Friday, September 4, 2020

Where to Place the Possessive Apostrophe in a Surname

Where to Place the Possessive Apostrophe in a Surname Where to Place the Possessive Apostrophe in a Surname Where to Place the Possessive Apostrophe in a Surname By Mark Nichol You see them all the time during country drives and rural tasks the same, those olde-formed wooden shingles mounted on post boxes or dangling from patios or attached to dividers: â€Å"The Smith’s† and such obvious updates that possessives despite everything stun numerous individuals. Rules about possessives can be confounded, yet this blunder is sufficiently direct: Take away the punctuation and the last s, and what do you have? â€Å"The Smith.† That’s clearly not right (except if the occupant conspicuously alludes to himself as â€Å"The Smith† or utilizes mallet, utensils, and blacksmith's iron to rehearse her job). Who lives at this house? The Munsters. Whose habitation is it, at that point? â€Å"The Munsters’† - or maybe â€Å"The Munsters’ house.† (The extra s is unavoidable in books and numerous other media, while its nonattendance is average in reporting in the past times of mechanical typesetting, that implied one less bit of type to position and other increasingly easygoing or fleeting sorts of distributions. In the natural vehicle of wood, the more straightforward style can undoubtedly be excused.) What's more, imagine a scenario in which the family name as of now finishes with a s. The standard is to add es to the name, along these lines, the plural of Addams is Addamses. The sign should along these lines read â€Å"The Addamses,† or â€Å"The Addamses’ house.† This development is in fact bulky, and there is an approach to keep away from it without giving a passing duplicate manager an instance of the shingles: Label your habitation â€Å"The Addams house† or advise guests and bystanders that â€Å"The Addams family lives here.† This wording isn't as folksy, however it despite everything deals with a familiar touch without including sibilant syllables or troublesome punctuations. As a matter of fact, this pervasive blunder is as much the shortcoming of the sign creator as it is that of the individual who commissions the sign, but since it’s hard to offer some kind of reparation by changing a mistake engraved in wood, you should recall, when you approach the artist’s workbench, the standard for the correct situation for the possessive punctuation. (Furthermore, email the recorder a connect to this post.) Need to improve your English in a short time a day? Get a membership and begin accepting our composing tips and activities day by day! Continue learning! Peruse the Style classification, check our mainstream posts, or pick a related post below:Apply to, Apply for, and Apply withBody Parts as Tools of MeasurementA Yes-and-No Answer About Hyphenating Phrases

Wednesday, August 26, 2020

Tide and Periwinkle Snail Essay Example

Tide and Periwinkle Snail Essay The periwinkle snail is in the family Littorinidae and is known as a shore snail. These small snails are around 1-? inches long and are found among rocks, on wood pilings among elevated and low tides, underneath docks, and in mud pools. The biggest periwinkle snail, Littorina littorea, is the most widely recognized assortment. The periwinkle snail started in Europe and was brought to Canada in the mid-1800s. It very well may be discovered up and down the East Coast of the United States, from New England to Maryland. A wide range of kinds of shore and water fowls feed on this snail as a component of their weight control plans. In certain areas, for example, the southern United States, all freshwater snails are otherwise called periwinkles The Natural Fringing Marsh The normal bordering swamp was an open living space where the entirety of the gatherings read to check for an exact dispersion of periwinkle snails (Littorina irroratata) the regular bordering bog. At the swamp we checked for exact tally of the measure of snails that were in a specific territory and the measure of stems that were available. By and large for this piece of the analysis the gatherings were trying to check whether there was a relationship between's the quantities of snails and the quantities of stems. We will compose a custom exposition test on Tide and Periwinkle Snail explicitly for you for just $16.38 $13.9/page Request now We will compose a custom article test on Tide and Periwinkle Snail explicitly for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Recruit Writer We will compose a custom article test on Tide and Periwinkle Snail explicitly for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Recruit Writer We plotted these numbers on an exceed expectations chart to attempt to discover a relationship, and keeping in mind that a few gatherings had a connection additionally a great deal of different gatherings didn’t have a relationship between's the quantities of stems when contrasted with the number snails. By and large notwithstanding, a slanting example in the exceed expectations charts were that the more stems an area or site had the more snails were available; it was likewise seen that a portion of the periwinkle snails could be found on the astoundingly long stems that were available at the swamp. One potential clarification on why Periwinkle Snails were progressively common in the zones where there were a great deal of stems is that the stems is the place the Periwinkles food source is at Periwinkle snails eat the garbage (small amounts of plants and dead creatures) and green growth left on the stems by the elevated tide. Likewise another conceivable clarification on why periwinkles are progressively pervasive in territories where there are more stems is that periwinkles utilize the stems as a type of insurance, I saw it was a lot harder to recognize a periwinkle when it is artially covered up in the mass measures of stems when contrasted with being simply out open, the periwinkle one might say stands out and can be handily spotted. Furthermore, it would likely be most profited to the periwinkle to turn out to be less perceptible so as to keep away from predation. The Artificial Rocky Intertidal In the fake rough intertidal area the fundamental target was to consider the peri winkles to check whether they were free or in gatherings. For this data there was no relationship by any means. By and large the periwinkles are circulated arbitrarily among gatherings and being free. Among the gatherings that considered the measure of autonomous and assembled a few gatherings saw more free snails than assembled while different gatherings saw more gathered snails than free. There was even one gathering who saw an even measure of assembled snails as autonomous snails (15 free; 15 gathered). In this way, by and large with regards to this information there is no reasonable impacts on whether periwinkles are assembled are freely appropriated. Sources BRENCHLEY, G. A. , CARLTON, J. T. Serious DISPLACEMENT OF NATIVE MUD SNAILS BY INTRODUCED PERIWINKLES IN THE NEW ENGLAND INTERTIDAL ZONE Biol Bull 1983 165: 543-558

Saturday, August 22, 2020

The Government of US

The Government of US The US is the main state in the global framework with the busiest decisions schedule. This is on the grounds that races are held at state, government, and nearby levels. This implies the American voter would cast a ballot more in the course of their life when contrasted with German, Japanese, and British voters. High-perceivability decisions are given a lot of center because of the exceptional campaigning and voter mobilization.Advertising We will compose a custom exposition test on The Government of US explicitly for you for just $16.05 $11/page Learn More The senatorial, presidential, and governorship preparations are directed by experts, for example, media consultants, surveyors, speech specialists, and political researchers. Presidential assembly accentuates more on mass correspondence. In such manner, TV adverts are regularly used to get to voters. Moreover, high-perceivability races depend on issues as opposed to ethnicity and fanatic legislative issues. At the nearby levels, d ecisions are pursued for little scope since neighborhood government officials need more assets to dispatch impressive races. It is amazing to discover that even legal workplaces are challenged in the US. In different pieces of the world, legal officials are just selected by legislative organizations, for example, the legal assistance commission. The principle point of contesters is to arrive at potential voters. People looking for political workplaces are confronted with an issue of offsetting scant assets with the requests of voter preparation. The creator uncovers a portion of the shocking components that are viewed as when planning a crusade structure. One of them involves the means that would be taken when figuring effort strategies while the other factor identifies with cost-viability (Gerber and Green 37). Cost-adequacy and rebuilding of battles are the two valuable factors that impact voter activation in any voter enlistment process. The two elements impacted the electorate i n the simply closed US presidential decisions in various manners. As to adequacy, it is consistently critical to consider the quantity of votes that a solitary dollar would bring before spending. In a thickly populated area, making calls would be inadequate on the grounds that couple of voters would be reached. In a thickly populated area, a way to-entryway battle would be viable. Entryway to-entryway battles are expensive, yet they produce high number of votes when contrasted with making telephone calls.Advertising Looking for paper on government? We should check whether we can support you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More specifically, randomized way to-entryway battles have higher odds of requesting high quantities of votes when contrasted with some other procedure. The procedure is favored in the US on account of various reasons. One of the preferences is that it characterizes the watched populace. The watched populace comprises of all people who will be examined. An other bit of leeway is that the inspected populace is partitioned into various gatherings. The examining itself is irregular implying that those activated would speak to all gatherings in an example. Another bit of leeway is that a mediation system would be contrived after considering the gathering conduct. For example, individuals from the treatment gathering would be reached through messages, urging them to decide in favor of the favored competitor. The above strategy was applied in the simply finished up presidential decisions. The Republicans and the Democrats had restricted assets yet they needed to arrive at numerous voters in the nation. In districts thought about that had a place with Republicans, Democrats utilized randomized voter enlistment strategy since it would help in distinguishing a portion of the practices of voters. Be that as it may, each gathering had a powerful strategy for arriving at voters. It is a direct result of cutting edge voter preparation procedures t hat the surveyors anticipated a ferocious presidential rivalry. In any case, the gathering that had the capacity to mix the different procedures rose victor. Gerber, Alan and Donald Green. â€Å"Social Pressure and Voter Turnout: Evidence from a Large-scale Field Experiment.† American Political Science Review 102.2 (2008): 33-48. Print.

Business plan Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Marketable strategy - Essay Example st of 10 pages and ought to incorporate in any event careless thoughtfulness regarding such key issues as business idea, financing needs, promoting plan, asset report and so on. It’s a decent method to test the enthusiasm of potential accomplice or minor financial specialist. The working arrangement is an apparatus to be utilized to work the business. It might be long detail yet short on introduction. An introduction plan varies from that more consideration is paid to alluring arranging formal language and succinctness. It is appropriate to show to financiers, speculators outside the organization. We proposed to design a business dependent on kitchenware things managing import and dissemination however not for retailing and it rejects electricals.Cleaner, advanced and a pleasant kitchen product would make cooking a helpful encounter. Enormous offices for assembling and capacity empower to deliver a wide scope of kitchen accessories.Varieties are gotten various plans, shapes and sizes. The quality of these items relies upon esteem included excellent kitchen frill. The general duty rate is moderately low; it forces high duties on specific items. It is the market portion to which a specific item is promoted. There are for the most part three stages to focusing on: - Market Segmentation, Target Choice, Product Positioning. As per the United Kingdom’s Department of Commerce the whole exchange is continues growing these days. In setting an establishment on which an appropriate market methodology for kitchen product extras need to confront parcel of rivalry. So as to rival their own competitor’s sufficient market division is fundamental. It is significant that the business is geologically situated with the greater part of the customer taking a shot at a nearby premise. System and usage rundown of advertising says that picture is the key factor for representatives, on the grounds that their work is progressively attractive and less value touchy. 1) Advertising: - It is a paid type of administrations that are only payable while causing certain advantages.

