore that we will produce 2000 units each month at  £450 per unit. The company is looking forward to securing a loan with your bank to ensure a boost in the sales and advertisements for the company’s products as well as its expansion. In the budgeted financials for the first year of operation the company expects to report promising returns from venturing in the industry. The company’s budgeted profits are  £7,242,400.00 for the first financial year. The company has we are looking to increase the market share thus we will require additional financing from your bank of an amount amounting to  £10,000,000. We are requesting the amount based on our projected revenues and a further increase of 30% of our budgeted expenses. The current market interest rate is at 7% which will be conducive for our organisation. The company’s management is aware of the repayment period of three year. Paying monthly payments of  £308,770.97 as per the loan amortization schedule shown in the appendix, the organisation will be committed in repaying the loan without failure. Wonderland Company intends to venture in the beauty industry in selling and distribution of female wigs both locally and internationally. The company has established two main distributors in the local market. These distributers are the PKs and the Shane companies limited. The company is looking forward to expanding is market to the international market thus the main reason to securing a business loan. The company will be sourcing its virgin hair ingredients from India, this is because of the great confidence that local consumers have on the hair. Indian hair is voted to be the best quality and consumer friendly in terms of price. The decision was reached after conducting research of the afro Caribbean hair

Sunday, September 8, 2019

Coparing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Coparing - Essay Example On the hand, the characters of Lost suffered injuries of varying degrees – some survivors were revived with CPR, some wounds were stitched up, while others were fatal. There were even survivors who were killed on the island when the wreckage blew up. Another apparent difference between the two scenarios is the fact that in the novel, the plane wreck was not on the island. So the boys had to make everything they need out of what are available on the island. The only thing that they have from civilization is Piggy’s eye glass which they used to create a fire. In stark contrast, in the TV series Lost, the wreckage of the plane was on the island. Hence the survivors were able to retrieve their belongings as well as the cargo of the plane. The Lost survivors had food, fire, clothing, blankets as well as first aid kits to keep them warm and safe on their first night. Because they already have their primary needs, they had the time to look out for one another and to think things over. Moreover, while the novel features a rather homogenous cast of innocent pre-adolescent boys, the series Lost have a more realistic composition of characters with a representative sample for different age groups, race, gender and even skills. While the boys had to conduct a meeting in order to organize themselves, the adults of lost do not need supervision from anybody. Everyone took the initiative to be of help to one another. One creates fire and asks another to keep it going while another person gathered food and distributed them to the other survivors. Finally, between the boys of the novel Lord of the Flies and the men and women of the TV series Lost, the latter have far better chances of survival and of being rescued back into civilization. First, the boys were at an age where they are still generally under the care of their parents. There is the presumption that they still lack the

Saturday, September 7, 2019

Adult Education in the 21st Century Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Adult Education in the 21st Century - Essay Example Many theories have been put forward on how adults learn in the 21st century resulting to different propositions in this issue. One of the many theories proposed is Malcolm Knowles’ theory of andragogy that has gained acceptance based on recognition. This theory has been accepted without careful consideration of its propositions. Though widely accepted, there have been debates about this theory’s classification. People have not been able to define this theory according to its work (is it an adult learning theory, a teaching theory, a philosophical theory or all of these) because it may serve different purposes. Adult learning process is a bit different from child education, and it would encompass issues such as the purpose of learning. This process would also require that those being taught choose how they want the process to be done. This would not be the case when dealing with school going children. This write up looks on how adult learning is done in the 21st century. Knowles defines andragogy as â€Å"the art and science of teaching adults.† In his efforts to work on this theory, he gave four assumptions upon which adult learning would be based. According to Knowles, adult learning is based on the following assumptions. The first assumption is that teachers are responsible for helping adults to move from reliance and become independent.The other assumption is that learners are believed to see education as a way to increase their competence. Thirdly, Knowles makes an assumption that learners will be willing to learn to aim that the knowledge attained would enable them solve real-life problems. The other assumption is that adults have are experienced, and this would facilitate the learning process. Later, Knowles together with Holton and Swanson added two assumptions on adult learning. The first one was that adults knew the reason that made them learn at that age. The final assumption in this area is that self esteem is a motivator for adul t education. One concept in this theory is that adult learning has been compared to a contract that requires at least two parties. The teacher and the learner negotiate on the outcome of the learning process that is yet to be implemented. Negotiations on how the outcome will be achieved are also done by these two parties. This corporation of the teacher and the learner in formulating strategies together is the foundation upon which andragogy is based. Therefore, andragogy provide insights on the learning process and is considered an approach to adult education and development (St. Clair, 2002). Transformational and relative learning Adult learning process applies a process called situated learning which tackles activities that are familiar to the learner. Here, the adult students learn through immersion in activities that concern their discipline of study. For instance, engineering and political science students would be required to examine the content and structure of governmental websites. This would enable them study the weaknesses and strengths of government resources that are provided online (Sholes, 2003). Situated learning will aim to achieve various aspects on adults taking learning lessons. Present the students with situations that would reflect the way they will apply the knowledge they have acquired in real life situations. For example, this would be in problem solving in their discipline of work. It will also provide numerous roles and multiple perspectives, support working together in construction of knowledge and admission to expert performances. Constructive- development learning The other theory applied in adult learning is constructive- development theory that encompasses adult growth and the learning proc

