Friday, September 6, 2019

Student Life Essay Example for Free

Student Life Essay Having a healthy youth is not less than having an atomic bomb, but, to be well educated, would like to have a future full of hope.There is no doubt that the Albanian youth today is poured through her brain tide of time and with great sacrifice made its challenges. Jobs with which it deals today are of different natures, even degenerate. Her dynamic energy used and consumed rapidly in things, that is not worth even give each eye. Albanian university youth as the hope of the nation, that nation has forgotten to shave cultural and scientific creativity and create artistic value, which will be further push towards integration in civilized countries. It is isolated on attractions, burden-cafes are packed full of freshman student, while bookstores and libraries have become museums, rarely someone comes to visit. This youth needs new roads, modern tools for quality and seasoned academic work, support, incentives to cultivate arts, crafts, from whatever genre it is. These youth lack adequate representation in society, the lack of support structures, whether governmental or non-governmental. Lost confidence In ancient fortifications youth has been basis of triumph, therefore, wars have often occurred when soldiers won a majority of young and well educated, with Bonton clean and sober intellect and sound. People and youth leaders have entrusted to them, so that military commanders have made.Then why Albanian youth today has lost the confidence of the people and state leaders? Is the problem? Does crime surplus and deficit of morality among young people in disbelief and influenced the creation of a terrific opinion against them? These and many other questions are those that erode the reasonable soul of the young man, who when he sees how his friends drown in doubt, their doubts and wonders make it.According to some polls say that doubt in our daily lives has become everyday expressions and very serious spiritual illness simultaneously. Suspicion and distrust man drown quiet, how to believe in a young, which depends on several times a day and darkness of doubt ropes? Lack of collective lab or It is an undeniable fact that young Albanian university teasel is neglected when it comes to collective organization. Association, forums, and student unions is no less similar. Our youth lacks sense and experience to work and other major collective. Sometimes it happens that you see and hear how the student or the student does not Ð ·mon knowledge, science, art, etc. The collective work. Fare does not care for books, newspapers and magazines .Can not escape the challenges and problems in individual time when you have the problem of global character.Lack of collective labor Albanian university youth is the weakest and disturbing. Should a speed to realize a sustainable stability and create conditions for collective work, if we want to preserve our identity as young university and provide a sense of hope still. Where next?! To get out of laziness world in the art world, the world of activity, cultivation of knowledge and morality, our youth needs to stop is given by way of error. Should have watched the advantages of youth in civilized countries, are taught to seek their right to belong and to implement it.To return to the lost dignity Albanian university youth, veÐ ·anà «risht here in Tetovo, where the spaces of both Universities and schools have thousands of students, seriously need to get back to work and dress with ethical values, scientific and success permanent and dignified work.Youth to read for the success of the actions that will maintain, for the scientific and artistic activities. This would then view and the desired profile for the student who has taken the oath of parents, villagers and people to Ð ·ua country forward towards success and the civilized world.

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