Friday, August 21, 2020

Illustrate how Shakespeare's Macbeth and John Clare's poetry use Essay

Represent how Shakespeare's Macbeth and John Clare's verse use creatures to introduce a message about human undertakings, for example, politi - Essay Example It envelops all religions, verses, expressions, chronicles, dramatizations, fictions and non-fictions. It upgrades and reshapes the readers’ impression of life by giving them a more extensive range through fanciful or genuine portrayals. It speaks to man’s relationship to man utilizing pictures and images. As C. S. Lewis discusses that â€Å"Literature adds to the real world, it doesn't just depict it. It advances the important capabilities that every day life requires and gives; and in this regard, it waters the deserts that our lives have as of now become1. Consequently, it's anything but a minor image of reality rather it is a procedure of significant worth expansion in it; and speaks to winning societies and standards of a specific culture calling attention to its different angles. Writing can be viewed as an astute educator. It presents models, representations, and occurrences before the perusers to relate their own lives and make scholarly determinations from the m. Images and pictures are the most significant instruments of writing. Picture speaks to the real world while images represent equivalent viewpoints. The scholars use them to make sharp and clear pictures in the brains of the perusers with the goal that they may see their own value in contrast with the characters and factors introduced. Other than making sharp dreams, pictures serve to offer a profound entrance into the feelings and sentiments of the characters in a specific circumstance. Therefore, at whatever point a character in Ibsen’s plays feel passionate unrest, he goes directly to the oven or fire. Handling plays with the pictures of dress and bareness in ‘Joseph Andrews’ to utilize them as the images of human intentions,2 and status; Shakespeare utilizes them to clarify seven phases of human life3 and Tennyson uses them to introduce realities in mask. Creatures have been a steady, ceaseless and viable wellspring of images and pictures in English writing . Essayists have utilized creatures to speak to and represent certain highlights of human instinct. For instance, Shakespeare alludes to snail to clarify the pace of a school going child4; Jonathan Swift offered horse-like yahoos5; Alfred Tennyson has utilized the picture of a hawk in his sonnet ‘The Eagle’ to clarify the carefulness and warpedness with which legitimate ruler deals with his estate6; Wordsworth has alluded to Nightingale and cuckoo feathered creature in ‘Solitary Reaper’ to clarify the pleasantness and rush of maiden’s tune and voice; Sylvia Plath has utilized bees7; Adrienne Rich alluded to Tigers8, and so on. For a long time, this kind of symbolism had been taken as feel of scholars. It is just since social analysis is made upon this specific element to feature its social, political and strict angles. This imaginative field of basic investigation is called, ‘Ecocriticism’. Ecocriticism challenges the investigation of li terature’s relationship to the world. It is a key to the new familiarity with life sciences. The principle contention in characteristic sciences expresses that the indigenous habitat is a selective supporter of the human life and social qualities. Social change can be initiated by the adjustment to nature. It

The 7 Psychology Schools of Thought

The 7 Psychology Schools of Thought History and Biographies Print Major Schools of Thought in Psychology By Kendra Cherry facebook twitter Kendra Cherry, MS, is an author, educational consultant, and speaker focused on helping students learn about psychology. Learn about our editorial policy Kendra Cherry Medically reviewed by Medically reviewed by Steven Gans, MD on July 13, 2019 Steven Gans, MD is board-certified in psychiatry and is an active supervisor, teacher, and mentor at Massachusetts General Hospital. Learn about our Medical Review Board Steven Gans, MD Updated on January 05, 2020 Verywell / JR Bee More in Psychology History and Biographies Psychotherapy Basics Student Resources Theories Phobias Emotions Sleep and Dreaming In This Article Table of Contents Expand Early Schools of Thought Gestalt Psychology Behaviorism Psychoanalysis Humanistic Psychology Cognitive Psychology View All Back To Top When psychology first emerged as a science separate from biology and philosophy, the debate over how to describe and explain the human mind and behavior began. The different schools of psychology represent the major theories within psychology. The first school of thought, structuralism, was advocated by the founder of the first psychology lab, Wilhelm Wundt. Almost immediately, other theories began to emerge and vie for dominance in psychology. In the past, psychologists often identified themselves exclusively with one single school of thought. Today, most psychologists have an eclectic outlook on psychology. They often draw on ideas and theories from different schools rather than holding to any singular perspective. The following are some of the major schools of thought that have influenced our knowledge and understanding of psychology: Structuralism and Functionalism: Early Schools of Thought Structuralism is widely regarded as the first school of thought in psychology. This outlook focused on breaking down mental processes into the most basic components. Major thinkers associated with structuralism include Wilhelm Wundt and Edward Titchener. The focus of structuralism was on reducing mental processes down into their most basic elements. The structuralists used techniques such as introspection to analyze the inner processes of the human mind. Functionalism formed as a reaction to the theories of the structuralist school of thought and was heavily influenced by the work of William James. It functioned on the minds functions and adaptations. Unlike some of the other well-known schools of thought in psychology, functionalism is not associated with a single dominant theorist. Instead, there are some different functionalist thinkers associated with this outlook including John Dewey, James Rowland Angell, and Harvey Carr. Author David Hothersall notes, however, that some historians even question whether functionalism should be considered a formal school of psychology at all given its lack of a central leader or formalized set of ideas.?? Instead of focusing on the mental processes themselves, functionalist thinkers were instead interested in the role that these processes play. Gestalt Psychology Gestalt psychology is a school of psychology based upon the idea that we experience things as unified wholes. This approach to psychology began in Germany and Austria during the late 19th century in response to the molecular approach of structuralism. Instead of breaking down thoughts and behavior to their smallest elements, the gestalt psychologists believed that you must look at the whole of experience. According to the Gestalt thinkers, the whole is greater than the sum of its parts. The Behaviorist School of Thought in Psychology Behaviorism became a dominant school of thought during the 1950s. It was based upon the work of thinkers such as: John B. WatsonIvan PavlovB. F. Skinner Behaviorism suggests that all behavior can be explained by environmental causes rather than by internal forces. Behaviorism is focused on observable behavior. Theories of learning including classical conditioning and operant conditioning were the focus of a great deal of research. The behavioral school of psychology had a significant influence on the course of psychology, and many of the ideas and techniques that emerged from this school of thought are still widely used today. Behavioral training, token economies, aversion therapy, and other techniques are frequently used in psychotherapy and behavior modification programs. The Psychoanalytic School of Thought Psychoanalysis is a school of psychology founded by Sigmund Freud. This school of thought emphasized the influence of the unconscious mind on behavior. Freud believed that the human mind was composed of three elements: the id, ego, and  superego. The id consists of primal urges while the ego is the component of personality charged with dealing with reality. The superego is the part of the personality that holds all of the ideals and values we internalize from our parents and culture. Freud believed that the interaction of these three elements was what led to all of the complex human behaviors. Freuds school of thought was enormously influential, but also generated considerable debate. This controversy existed not only in his time but also in modern discussions of Freuds theories. Other major psychoanalytic thinkers include: Anna FreudCarl JungErik Erikson The Humanistic School of Thought Humanistic psychology developed as a response to psychoanalysis and behaviorism. Humanistic psychology instead focused on individual free will, personal growth and the concept of self-actualization. While early schools of thought were primarily centered on abnormal human behavior, humanistic psychology differed considerably in its emphasis on helping people achieve and fulfill their potential. Major humanist thinkers include: Abraham MaslowCarl Rogers Humanistic psychology remains quite popular today and has had a significant influence on other areas of psychology including positive psychology. This particular branch of psychology is centered on helping people living happier, more fulfilling lives. Cognitive School of Psychology Cognitive psychology is the school of psychology that studies mental processes including how people think, perceive, remember and learn. As part of the larger field of cognitive science, this branch of psychology is related to other disciplines including neuroscience, philosophy, and linguistics. Cognitive psychology began to emerge during the 1950s, partly as a response to behaviorism. Critics of behaviorism noted that it failed to account for how internal processes impacted behavior. This period is sometimes referred to as the cognitive revolution as a wealth of research on topics such as information processing, language, memory, and perception that began to emerge. One of the most influential theories of this school of thought was the stages of cognitive development theory proposed by Jean Piaget. A Word From Verywell While some schools of thought have faded into obscurity, each has had an influence on the course of psychologys development. Some more recent schools of psychology, including behaviorism and cognitive psychology, remain highly influential. Today, many psychologists do not align themselves solely with a single school of thought. Instead, they may take a more eclectic  approach, drawing upon many different perspectives and theoretical backgrounds.