Business Ethics in Respect of Bangladesh Essay Example for Free

Business Ethics in Respect of Bangladesh Essay Business ethics: Social responsibility requires individuals engaging in business endeavors to behave in an ethical manner. Ethics are principles of behavior that distinguish between right and wrong. Ethical conduct conforms to what a group or society as a whole considers right behavior. People working in business frequently face ethical questions. Business ethics is the evaluation of business activities and behavior as right or wrong. Ethical standards in business are based on commonly accepted principles of behavior established by the expectations of society, the firm, the industry, and an individual’s personal values. Most business leaders realize their firms cannot succeed without the trust of customers and the goodwill of society. A violation of ethics makes trust and goodwill difficult to maintain. In thousands of companies, executives and employees act according to the highest ethical standards. Unfortunately managers in some firms behave unethically, and these instances are often highly publicized. Personnel executive say the major reason managers behave unethically is to obtain power and money. Business Ethics- Practice in Bangladesh In Bangladesh, though practice of Business ethics is still not so commendable in public sector and small companies, but business ethics has been an increasing concern among larger companies, at least since the 1990s. Major corporations increasingly fear the damage to their image associated with press revelations of unethical practices. The following information about the functions relating ethics and social responsibility of a reputed company of our country will give a brief idea about the practice of Business Ethics in Bangladesh: Unilever Bangladesh Limited Over the last four decades, Unilever Bangladesh has been constantly bringing new and world class products for the Bangladeshi people to remove the daily drudgery of life. Over 90% of the country’s households use one or more of Unilever products. They aim to give everybody a little something to celebrate about themselves every day. They believe that to succeed in business, it is essential to maintain the highest standards of corporate behavior towards everyone they work with, the communities they touch, and the environment on which they have an impact. Ethical Approaches: †¢ Effective Code of business principles: Their code of business principles describes the operational standards that everyone at Unilever follows, wherever they are in the world. It also supports their approach to governance and corporate responsibility. Code of business principles are- Standard of conduct, Obey the law, employees, consumers, shareholders, business partners, community involvement, public activities, the environment, innovation, competition, business integrity, conflict of interest, compliance, reporting, monitor. †¢ Women Development and Women Empowerment: Unilever strongly believes in the importance of empowering women in Bangladesh, because the progress of any society will be constrained if a significant part of its population is neglected and excluded from the benefits of development. They believe, with economic and educational empowerment, women can become more vocal about their rights and become stronger in withstanding repression in any form. So they have established â€Å"Fair Lovely Foundation†. The mission of this foundation is to encourage economic empowerment of Bangladeshi women through information and resources in the areas of Education, Career and Enterprise. It is this realization that has brought about the Fair Lovely Foundation Scholarship Program. Under this scholarship scheme, women who have passed their HSC each receives a Taka 25,000scholarship to support her tertiary level education. Unethical Approaches: †¢ Unilever produces Fair lovely fairness cream, lotion, etc and they claim that skincolor will be white after using this product. But that it is not true. There are noscientific values about whiteness. This is totally unethical performance inmarketing activities of this company. Managing or Encouraging Ethical Behavior Managing the financial operations of a company can be a complex effort. Companies need to balance their desire to grow with the realities of maintaining their financial relationships, satisfying their investors and making a profit. †¢ Government Regulations: The government can do so by legislating more stringent regulations. But, rules require enforcement and when in many cases there is evidence of lack of enforcement even the ethical business person will tend to slip something by without getting caught. Increased regulation may help, but it surely cannot solve the entire business ethics problems. †¢ Trade Associations Setting Guidelines: Trade associations can and often do provide ethical guidelines for their members. These organizations within particular industries are in an excellent position to exert pressures on members that stoop to questionable business practices. †¢ Companies Providing Code of Ethics: Employees can more easily determine and adopt acceptable behavior when companies provide them with a code of ethics. Such codes are perhaps the most effective way to encourage ethical behavior. A code of ethics is a written guide to acceptable and ethical behavior that outlines uniform policies, standards and punishments for violations. Because employees know what is expected of them and what will happen if they violate the rules, a code of ethics goes a long way towards encouraging ethical behavior. However, codes cannot possibly cover every situation. Companies must also create an environment in which employees recognize the importance of complying with the written code. Managers must provide direction by fostering communication, actively modeling and encouraging ethical decision making, apart from investing in training employees to make ethical decisions. †¢ Whistle Blowing Technique: Sometimes, even employees who want to act ethically may find it difficult to do so. Unethical practices can become ingrained in an organization. Employees with high personal ethics may then take a controversial step called whistle blowing. Whistle blowing is informing the press or government officials about unethical practices in an organization. Whistle blowing could have averted disaster and prevented needless deaths in the Challenger space shuttle disaster, for example. How could employees have known about life-threatening problems and let them pass? Whistle blowing on the other hand, can have serious repercussions for employees; those who make waves sometimes lose their jobs. Conclusion The main objective of business is to serve people with their every need for the well-being of human being and to ensure that, there is no alternative of following business ethics. Since he practice of business ethics in our country is still not ubiquitous, we are not getting the proper environment for the business, and thus often we are facing some crisis situation and it is hampering our total economic development. Our policy makers and the top executives of the organizations should give more concern in making ethical policies and take proper steps to encourage business executives and service holders to follow them.

