Sunday, May 24, 2020
Essay on Examining Flexibility in Small Business - 878 Words
1- Preliminary arrangements Progressively and for the sake of qualifying the proposed P-Es gap measurement context, the paper endorsed a number of acknowledged scholar techniques. The objective was to farm those techniques in order to spell out an acceptable managerial instrument, and to anticipate the concept of flexibility. a) Questionnaire /constructs development For developing a questionnaire, exploratory research is needed to investigate the likely determinants or attributes to be considered. Personal or focus interviews with the service users would be recommended. And for defining the scale attributes, a manager can capitalize on the previous empirical works cited in literature that are relevant to his or her own†¦show more content†¦favorable) to 1(e.g. unfavorable). The observed frequencies of each category, however, are counted and being weighted to imply that a greater importance is attached to respondents with certain characteristics of the scale. The arithmetic means produced of scales categories guide only the analysis and merely generate a directional insight, and do not provide specific numerical magnitude. Our methodology endorses such a rating scale. c) Sample Size and Control The introduced methodology uses a sample size of less than thirty ( 30). X-bar construction could be based on a sample size as small as four (Oa kland, 2003:106); DeVor, Chang, and Sutherland, 1992:198), but larger samples help detecting spordiac causes, however. As most small businesses are well aware of their customers profile, the sampling frame becomes easily identified. It is rather important to precisely define the respondents, or to set up a filtering question(s) at the early beginning of the expectation and perception questionnaires. However, the convenience sampling method is chosen for developing the expectations questionnaire, while the simple random sampling approach fits the perceptions questionnaires. These proposed sampling techniques provide a level of validity to the samplesShow MoreRelatedBusiness Cost Structure Of Business1022 Words  | 5 PagesAfter examining past studies, I picked out the factors that I consider to be most relevant and most determining, and I propose five hypotheses. H1: Business cost structure is positively correlated with the company’s propensity to outsource its information system. Business cost structure refers to all the costs directly associated with the actual production and management of the company s production line. Business cost structure is an important factor of an organization’s profitability; thereforeRead MoreProject Management : Design Management1278 Words  | 6 Pagesintroduced to project management. In recent years, merging of agile methodology and project management is occurring. Agile project management can be explored by researching agile methodology in software engineering. 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