The 7 Psychology Schools of Thought

The 7 Psychology Schools of Thought History and Biographies Print Major Schools of Thought in Psychology By Kendra Cherry facebook twitter Kendra Cherry, MS, is an author, educational consultant, and speaker focused on helping students learn about psychology. Learn about our editorial policy Kendra Cherry Medically reviewed by Medically reviewed by Steven Gans, MD on July 13, 2019 Steven Gans, MD is board-certified in psychiatry and is an active supervisor, teacher, and mentor at Massachusetts General Hospital. Learn about our Medical Review Board Steven Gans, MD Updated on January 05, 2020 Verywell / JR Bee More in Psychology History and Biographies Psychotherapy Basics Student Resources Theories Phobias Emotions Sleep and Dreaming In This Article Table of Contents Expand Early Schools of Thought Gestalt Psychology Behaviorism Psychoanalysis Humanistic Psychology Cognitive Psychology View All Back To Top When psychology first emerged as a science separate from biology and philosophy, the debate over how to describe and explain the human mind and behavior began. The different schools of psychology represent the major theories within psychology. The first school of thought, structuralism, was advocated by the founder of the first psychology lab, Wilhelm Wundt. Almost immediately, other theories began to emerge and vie for dominance in psychology. In the past, psychologists often identified themselves exclusively with one single school of thought. Today, most psychologists have an eclectic outlook on psychology. They often draw on ideas and theories from different schools rather than holding to any singular perspective. The following are some of the major schools of thought that have influenced our knowledge and understanding of psychology: Structuralism and Functionalism: Early Schools of Thought Structuralism is widely regarded as the first school of thought in psychology. This outlook focused on breaking down mental processes into the most basic components. Major thinkers associated with structuralism include Wilhelm Wundt and Edward Titchener. The focus of structuralism was on reducing mental processes down into their most basic elements. The structuralists used techniques such as introspection to analyze the inner processes of the human mind. Functionalism formed as a reaction to the theories of the structuralist school of thought and was heavily influenced by the work of William James. It functioned on the minds functions and adaptations. Unlike some of the other well-known schools of thought in psychology, functionalism is not associated with a single dominant theorist. Instead, there are some different functionalist thinkers associated with this outlook including John Dewey, James Rowland Angell, and Harvey Carr. Author David Hothersall notes, however, that some historians even question whether functionalism should be considered a formal school of psychology at all given its lack of a central leader or formalized set of ideas.?? Instead of focusing on the mental processes themselves, functionalist thinkers were instead interested in the role that these processes play. Gestalt Psychology Gestalt psychology is a school of psychology based upon the idea that we experience things as unified wholes. This approach to psychology began in Germany and Austria during the late 19th century in response to the molecular approach of structuralism. Instead of breaking down thoughts and behavior to their smallest elements, the gestalt psychologists believed that you must look at the whole of experience. According to the Gestalt thinkers, the whole is greater than the sum of its parts. The Behaviorist School of Thought in Psychology Behaviorism became a dominant school of thought during the 1950s. It was based upon the work of thinkers such as: John B. WatsonIvan PavlovB. F. Skinner Behaviorism suggests that all behavior can be explained by environmental causes rather than by internal forces. Behaviorism is focused on observable behavior. Theories of learning including classical conditioning and operant conditioning were the focus of a great deal of research. The behavioral school of psychology had a significant influence on the course of psychology, and many of the ideas and techniques that emerged from this school of thought are still widely used today. Behavioral training, token economies, aversion therapy, and other techniques are frequently used in psychotherapy and behavior modification programs. The Psychoanalytic School of Thought Psychoanalysis is a school of psychology founded by Sigmund Freud. This school of thought emphasized the influence of the unconscious mind on behavior. Freud believed that the human mind was composed of three elements: the id, ego, and  superego. The id consists of primal urges while the ego is the component of personality charged with dealing with reality. The superego is the part of the personality that holds all of the ideals and values we internalize from our parents and culture. Freud believed that the interaction of these three elements was what led to all of the complex human behaviors. Freuds school of thought was enormously influential, but also generated considerable debate. This controversy existed not only in his time but also in modern discussions of Freuds theories. Other major psychoanalytic thinkers include: Anna FreudCarl JungErik Erikson The Humanistic School of Thought Humanistic psychology developed as a response to psychoanalysis and behaviorism. Humanistic psychology instead focused on individual free will, personal growth and the concept of self-actualization. While early schools of thought were primarily centered on abnormal human behavior, humanistic psychology differed considerably in its emphasis on helping people achieve and fulfill their potential. Major humanist thinkers include: Abraham MaslowCarl Rogers Humanistic psychology remains quite popular today and has had a significant influence on other areas of psychology including positive psychology. This particular branch of psychology is centered on helping people living happier, more fulfilling lives. Cognitive School of Psychology Cognitive psychology is the school of psychology that studies mental processes including how people think, perceive, remember and learn. As part of the larger field of cognitive science, this branch of psychology is related to other disciplines including neuroscience, philosophy, and linguistics. Cognitive psychology began to emerge during the 1950s, partly as a response to behaviorism. Critics of behaviorism noted that it failed to account for how internal processes impacted behavior. This period is sometimes referred to as the cognitive revolution as a wealth of research on topics such as information processing, language, memory, and perception that began to emerge. One of the most influential theories of this school of thought was the stages of cognitive development theory proposed by Jean Piaget. A Word From Verywell While some schools of thought have faded into obscurity, each has had an influence on the course of psychologys development. Some more recent schools of psychology, including behaviorism and cognitive psychology, remain highly influential. Today, many psychologists do not align themselves solely with a single school of thought. Instead, they may take a more eclectic  approach, drawing upon many different perspectives and theoretical backgrounds.

Thursday, June 25, 2020

Study Salary Gender Gap Persists For Biz Grads

Study: Salary Gender Gap Persists For Biz Grads by: Nathan Allen on January 18, 2018 | 0 Comments Comments 300 Views January 18, 2018WomenLead Power Networking event. Courtesy photoRemember the days when men and women were equally compensated for their education and job title? No? Oh yeah, thats because it hasnt happened yet. According to a study published today (January 18), the gender gap in salary remains. New year, same problem.Universum, a market insights research firm, asked more than half a million  business and STEM (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics) students at universities from 29 countries, including the U.S., a simple question:  What salary do you expect to earn in your first job after graduation? Across all countries and both categories of major areas, women, on average, expected to make less in their first jobs after graduation than men. In the U.S., male business majors expected to make around $60,000 before taxes and without any added bonuses . U.S. women expected around $55,000.The gap in the U.S. was greater than in  the other three Western Hemisphere countries included in the study, Canada, Brazil, and Mexico. Business majors from Malaysia, Sweden, and Canada had the smallest gaps and business majors from Russia, India, and Spain had the highest. (See the Cost of Talent 2017 Report here.)They are exactly what I thought, Carolyn Goerner, a clinical professor of management and entrepreneurship at Indiana Universitys Kelley School of Business, says of the results. They are consistent with the fairly recent research coming out about gender differences and negotiation.PAY GAP HAS BEEN PERSISTENT SINCE 1960sKellie McElhaney, an adjunct associate professor and faculty director at the Institute for Business and Social Impact at the University of California-Berkeleys Haas School of Business, echoed Goerner on a separate phone call.  No surprise at all, McElhaney says. The data supports this. There is a gender pay gap, peri od.The gender pay gap has been slowly closing since first being tracked in the 1960s, but its very much still there. According to the most recent available data from Payscale, in 2016 women in the U.S. earned 76 cents for every dollar a man earned in an uncontrolled gender pay gap. In a controlled gender pay gap, where men and women in similar jobs and education were categorized, the gap shrinks to 98 cents for every dollar.The caveat, McElhaney says, is that the majority of stats available — Payscales included — are not parsed by race. So if you are an underrepresented minority, its tough to know if any of these studies hold much relevance. But its hard to imagine companies — still largely owned by white men — are paying equally all around.A LOSE-LOSE SITUATION FOR WOMENGoerner, who is also co-director of the Kelley Women’s Initiative at Indiana University, says the relatively new idea of a social cost of negotiations is likely present in these fi ndings and others. There is an interesting phenomenon at play that happens when men and women go into negotiate salary, Goerner explains on a phone call with  PoetsQuants.  And it is something that doesnt have that big of effect for men, but really silences women when they are feeling out the environment to see if it is going to be an issue.The premise, Goerner says, is due to deeply ingrained gender roles and norms. And that negotiation, in general, is inherently an aggressive act.  Somebody tells you they want to give you something and you say, no, I want more,' Goerner says. If a guy does that, its just not that big of deal. Its OK for men to be more aggressive, we see it as part of that gender role, its fine. However, if a woman takes that same step, there is almost a psychological backlash.According to a study published five years ago in  Organizational Behavior Human Decision Processes, assertive, self-advocating women suffer a social backlash when negotiating. Decrea sed likability is an example the study references as social backlash. However, non-assertive, other-advocating women also suffer a backlash, except this one is a leadership backlash. According to this study, its kind of a lose-lose situation. If a woman negotiates, she isnt socially appropriate. Yet if she doesnt show assertiveness, she has lower presumed competency, the research says.Meanwhile, male negotiators do not suffer any backlash consequences despite being characterized in a fashion similar to that of the females in each condition, the study concludes.DATA SHOWS WOMEN ARE NOT WORSE NEGOTIATORS THAN MENWhat continually saves women from the potential backlash, Goerner says, is also a gender role stereotype. Women are more intuitive and are able to read situations to avoid the potentially thorny interactions, she points out. Were just now getting to the point where we can help women overcome that, Goerner continues. There are some great communication strategies they can use. B ut we just sort of figured this out as researchers.McElhaney sees it the same way. Women are more heavily penalized than men, McElhaney says of the unconscious bias involved in salary negotiations. Or to put it more bluntly, McElhaney says for men aggressive negotiation comes off as good and for women it comes of as being selfish and not looking out for the company.The data shows women arent worse negotiators than men — not by any stretch, McElhaney says. And if you see a woman negotiate for her child, youll see phenomenal negotiation skills. Its that women choose to negotiate more often for other people, like their teammates, than themselves. Page 1 of 212 »

