Friday, February 21, 2020

Human Resources Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 2

Human Resources - Essay Example The first type is the flex time where the employees are presented a range of starting and ending times for the workday but there is a mandatory â€Å"core† time in the middle of the day. The second type which Schaefer discussed is the compressed work weeks where the employees will complete 40 hours in less than five days (2005). Telecommuting is another arrangement where the employees work according to a schedule from a remote location usually in his home. The last type of flexible work arrangement is the part-time work or job sharing where employees share the same position; thus, working fewer hours. Heathfield points out that the benefits of a flexible work arrangement for employees include flexible time for family, work, and other obligations and responsibilities of the employee; saves on commuting time and transportation cost; eliminates the hassle of traffic and stressful commuting during rush hours; gives the employee more control on his schedule and work environment and reduces burn out (2011). Heathfield goes on to say that this kind of work arrangement allows the employees to work at a time where they feel they are more productive. She also states that flexible work hours for parents may also reduce the expense of paying for childcare hours. Heathfield mentions several advantages for the employers as well, with the implementation of flexible work arrangements (2011). ... Furthermore, the company will develop an â€Å"image as an employer of choice with family friendly flexible work schedules† (Heathfield, 2011). The resistance of employees from flexible work arrangements comes from the possibility that their salaries will also be reduced with fewer work hours (Graduate Prospects Ltd., 2011). Graduate Prospects further cites loneliness and a sense of isolation from colleagues as other reasons why some employees resist flexible work hours. Some workers frown at the idea of working flexi time because it is something that is imposed on them and they are not given a choice. There is no dedicated work space for telecommuting arrangements. Employees should be more disciplined and organized because there is no one to monitor them. For employers, it is hard to evaluate the performance of employees; thus, a hindrance to the possibility of promotion. One of the barriers to the effectiveness of flexible working hours that was identified is the implementat ion of the program itself. Some managers or employees might not be open to the idea in the beginning. This could be addressed by planning carefully the options available, assessing the needs of the business including those of the employees and developing strategies for the implementation (JobAccess, 2010). Another barrier raised is that certain job positions are not conducive to flexible work arrangements and some employees are not qualified for telecommuting arrangements. This problem can be tackled by screening the employees who have the skills and ability to work on their own and offering the option to them. Management should also study and identify the positions which are suitable for flexible work arrangements. 2. You work for an organisation that has

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