Friday, September 6, 2019

Student Life Essay Example for Free

Student Life Essay Having a healthy youth is not less than having an atomic bomb, but, to be well educated, would like to have a future full of hope.There is no doubt that the Albanian youth today is poured through her brain tide of time and with great sacrifice made its challenges. Jobs with which it deals today are of different natures, even degenerate. Her dynamic energy used and consumed rapidly in things, that is not worth even give each eye. Albanian university youth as the hope of the nation, that nation has forgotten to shave cultural and scientific creativity and create artistic value, which will be further push towards integration in civilized countries. It is isolated on attractions, burden-cafes are packed full of freshman student, while bookstores and libraries have become museums, rarely someone comes to visit. This youth needs new roads, modern tools for quality and seasoned academic work, support, incentives to cultivate arts, crafts, from whatever genre it is. These youth lack adequate representation in society, the lack of support structures, whether governmental or non-governmental. Lost confidence In ancient fortifications youth has been basis of triumph, therefore, wars have often occurred when soldiers won a majority of young and well educated, with Bonton clean and sober intellect and sound. People and youth leaders have entrusted to them, so that military commanders have made.Then why Albanian youth today has lost the confidence of the people and state leaders? Is the problem? Does crime surplus and deficit of morality among young people in disbelief and influenced the creation of a terrific opinion against them? These and many other questions are those that erode the reasonable soul of the young man, who when he sees how his friends drown in doubt, their doubts and wonders make it.According to some polls say that doubt in our daily lives has become everyday expressions and very serious spiritual illness simultaneously. Suspicion and distrust man drown quiet, how to believe in a young, which depends on several times a day and darkness of doubt ropes? Lack of collective lab or It is an undeniable fact that young Albanian university teasel is neglected when it comes to collective organization. Association, forums, and student unions is no less similar. Our youth lacks sense and experience to work and other major collective. Sometimes it happens that you see and hear how the student or the student does not Ð ·mon knowledge, science, art, etc. The collective work. Fare does not care for books, newspapers and magazines .Can not escape the challenges and problems in individual time when you have the problem of global character.Lack of collective labor Albanian university youth is the weakest and disturbing. Should a speed to realize a sustainable stability and create conditions for collective work, if we want to preserve our identity as young university and provide a sense of hope still. Where next?! To get out of laziness world in the art world, the world of activity, cultivation of knowledge and morality, our youth needs to stop is given by way of error. Should have watched the advantages of youth in civilized countries, are taught to seek their right to belong and to implement it.To return to the lost dignity Albanian university youth, veÐ ·anà «risht here in Tetovo, where the spaces of both Universities and schools have thousands of students, seriously need to get back to work and dress with ethical values, scientific and success permanent and dignified work.Youth to read for the success of the actions that will maintain, for the scientific and artistic activities. This would then view and the desired profile for the student who has taken the oath of parents, villagers and people to Ð ·ua country forward towards success and the civilized world.