Sunday, May 24, 2020

Essay on Examining Flexibility in Small Business - 878 Words

1- Preliminary arrangements Progressively and for the sake of qualifying the proposed P-Es gap measurement context, the paper endorsed a number of acknowledged scholar techniques. The objective was to farm those techniques in order to spell out an acceptable managerial instrument, and to anticipate the concept of flexibility. a) Questionnaire /constructs development For developing a questionnaire, exploratory research is needed to investigate the likely determinants or attributes to be considered. Personal or focus interviews with the service users would be recommended. And for defining the scale attributes, a manager can capitalize on the previous empirical works cited in literature that are relevant to his or her own†¦show more content†¦favorable) to 1(e.g. unfavorable). The observed frequencies of each category, however, are counted and being weighted to imply that a greater importance is attached to respondents with certain characteristics of the scale. The arithmetic means produced of scales categories guide only the analysis and merely generate a directional insight, and do not provide specific numerical magnitude. Our methodology endorses such a rating scale. c) Sample Size and Control The introduced methodology uses a sample size of less than thirty ( 30). X-bar construction could be based on a sample size as small as four (Oa kland, 2003:106); DeVor, Chang, and Sutherland, 1992:198), but larger samples help detecting spordiac causes, however. As most small businesses are well aware of their customers profile, the sampling frame becomes easily identified. It is rather important to precisely define the respondents, or to set up a filtering question(s) at the early beginning of the expectation and perception questionnaires. However, the convenience sampling method is chosen for developing the expectations questionnaire, while the simple random sampling approach fits the perceptions questionnaires. These proposed sampling techniques provide a level of validity to the samplesShow MoreRelatedBusiness Cost Structure Of Business1022 Words   |  5 PagesAfter examining past studies, I picked out the factors that I consider to be most relevant and most determining, and I propose five hypotheses. H1: Business cost structure is positively correlated with the company’s propensity to outsource its information system. Business cost structure refers to all the costs directly associated with the actual production and management of the company s production line. Business cost structure is an important factor of an organization’s profitability; thereforeRead MoreProject Management : Design Management1278 Words   |  6 Pagesintroduced to project management. In recent years, merging of agile methodology and project management is occurring. Agile project management can be explored by researching agile methodology in software engineering. Agile project management combines the flexibility and responsiveness of agile methodology with the clearly defined framework of project management. The agile project management approach evolved from the software industry where it has grown and developed (Johansson, 2012). Agile is a set of principlesRead MoreIndonesian Marketing Case Study803 Words   |  4 Pagesupon business partners in accordance with their production and operations. Even though SME probably has greater operational flexibility, by the same token, Abe et al. (2012) argue that SME usually has quite low overhead in terms of production and operations. They also mention that SME has specialization in niche market hence this characteristic possibly aligns with the finding that shows sales and marketing as the most mature business area of company. 1.1.1 Information Technology Business ValueRead MoreRobustness Check Essay907 Words   |  4 Pagesyears, and 12 years. Again, results were mostly consistent. Lastly, I defined diversified firms as those whose Herfindahl-Hirschman indexes of business segmentsare below 0.9 instead of one, and results remained consistent. Discussion Though the close relationship with customers is a source of competitive advantage (Dyer, 1996), it risks a firm to lose flexibility and long-term performance (Danneels, 2003; Slater et al., 1998; Hamel et al., 1996). In this sense, simply responding to current customers’Read MoreIndividual Ethics Awareness Inventory1087 Words   |  4 Pagespersons ethical perspective s based upon what it is good to be, rather than what it is good to do (Brody, 2007). People who emphasize character believe that moral excellence is the goal, and that judging morality involves looking beyond actions and examining character (Brody, 2007). When obligation is the most important issue, the person is focused upon the obligation to do what is morally correct (Brody, 2007). People who focus on obligation believe that a set of identifiable ethical principles, involvingRead MoreA Small And Median Business Enterprise1465 Words   |  6 Pagestheory of power, conflict and legal issues in a Small and Medi an Business Enterprise (SME) ‘Grove Juice’. It will develop an integrated overview of Grove Juice background and define concepts related to the distribution channel of a Business to Business (B2B) relationship in marketing. Through examining B2B relationships for the Grove Juice company, readers will have a better understanding of power and conflict issues that are associated with the business. It will also explain how the issues in productsRead MoreNational Bicycle1644 Words   |  7 Pagesbicycle is a business decision: determining how much order lead time to incorporate into the production of the bicycle that will both match the production requirements and capabilities of the Company and also satisfy the demands of the consumer. After careful analysis of National Bicycle, examining its production capabilities and business goals of the product, a lead-time of 10 days will help the Company achieve its goals. It is long enough to provide the Company some flexibility in productionRead MoreNational Bicycle1630 Words   |  7 Pagesbicycle is a business decision: determining how much order lead time to incorporate into the production of the bicycle that will both match the production requirements and capabilities of the Company and also satisfy the demands of the consumer. After careful analysis of National Bicycle, examining its production capabilities and business goals of the product, a lead-time of 10 days will help the Company achieve its goals. It is long enough to provide the Company some flexibility in productionRead MoreThe Importance Of Planning For Disaster Response And How The Lack Of Planning1208 Words   |  5 Pagescoordinating with other community partners to identify gaps in services and to avoid any duplication of efforts or resources†. (3) Additional areas discussed include, testing the plan once it is developed, examining logistics, and applying lessons learned to the planning for the future to ensure flexibility. 2) List the specific issues addressed and where they tend to occur in the project management lifecycle. Planning, of course, occurs early in the project life cycle – or, at least, it should. ButRead MoreDefinition Of Modern Management Approaches925 Words   |  4 Pagespredicting the supply demands in future to identifying the needs and behavior of customers in future. Wren and Bedeian (2009) state â€Å"the task of writing history is never done, for each day brings fresh ideas, new evidence, and variant ways of examining the tasks of the manager† (p. 419). As a consultant in T-Mobile I have experienced this evolution in many areas; my roles and responsibilities were transformed to better fit the needs of the team and organization, onboarding process was evolved so

Monday, May 18, 2020

Qualitative Research And Quantitative Research - 1675 Words

Qualitative research and Quantitative research Qualitative research Defilation Qualitative research is a method used in different academic disciplines, generally in social science, but also in research and further contexts. Qualitative researchers aim to attain detailed understanding of human behavior rand the reasons that govern such behavior. The qualitative method investigates the why and how of decision making, not just what, where, when. Hence, smaller but focused mainly on samples are more often used than large samples. In the conventional view, qualitative methods produce information only on the particular cases studied, and any more general conclusions are only propositions (informed assertions). Quantitative methods can then be used to seek empirical support for such research hypotheses. Introduction There is a current dispute between qualitative and quantitative research methods. It is an international acuminous and there are elements of state-sponsored sp0rt in the west for a return to kind of neopositivist quantitative inquiry.(stronach 2006; 758) Qualitative research becoming more and more accepted in all world as a way of research. The reason behind is that, qualitative research give us a large general surface picture plus qualitative research give us in depth picture and both pictures are probably valuable as compare to hd documents. Qualitative researchers are caught in the middle ofShow MoreRelatedQualitative Research : Qualitative And Quantitative Research854 Words   |  4 Pageswhat come to mind when thinking about qualitative and quantitative research. In other words, quantitative research utilizes numbers while qualitative research does not. Another noteworthy distinction between the two methods lies in data collection. Unlike qualitative research which is employed to transform data into statistics, qualitative research is utilized to gain a deeper understanding or underlying opinions, reasons and motivations. Quantitative research is exploratory in the sense that it attemptsRead MoreQualitative Research And Quantitative Research917 Words   |  4 PagesIn order to carry out my research, there were two feasible arguments to using qualitative research and quantitative methods. Qualitative research is recording information that express information about feelings, values and attitudes using words, whereas quantitative research uses data that is expressed in numerical form using descriptive and inferential statistics (Lindlof Taylor, 2002). Quantitative research is useful when measuring facts and is structured using characterised surveys and statisticalRead MoreQuantitative Research : Qualitative Research825 Words   |  4 PagesPoints of Consideration for this Qualitative Research Skinner, Tagg, and Holloway (2000) stressed that engaging in qualitative research demands an understanding of some of the drawbacks associated with doing this type of research. A number of common concerns related to qualitative research are found in the literature. The time and resources involved in collecting and analyzing qualitative data are mentioned frequently (e.g., Creswell, 1998; Skinner, Tagg, Holloway, 2000). A related concern involvesRead MoreQualitative Research : Quantitative Research Essay814 Words   |  4 PagesQualitative research is a kind of of scientific research which consists of an analysis that look for answers to a question, systematically uses a specific procedures to answer the question, gathers evidence, generate findings that are legit farther the limits of the study. Qualitative research has these characteristics. As an addition, it looks for to analyze the research problem or motif from the aspect of the local people who involves the study. Qualitati ve research is particularly effectiveRead MoreQualitative Research On Quantitative Research1496 Words   |  6 PagesThe qualitative research method involves analysing data, such as words, pictures or objects. It is more subjective, and requires the researcher to interpret data in order to form thematic ideas. Quantitative research can gather a large amount of data that can be easily organised and manipulated into reports for analysis. It often includes one to one interview. It utilises open- ended questions. This means that the researcher has to interpret their findings. Moreover, in qualitative research isRead MoreQualitative Research : Quantitative Research1442 Words   |  6 Pageslevel, qualitative research involves an interpretive, naturalistic approach to the world. This means that qualitative researchers study things in their natural settings, attempting to make sense of, or interpret, phenomena in terms of the meanings people bring to them. (Denzin Lincoln, 2005, p. 3 ) Different from quantitative research that collects and analyzes numerical data, qualitative research deals with non-numerical data such as interviews, participant observations, audio and visual imagesRead MoreQualitative Research : Quantitative Research Essay1320 Words   |  6 PagesQualitative research is scientific research based on something that cannot be correctly and precisely measured (University of Wisconsin-Madison-Health Services Ebling Library, 2016). Qualitative research is biased and uses preliminary reasoning to combine data (University of Wisconsin-Madison-Health Services Ebling Library, 2016). Qualitative research establishes theories to help explain the phenomena while focusing on the experiences and opinions of all study subjects (Verhoef Casebeer, 1997)Read MoreQualitative Research : Quantitative Research Essay978 Words   |  4 PagesQualitative research explains, describes and characterizes the subject of investigation by focusing on words rather than numbers . It mainly collects the non-numerical data to describe a problem and helps to create ideas for further research. In qualitative research, data are collected through focus groups, interviews, direct observation or evaluation of archival material such as newspapers. Qualitative research has a qualitative dimension and relies on the background and context to analyze data.Read MoreQuantitative and Qualitative Research1006 Words   |  5 PagesQuantitative and Qualitative Research Sheri Doubleday May 16, 2011 Research procedures depends on the analyzing data and questions on the topic being researched. All research can be differentiated on the basis of whether its methodology produces mostly numerical data (e.g., scores and measurements) or mostly narrative data (e.g., verbal descriptions and opinions) (Mertler, C. amp; Charles, C. 2011, p 24). Qualitative research and quantitative research are two types of research methods. Read MoreQualitative And Quantitative And Qualitative Research1972 Words   |  8 Pagesworld of research, there are two general approaches to gathering and reporting information qualitative and quantitative approaches. The qualitative approach to research is focused on understanding a phenomenon from a closer perspective. The quantitative approach tends to approximate phenomena from a large number of individuals using survey methods. There has been widespread debate in recent years within many of the social sciences regarding the relative merits of quantitative an d qualitative strategies

Thursday, May 14, 2020

Bipolar disorder Essay - 2729 Words

Bipolar Disorder What Causes Bipolar Disorder? There is no single cause for bipolar disorder. Indeed, like all psychological disorders, bipolar disorder is a complex condition with multiple contributing factors, including: Genetic: Bipolar disorder tends to run in families, so researchers believe there is a genetic predisposition for the disorder. Scientists also are exploring the presence of abnormalities on specific genes. Biological: Researchers believe that some neurotransmitters, including serotonin and dopamine, don’t function properly in individuals with bipolar disorder. Environmental: Outside factors, such as stress or a major life event, may trigger a genetic predisposition or potential biological reaction. For instance, if†¦show more content†¦This distinction dates back only to the 1960s, and is largely responsible for the modern emphasis on bipolarity, and hence on mood elevation, as the defining feature of the disorder. The terms ‘manic–depressive illness’ and ‘bipolar disorder’ are comparatively recent, and date back from the 1950s and 1980s respectively. The term ‘bipolar disorder’ (or ‘bipolar affective disorder’) is thought to be less stigmatizing than the older term ‘manic–depressive illness’, and so the former has largely superseded the latter. However, some psychiatrists and some people with bipolar disorder still prefer the term ‘manic–depressive illness’ because they feel that it reflects thenature of the disorder more accurately. Facts andMyth: People with bipolar disorder can’t get better or lead a normal life. Fact: Many people with bipolar disorder have successful careers, happy family lives, and satisfying relationships. Living with bipolar disorder is challenging, but with treatment, healthy coping skills, and a solid support system, you can live fully while managing your symptoms. Myth: People with bipolar disorder swing back and forth between mania and depression. Fact: Some people alternate between extreme episodes of mania and depression, but most are depressed more often than they are manic. Mania may also be so mild that it goes unrecognized. People with bipolar disorder can also go for long stretches without symptoms.Show MoreRelatedBipolar Disorder ( Bipolar )847 Words   |  4 Pagesâ€Å"Bipolar Disorder† Bipolar Disorder is a mental illness, which involves hypomanic episodes, which are changes in someone’s usual mood. Originally, Bipolar Disorder was called manic depression because it does share similar symptoms with people diagnosed with depression. Bipolar Disorder is a severe condition because it can cause mania, which then causes hallucinations and paranoid rage. (Bipolar Disorder) Bipolar Disorder is classified into two categories, bipolar type 1 and bipolar type 2. BipolarRead MoreBipolar Disorder ( Bipolar )829 Words   |  4 PagesBipolar disorder is an often devastating mental illnesses, with high emotional, social and economic impact on the lives of patients and family members [Jin and McCrone, 2015; Miller et al., 2014]. In recent decades, there has been significant progress in developing diagnostic methods for reliably diagnosing severe bipolar disorder (bipolar disorder type I) and some related bipolar â€Å"spectrum† disorders (bipolar type II disorder), and there has also been recent progress in identifying some of the geneticRead MoreBipolar Disorder ( Bipolar )956 Words   |  4 PagesBipolar Disorder Definition Bipolar Disorder is an increasingly common mood disorder that effects millions of people worldwide. In order to understand the plight of any psychiatric patient suffering from this ailment or to be prepared to treat this disease, it is pertinent to first fully understand what this mental disorder truly is. The first misconception surrounding bipolar disorder is that it is just one disease, contrarily it can be divided into two different sub categories. The National InstituteRead MoreBipolar Disorder ( Bipolar )1010 Words   |  5 PagesIntroduction/Overview of Condition Bipolar Disorder (BD) is a severe mental illness (SMI) characterized by dramatic mood â€Å"swings† between manic and depressed states. In their manic states, individuals experience an abnormally elevated mood characterized by extreme, grandiose gestures and ideas, inflated self-esteem, lack of sleep, constant talking, distractibility, poor judgement, and even aggression (Griggs). Individuals can be characterized as having either a hypomanic episode or a manic episodeRead MoreBipolar And Bipolar Disorder ( Bipolar )1397 Words   |  6 Pagesâ€Å"Bipolar robs you of that which is you. It can take from you the very core of your being and replace it with something that is completely opposite of who and what you truly are† (A. Reyan 2015). Bipolar disorder is a mood disorder that alters a person’s life, they can never go back to who they were before. â€Å"It is estimated that more than 10 million Americans suffer from bipolar disorder† ( 2015). Bipolar disorder is broken down into two types; bipolar I and bipolar II disorderRead MoreBipolar Disorder ( Bipolar )1536 Words   |  7 PagesBipolar disorder has been gaining more and more attention over the last few years. With shootings on the rise, or at least the publicity of them, people are often pointing their fingers at mental diseases including bipolar disorder. An ongoing issue regarding mental illnesses, however, is the population has failed to fully understand what they truly are, the symptoms, and how to treat them. Bipolar disorder, which is commonly referred to as manic-depressive illness, is a disorder within the brainRead MoreBipolar Disorder ( Bipolar )1447 Words   |  6 Pages Bipolar disorder is a serious mental illness in which common emotions become intensely and often unpredictably magnified. Individuals with bipolar disorder can quickly swing from extremes of happiness, energy and clarity to sadness, fatigue and confusion. Bipolar disorder more commonly develops in older teenagers and young adults; it can appear in children as 6. The exact cause of bipolar disorder is unknown; there are two types of this disease: Types of the bipolar disorder: People with bipolarRead MoreBipolar Disorder ( Bipolar )1155 Words   |  5 PagesBipolar Disorder Research Paper What is Bipolar Disorder? Bipolar Disorder is an increasingly common mood disorder that affects millions of people worldwide. In order to understand the plight of any psychiatric patient suffering from this ailment or to be prepared to treat this disease, it is pertinent to first understand what this mental disorder truly is. The first misconception surrounding bipolar disorder is that it is just one disease, contrarily it can be divided into two different sub categoriesRead MoreBipolar Disorder ( Bipolar )1541 Words   |  7 PagesManic depression, also known as Bipolar Disorder is not your normal up and down mood change; it’s not like what most people experience, getting a little sad and getting over it. Instead it is extreme mood swing that â€Å"usually going from EXTREMLY happy to EXTREMLY angry† also include emotional highs and lows such as, depression and mania. Mood changes can happen as little as a few times a year or as often as several times a week; it depends on the person and thei r environment. At times, you feel veryRead MoreBipolar Disorder ( Bipolar ) Essay1544 Words   |  7 PagesBipolar Disorder or manic-depressive disorder is a disorder characterized by highs, manias, and lows, depressions, and can therefore be easily distinguished from unipolar depression, a major depressive disorder in DSM-5, by the presence of manic or hypomanic episodes (Miklowitz Gitlin, 2014). Bipolar disorder is generally an episodic, lifelong illness with a variable course (American Psychiatric Association, 2010). There are two classifications of bipolar disorder; bipolar I disorder and bipolar

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Coping With Diabetes Mellitus Type II - 1711 Words

Coping With Diabetes As a patient, coping with being newly diagnosed with diabetes mellitus, can be very stressful for the patient and family members involved in the patient plan of care. The patient will have to make drastic lifestyle changes in order to be in compliance with the recommended treatment by the members of the health care team. Being a patient, making the necessary lifestyle adjustment will assist with management of the newly diagnosed illness. This essay will discuss a family member who was recently diagnosed with diabetes mellitus type II and has to take insulin. The family member is trying to gain knowledge in order to have a clear understanding of this illness. A questionnaire has been created for the family member regarding being diagnosed with diabetes mellitus. The results from the questionnaire will be discussed and further analyzed. There will be a discussion on how the patient, family and friends are accepting and their impact on the patient being diagno sed with diabetes mellitus. Finally an analysis of the care plan developed for diabetes mellitus will be discussed. The purpose of this essay is to help facilitate the patient and family members involved in the patient plan of care with education and management of diabetes mellitus. Identified Person Mrs T.R., a family member was just recently diagnosed with diabetes mellitus type II and she is required to take insulin. She is a thirty-five year old black female, married and has a four yearShow MoreRelatedDiabetes Mellitus As A Chronic Metabolic Disorder Essay1622 Words   |  7 Pages Chapter - 23 Diabetes Diabetes Mellitus is a chronic metabolic disorder that prevents the body to utilise glucose completely or partially. It is characterised by raised glucose concentration in the blood and alterations in carbohydrate, protein and fat metabolism. This can be due to failure in the formation of insulin or liberation or action. Since insulin is produced by the p cells of the islets of Langerhans, any receding in the number of functioning cells will decrease the amountRead MoreA Brief Note On Deborah And The United States Essay906 Words   |  4 PagesIntroduction Deborah is a 65-year-old First Nations woman living in northern Ontario, and who has type-II diabetes. After leaving high school in grade 11 and eventually working a 35-year career as a secretary at an elementary school in a poor neighbourhood in Toronto while raising her three children, Deborah retired nine years ago and moved back to her home community, where she is an active member on the Council and is a regular volunteer. As a child, Deborah’s parents worked long hours in manualRead MoreIncreasing Coping Skills in Parents of Children with Type 1 Diabetes1629 Words   |  7 PagesAccording to the U.S Department of Health and Human Services, there are 15,600 new cases of Type I Diabetes Mellitus (T1DM) each year (U.S Department of Health and Human Services, 2011). Boys and girls are at relatively equal risks for developing T1DM up until fourteen years old, with risks peaking around puberty. Following puberty, incidences tend to be higher in white males than women (Soltes z, Patterson, Dahlquist, 2007). When looking globally by region at incidences, they tend to be higherRead MoreDiabetes Mellitus And Its Effects On Children, Teens, Adolescents And Young Adults1581 Words   |  7 Pagespercent of adults) have Type II Diabetes now and the number is continuously rising (Fuhrman, 2012, pg.8). This disease is an important and escalating problem worldwide. Generally, Diabetes Mellitus is defined simply as a disease in which the body cannot process and use sugar correctly. As a result, sugar builds in the blood stream causing immediate symptoms of fever, increased thirst and urination, fatigue and if left untreated eventually coma and death. Overall, Type II Diabetes is a harsh disease withRead MoreType I Diabetes Mellitus ( Dmii ) Essay1824 Words   |  8 PagesType I diabetes mellitus (DMII) was previous referred to as juvenile diabetes, as it was known to affect mainly children and young adults. Typically individuals diagnosed with this chronic ill ness find out at an earlier age and treatment as well as plan of care begin and adjust, as they get older. According to the Americans Diabetes Association, only 5% of people diagnosed with diabetes mellitus have this form, compared with type II that is usually associated with obesity and older age. With typeRead MoreEthics Essay1396 Words   |  6 Pagespleads, â€Å"Please just tell the doctor he won’t take his medicine.† Many years ago he was diagnosed with Diabetes Mellitus Type II and has been on insulin for two years. His blood sugar on admission was 589. He is retired and was widowed one year ago. He’s active in his church, gardens, and likes to work on small projects around the house. His medical history includes Diabetes Mellitus Type II, insulin dependent, Hyperlipidemia, and Osteoarthritis. The three possible scenarios I came up with areRead MoreResearch Paper on Type 2 Diabetes2171 Words   |  9 Pagesworldwide prevalence of type 2 diabetes is skyrocketing alarmingly to epidemic proportions. According to King, Aubert and Herman (1998), in the year 2000 there were 150 million people with type 2 diabetes worldwide, and this number is expected to double by 2025. This explosive increase in type 2 diabetes prevalence is also associated with a significant increase in morbidity and mortality. (Dankner, Abdul-Ghani, Gerber, Chetit, Wainstein and Raz, 2007). This global increase in diabetes will occur becauseRead MoreCase Study Endocrine Essay6536 Words   |  27 PagesINTRODUCTION Diabetes is a chronic condition involving glucose in the blood. It is caused  by a problem in the way the body makes or uses insulin. Insulin, a hormone that is necessary for glucose to move from the blood to the inside of the cells. The body cannot use the insulin for energy if it cannot get into the cells. Diabetes occurs when the body has too much  blood glucose due to either the pancreas does not produce enough insulin or the body cannot effectively use the insulin produced. In type 2 diabetesRead MoreProposal for a Research Grant on Type II Diabetes Essay2420 Words   |  10 Pagestoday is type II diabetes. While many people may not understand exactly what type II diabetes is, it is actually quite simple: Type II diabetes is a chronic condition that affects the way your body metabolizes sugar (glucose)- your bodys main source of fuel (Mayo Clinic, 2006). Type II diabetes is the most common type of diabetes, with approximately 90 to 95% of the 21 million Americans who suffer from diabetes have type II diabetes. It has been estimated that one-third of people with type II areRead MoreNursing Care Pl Nursing3029 Words   |  13 Pagesdiagnosed with Diabetes Mellitus Type II (DM Type II) nine years ago, Hypertension (HTN) for the past fifteen years, and Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) for the past five years. She has a history of Smoking  ½ pack of cigarettes daily for the past 20 years, but recently cut back to two a day. N.L drinks alcoh ol on occasion, about two drinks per month. Family History- Patient N.L’s father died at age 54 from a Myocardial Infarction (MI). Her mother had a history of diabetes and hypertension

Josee Young . Eng Iv B 1St Hr. May 19, 2017. Suicide

Josee Young Eng IV B 1st hr May 19, 2017 Suicide One of the questions sociologists have attempted to answer is. â€Å" What drives people to commit suicide? Most teens who have been interviewed after a suicide attempt say that what causes teen suicide are feelings of hopelessness and helplessness. Suicide is when a person end his or her own life. Studies show that at least 90% of teens who kill themselves have some type of mental health problem, such as depression, anxiety, drug or alcohol abuse, or a behavior problem. They may also have problems at school or with friends or family, or a combination of all these things. Some teens may have been victims of sexual or physical abuse. Others may†¦show more content†¦All that they care about are that groups norms and goals and they completely neglect their own needs and goals. They take their lives for a cause. Anomic suicide is related to too low of a degree of regulation. This type of suicide is committed during times of great stress or change. Without regulation, a person cannot set reachable goals and in turn people get extremely frustrated. Life is too much for them to handle and it becomes meaningless to them. And finally fatalistic suicide is People commit this suicide when their lives are kept under tight regulation. They often live their lives under extreme rules and high expectations. These types of people are left feeling like they’ve lost their sense of self. Depression and suicidal feelings are treatable mental disorders. The child or adolescent needs to have his or her illness recognized and diagnosed, and appropriate treatment plans developed. When parents are in doubt whether their child has a serious problem, a psychiatric examination can be very helpful. Most teens spend a short time to plan to kill themselves. They may have thought about it or tried it in the past but only decide to do it after an event that produces feelings of failure or loss, such as getting in trouble, having an argument, breaking up with a partner, or receiving a bad grade on a test. Females attempt suicide three times as often as males. Firearms are used in 51% of male suicides. 34.8% of female suicides used drugs

Clarissa Dalloway Essay Example For Students

Clarissa Dalloway Essay Virginia Woolf creates interesting contrast within the character of ClarissaDalloway using stream of consciousness narration in her novel Mrs. Dalloway. Clarissas inner thoughts reveal a contrast between her lack of attraction toher husband due to her lesbian feelings and her fear of loosing him as a socialstepping stone. These contrasts and many others can be seen throughout the novelusing the literary device of stream of consciousness narration. Clarissascharacter reveals to us early in the book her lack of attraction to her husband. This revelation can be seen in the passage that states: through somecontraction of this cold spirit, she had failed himshe could see what shelackedit was something central which permeated. The cold spiritthat she talks of is her sexuality, in being attracted to women, and her lack ofunderstanding why she is this way. This is the main reason for her lack ofattraction. She feels that she has let him down because she cannot complete herduties as his wife. Clarissa had lost both a sexual relationship and sexualattraction with her husband since the birth of her teenage daughter Elizabeth:she could not dispel a virginity preserved through childbirth which clungto her like a sheet. Clarissa tells us of her true sexuality as she remembersher girlhood friend Sally Seton. Sally is the only person that Clarissa has everhad any real passionate feelings for. But this question of love, this fallingin love with women. Take Sally Seton; her relation in the old days with SallySeton. Had not that, aft er all, been love? Although Sally held her heart, herhomosexual feelings were not socially acceptable. Clarissa is therefore obligedto enter into a marriage to Richard Dalloway for social purposes. A contrast toClarissas lack of attraction to her husband is seen in her fear of loosinghim. Richard provides for her a stepping stone for her to be the socialite thatshe strives to be. When Richard is invited to a lunch with Lady Bruton, a twingeof fear is evident in Clarissa that she is loosing her husband: Fear no morethe heat o the sun; for the shock of Lady Bruton asking Richard to lunchwithout her made the moment which she had stood shiver. Without him, shewould be nothing in society, so Clarissa is scared of loosing him even thoughshe has no attraction towards him. A contrast in the deeper self ofClarissa Dalloway can be seen in the stream of consciousness narration in Mrs. Dalloway. She reveals her lack of attraction for her husband and her fear ofloosing him through her inner thoughts. This provides for us the ability to seethe weaknesses of Clarissa and many of the other characters.

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Measure For Measure Persuasive Essay Example For Students

Measure For Measure Persuasive Essay Shakespeares Measure for Measure can be seen as an early account of sexual harassment. While the issue of womens rights had hardly been explored at the time the play was first performed, Measure for Measure touches on issues of sexuality, independence, and the objectification of women. Despite these serious issues, the play is considered a comedy, and the story it tells is filled with amusing characters as well as broad sociological questions. The plot centers around the fate of Claudio, who is arrested by Lord Angelo, the temporary leader of Vienna. Angelo is left in charge by the Duke, who pretends to leave town but instead dresses as a friar to observe the goings-on in his absence. Angelo is strict, moralistic, and unwavering in his decision-making; he decides that there is too much freedom in Vienna and takes it upon himself to rid the city of brothels and unlawful sexual activity. Laws against these behaviors and institutions already exist, and Angelo simply decides to enforce them more strictly. Claudio is arrested for impregnating Juliet, his lover, before they were married. Although they were engaged and their sexual intercourse was consensual, Claudio is sentenced to death in order to serve as an example to the other Viennese citizens. Isabella, Claudios sister, is about to enter a nunnery when her brother is arrested. She is unfailingly virtuous, religious, and chaste. When she hears of her brothers arrest, she goes to Angelo to beg him for mercy. He refuses, but suggests that there might be some way to change his mind. When he propositions her, saying that he will let Claudio live if she agrees to have sexual intercourse with him, she is shocked and immediately refuses. Her brother agrees at first but then changes his mind. Isabella is left to contemplate a very important decision. Isabella is, in a way, let off the hook when the Duke, dressed as a friar, intervenes. He tells her that Angelos former lover, Mariana, was engaged to be married to him, but he abandoned her when she lost her dowry in a shipwreck. The Duke forms a plan by which Isabella will agree to have sex with the Angelo, but then Mariana will go in her place. The next morning, Angelo will pardon Claudio and be forced to marry Mariana according to the law. Everything goes according to plan, except that Angelo does not pardon Claudio, fearing revenge. The provost and the Duke send him the head of a dead pirate, claiming that it belonged to Claudio, and Angelo believes that his orders were carried out. Isabella is told that her brother is dead, and that she should submit a complaint to the Duke, who is due to arrive shortly, accusing Angelo of immoral acts. The Duke returns in his usual clothes, saying that he will hear all grievances immediately. Isabella tells her story, and the Duke pretends not to believe her. Eventually, the Duke reveals his dual identity, and everyone is forced to be honest. Angelo confesses to his misdeeds, Claudio is pardoned, and the Duke asks Isabella to marry him. Measure for Measure has long been criticized for its unsatisfying resolution and logical gaps. Why, for instance, should Isabella agree to the Dukes plan when it would force Angelo and Mariana to commit the same crime as Claudio and Juliet, of which she does not approve? The Duke pardons everyone at the conclusion of the play, including Angelo, who is sentenced only to marriage. Isabella presumably leaves the nunnery to marry the Duke, though she never actually agrees to the proposal. .u22cdcf1f37dddf7f86e7990dcada749b , .u22cdcf1f37dddf7f86e7990dcada749b .postImageUrl , .u22cdcf1f37dddf7f86e7990dcada749b .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u22cdcf1f37dddf7f86e7990dcada749b , .u22cdcf1f37dddf7f86e7990dcada749b:hover , .u22cdcf1f37dddf7f86e7990dcada749b:visited , .u22cdcf1f37dddf7f86e7990dcada749b:active { border:0!important; } .u22cdcf1f37dddf7f86e7990dcada749b .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u22cdcf1f37dddf7f86e7990dcada749b { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u22cdcf1f37dddf7f86e7990dcada749b:active , .u22cdcf1f37dddf7f86e7990dcada749b:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u22cdcf1f37dddf7f86e7990dcada749b .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u22cdcf1f37dddf7f86e7990dcada749b .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u22cdcf1f37dddf7f86e7990dcada749b .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u22cdcf1f37dddf7f86e7990dcada749b .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u22cdcf1f37dddf7f86e7990dcada749b:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u22cdcf1f37dddf7f86e7990dcada749b .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u22cdcf1f37dddf7f86e7990dcada749b .u22cdcf1f37dddf7f86e7990dcada749b-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u22cdcf1f37dddf7f86e7990dcada749b:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: ARPANET EssayThe female characters in Measure for Measure are unusually weak for Shakespeare. The men take complete control of the plot, while the women simply follow along. The major decision facing Isabella is avoided, though it presents a particularly difficult dilemma considering Isabellas desire to be a nun. Measure for Measure did not achieve great popularity until recently. Perhaps it was written ahead of its time, during an era when the answers to the questions posed by Shakespeare seemed obvious. Today, however, Measure for Measure seems to raise central issues of sexuality, familial loyalty, morality, and religion.

Saturday, April 11, 2020

How to Become a Sample College Essay Role Model

How to Become a Sample College Essay Role ModelAre you a college student who wishes to be a writer? You can be and have already started, if you are a sample college essay role model. If you are wondering how to become one, here is a quick story that will teach you how. To get the true story behind the incident, you need to read this article.In our day and age, more college students are opting for online degrees. This is because it provides them with the opportunity to enhance their career options, save money, and be able to get a better education for less money. With all of these benefits, becoming a sample college essay role model has certainly crossed the minds of many students.The main reason why you can consider this as a good option is that it would allow you to earn extra money by working on your own. When the class teaching time comes, you can do your own writing, instead of having to check out your assigned material. You can also work on several projects at once if you are to o busy to complete the essays you have been assigned.This certainly would give you an ideal candidate for the role. To become a better role model, you must think out of the box. It is about being independent and creative. If you are not, you will be forever doomed to be one of those sad stories that you read in your history books.A sample college essay role model is someone who is so independent and creative that he or she is able to make things happen without being directed. You are able to do things without any professional help from others. But you cannot let others tell you what to do. So how do you become a better writer when you are alone?You can use this little knowledge to make yourself stand out from the crowd and become a better writer. Even if you have been assigned a subject, ask a friend to help you brainstorm some topics and get ready for writing. Find out which of the topics fits you best. Write these topics down, but make sure that you have a good idea about it befor e you begin.You are now ready to do some research on the topic and start writing college essays for yourself. Take your time, take notes, and perfect the skill. This will take you some time, but it will make you into a better writer, the one you aspire to be.

Saturday, April 4, 2020

american depresion essays

american depresion essays Hoovers approach to solving Americas problems were the same as the two Republican Presidents before him. He believed that hard work and supporting big business would trickle through and solve Americas problems, hence non-intervention was born. The main idea of non-intervention was to pump money into big business the waterfall technique. This failed because Hoover thought the depression would soon be over and he didnt pump enough money into big business resulting in smaller business failing and the common worker not being able to find work. When Hoover discovered that non-intervention didnt work he put his hopes into voluntarism. His idea of voluntarism was to persuade big business to deal with the economic crisis without being forced to by the government. Hoover summoned business leaders to the White House and made them promise to maintain employment and not cut wages. Hoover saw unemployment as a local issue and created municipal and state government work projects. He established the emergency committee for unemployment to co-ordinate voluntary relief agencies and convinced the nations largest bankers to establish the National Credit Corporation from 1930-1931. He cut taxes by up to two thirds. By 1931 he had increased government spending to $2.2 billion. Although this was effective in solving some of Americas problems, it meant that America had to borrow money from other countries and started to go into debt. The reasons Hoover established his Voluntarism strategy was to deal with the rising unemployment and mass poverty within America. When unemployment kept on rising and large businesses broke their pledges and cut wages it was fair to say voluntarism had failed dismally. Most of Hoovers charities and relief programs had failed and by 1932 relief payments were cut and in some states suspended altogether. By 1932 the Republican Party had already lost 8 senate seats...

Sunday, March 8, 2020

PhD proposal - The human rights in the middle east before and after Arab revolutions The WritePass Journal

PhD proposal - The human rights in the middle east before and after Arab revolutions Executive Summary PhD proposal The human rights in the middle east before and after Arab revolutions , written by the Human Rights Watch organisation, looked specifically at the uprisings in the Middle East and raised questions as to how this would potentially impact on human rights, within the region[6]. According to the report, it was recognised that the Arab Spring was hugely influential in the development of human rights, in the region; however, it was also stated that creating a democratic, self-respecting state was not something that would happen in a matter of a few months, despite the revolutionary nature of the changes. It was noted in this report that a region which has previously been subject to a dictatorial regime, when left to behave independently, does not necessarily mean that there will be an automatic improvement in human rights; therefore, the difficulty for the path from the current situation to creating a democratic and fair society should not be underestimated[7]. Other research in this area has suggested that the dramatic events which took place in 2009 and 2011 actually arose over a prolonged period of time and did not suddenly arise from nowhere, as the media reports may have suggested, at the time. By looking at instances of human rights’ violations prior to the uprisings and the way in which various different third-party organisations were becoming increasingly involved in providing security within the region, it could be argued that the events which took place, in December 2010, were merely the final step towards liberalisation and were not actually as dramatic as originally suggested[8]. The issues that have arisen in the Middle East will be considered in the context of wider theoretical perspectives of human rights and how these rights emerge within modern society as well as how they should be protected. For example in the case of Marx it was argued that the only reason that human rights needed to be established at all was to support the capitalist developments and this reliance on natural rights should be viewed as paramount[9]. Other appropriate theories that will be drawn on in the wider discussion is that of the socialist concept which suggests that basic human rights area   duty of society and basic levels should be established as a matter of political urgency[10]. When looking towards the future, there is considerable uncertainty from academics and practitioners as to how this revolutionary period is likely to play out, in the future and whether or not these dramatic changes in the region are going to create a suitable framework for the protection of human rights, or whether there is a danger that the situation will become worse, before it gets better. This presents the argument that whilst dictatorial rule can be damaging to human rights, creating such a high level of uncertainty within the region can also create similar problems[11]. Proposed Time Frame It is anticipated that the research will take place over a period of three years, with the timeframe being necessary, in order to explore the potential changes and to observe how the region develops, in the coming months, which may be hugely influential to the ultimate findings of this research. The main period of the research will be spent analysing the existing position, drawing on all current literature in this area, before identifying how the situation is now developing and whether or not the suggested theories associated with the development of human rights in the region are being experienced or not, in practice, as time goes on. Due to the transient nature of this research, it is anticipated that several aspects will need to be revisited, on an ongoing basis, and it is therefore a relatively time-consuming project, albeit crucially important, at this dynamic period of time. Ethical Issues and Potential Problems Dealing with issues such as human rights, particularly in a volatile political arena, has substantial ethical issues and care must be taken to ensure anonymity, particularly when collecting any primary research that may be available. Gathering data in this area is likely to be emotive and personal; therefore, ensuring sufficient balance of research will be a critical aspect of presenting the most balanced viewpoint possible, as regards to future options[12]. Indicative References The references identified here are the starting point of the research and it is likely that this will be extended substantially, as the research is undertaken. Arthur, Paige. 2009. How transitions Reshaped Human Rights: A Conceptual History of Transitional Justice. In Human Rights Quarterly, 31:2, May, pp. 321- 46. Bentham, Jeremy 1987 Anarchical Fallacies; being an examination of the Declaration of Rights issues during the French Revolution, in Jeremy Waldron (ed.),Nonsense Upon Stilts: Bentham, Burke and Marx on the Rights of Man, New York: Methuen, p.69. Berger, Lars. 2011. The Missing Link? US Policy and the International dimensions of Failed Democratic Transitions in the Arab World. In Political Studies, 59:1, March, pp. 38-55 Bevernage, Berber. 2010. Writing the Past out of the Present: History and the Politics of time in Transitional Justice. In History Workshop Journal, 69, Spring. Blackbum, Robin. 2011. Reclaiming Human Rights. In New Left Review, 69, May-June. Dembour, Marie-Benedicte. 2010. What Are Human Rights? Four Schools of Thought. In Human Rights Quarterly, 32:1, February, pp.1-20. Fletcher, L., Weinstein, H. Rowen, J. 2009. Context, Timing and the Dynamics of Transitional Justice: A Historical perspective. In Human Rights Quarterly, 31, pp. 163-220. Human Rights Watch (2013) Annual Report 2013 Available at: Husak, Douglas 1985 The Motivation for Human Rights, 11  Social Theory and Practice, 249-255 Langlois, Anthony J. 2003. Human Rights without Democracy? A Critique of the Separationist Thesis. In Human Rights Quarterly, Vol 25: 4, November. MacQueen, Benjamin. 2009. Democracy Promotion and Arab Autocracies. In Global Change, Peace and Security, 21:2, June, pp. 165-178. Meister, Robert. 2011. After Evil: A Politics of Human Rights. New York: Columbia University Press.

Friday, February 21, 2020

Human Resources Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 2

Human Resources - Essay Example The first type is the flex time where the employees are presented a range of starting and ending times for the workday but there is a mandatory â€Å"core† time in the middle of the day. The second type which Schaefer discussed is the compressed work weeks where the employees will complete 40 hours in less than five days (2005). Telecommuting is another arrangement where the employees work according to a schedule from a remote location usually in his home. The last type of flexible work arrangement is the part-time work or job sharing where employees share the same position; thus, working fewer hours. Heathfield points out that the benefits of a flexible work arrangement for employees include flexible time for family, work, and other obligations and responsibilities of the employee; saves on commuting time and transportation cost; eliminates the hassle of traffic and stressful commuting during rush hours; gives the employee more control on his schedule and work environment and reduces burn out (2011). Heathfield goes on to say that this kind of work arrangement allows the employees to work at a time where they feel they are more productive. She also states that flexible work hours for parents may also reduce the expense of paying for childcare hours. Heathfield mentions several advantages for the employers as well, with the implementation of flexible work arrangements (2011). ... Furthermore, the company will develop an â€Å"image as an employer of choice with family friendly flexible work schedules† (Heathfield, 2011). The resistance of employees from flexible work arrangements comes from the possibility that their salaries will also be reduced with fewer work hours (Graduate Prospects Ltd., 2011). Graduate Prospects further cites loneliness and a sense of isolation from colleagues as other reasons why some employees resist flexible work hours. Some workers frown at the idea of working flexi time because it is something that is imposed on them and they are not given a choice. There is no dedicated work space for telecommuting arrangements. Employees should be more disciplined and organized because there is no one to monitor them. For employers, it is hard to evaluate the performance of employees; thus, a hindrance to the possibility of promotion. One of the barriers to the effectiveness of flexible working hours that was identified is the implementat ion of the program itself. Some managers or employees might not be open to the idea in the beginning. This could be addressed by planning carefully the options available, assessing the needs of the business including those of the employees and developing strategies for the implementation (JobAccess, 2010). Another barrier raised is that certain job positions are not conducive to flexible work arrangements and some employees are not qualified for telecommuting arrangements. This problem can be tackled by screening the employees who have the skills and ability to work on their own and offering the option to them. Management should also study and identify the positions which are suitable for flexible work arrangements. 2. You work for an organisation that has

Wednesday, February 5, 2020

Essay06 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Essay06 - Essay Example inty differ in that in risk, the outcome is unknown but the distribution of the outcome is not known however in uncertainty, both the outcome and the distribution of the outcome are not known (Samuelson and Stephen, 501). Probability of an outcome is the odds that the outcome will occur (Samuelson and Stephen, 501). The three types of probability discussed in the book are relative frequency, subjective probability, and theoretical probability. The difference in these methods in generating probability is that the theoretical probability assigns equal likelihood to all possible outcomes of an experiment, therefore, the chances of an event occurring is 1/n for each possible outcome. Relative frequency probability type gives the probability of an event through finding the ratio of the times the event occurs and the number of trials undertaken. Subjective probability determines the probability of an outcome â€Å"represents the decision maker’s degree o belief that the outcome will occur† (Samuelson and Stephen, 501). Statistical inference involves the use of statistical techniques for generating conclusions from a set amount of data through observation or sampling. Statistical inference using historical data involves the generation of conclusions from data that was collected a long time ago. Statistical bias using historical data creates bias in rapidly changing markets because of a change in the conditions of the market when the information was collected and the current market situation. The basis of the data collected could have changed and the current conditions reflect a difference; hence, the conclusions made reflect on the past and not the market situation currently as there are frequent changes in the market conditions resulting in statistical bias. The other reason for the bias in statistical inference of historical data is that statistical inference is affected by the random variation of the data over time and this variation results in the change of the

Tuesday, January 28, 2020

Supporting Child Learning and Development

Supporting Child Learning and Development Supporting children`s learning and development Childrens learning and development plays a very important role in their lives. This is the foundation of their lives. It is important to teach the child and promote his / her development. Development and learning consists positive relationships and enabling environment. Childrens learning is divided into two parts. The first one is the prime learning areas, while the second is the specific learning areas. The prime area consists of three areas of the branch. This is communication and language development, physical development and personal, social and emotional development. Good. Well, there are four specific areas. This is literature, mathematics, understanding the world and expressive art and design . I would like to talk more about all the areas. Let`s start about prime areas. The prime areas is a work together in supporting the development and movement of other areas. The prime areas are divided into three groups and the groups are divided further into several aspects. Communication and language development is divided into three aspects. Its listening and attention, understanding and speaking. The second area of à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬ ¹Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬ ¹physical development is divided into two aspects. It is a movement and handling. The third prime are a of à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬ ¹Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬ ¹personal, social and emotional development is divided into three aspects, which is making relationships, self-awareness and self-confidence and managing feelings and behaviour. Good. We can not also forget specific areas, which are also divided into aspects. Literature is divided into two aspects. This is a reading and writing. Mathematics is divided into three aspects which are numbers, space, shape and measures. Understanding the word is divided into three aspects, too. Its the people and the communities, the world, technology. Well, and the fourth specific area is expressive art and design. It is divided into two aspects, which are exploring and using media and materials and second one is being imaginative. A clear outline of the prime and specific areas of learning, well done. Children learn quickly, so practicioner needs to help create the conditions for children to have the best possible start in life. Children are born ready to learn. However, this is not an automatic process. It depends on each child, because they are unique. It is also influenced by the opportunity to interact in positive relationships and interactions. Planning can be divided into the individual childs needs promotion. How? First of all you need to know what constitutes learning and development. These are three very important parts. This is a unique child, positive relationship and friendly environment. Every child is unique and he / she can continually learn and be flexible, capable, confident and independent. So, a practicioner must understand and monitor each childs development and learning, assess progress and plan the next steps. Good point. This person also has to support infants and children to create their own positive identity and a sense of culture. Also, practitioners must identify any additional support needs, create and assess the safety of children, and respect all children and families equal. Children learn to be strong and independent within positive relationships. These relationships are described generally. It is a warm and loving relationship that promote a sense of belonging, but also sensitive and responsive to childrens needs, feelings and interests. Positive relationships support childrens own efforts and independence, consistently defines clear boundaries, promotes and is built on relationships between a key person in early years setting. Children are developing well and learn in enabling environment, which purpose is to respond to their individual needs and to have a strong partnership between staff and parents. Enabling environment, it is an environment where are valued all people, learning, promote resources, appropriate for all childrens cultures and communities, has a rich learning opportunities in games and playful learning and sup ports children to take risks and explore. Children learn and develop in different ways. The system includes the education and care of all children, including children with special educational needs and disabilities. Practitioners teach children to ensure complex, playful and key opportunities in specific areas of learning and development. They promote effective early learning and playing characteristics of the study of active learning and critical thinking and creating. When planning to achieve their developmental needs a practitioner must be aware of what is specific to each age group. Age groups are divided from birth to eleven months old, from eight to twenty months, from sixteen to twenty-six months, from twenty-two to thirty-six months, from thirty to fifty months and from forty to sixty months or more. Practitioners need to evaluate and see what skills and knowledge a child shows and then plan according it. This will ensure that the individual childs needs are particular impor tant and pursued. There are many ways to determine the childs developmental needs. This may be finding out information about the childs interests and opinion. This shows, the assessment of the childs opinion and interests and also shows respect for his contribution and evaluation. Information is easily accessible and it is found in communication with parents, creating a challenging activities. It involves children into interesting activities and can express themselves and feel important. Practitioner supports childs learning and development. I will discuss how to make learning in each of learning areas. So, we should keep in mind that not less important is the age groups which i mentioned earlier. The first is the prime areas of learning, which is divided into three parts. The first aspect of communication to the development of language is divided into three aspects. The first aspect is listening and attention. Ill add descriptions of the chosen one group of age. Lets start from the first age group, which includes children from birth to eleven months. There is an ongoing monitoring what the child learns. This child in this group of age turns to a familiar sound, hear, releases and responds to voices and intonations. He / she also responds to others by smile, look, motion, carefully looks for the speaking person, hears familiar sounds, words or combinations of fingers, etc. So an adult may be close, make an eye contact, communicate by touch or voice, encourage playful ness, sing songs or say poems, use the sounds and repeat it so the baby starts to recognize it. An adult can provide an enabling environment for telling stories, sharing songs from all cultures, showing pictures. The next prime area of à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬ ¹Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬ ¹the first aspect is understanding. From eight to twenty-month-old baby develops your ability to follow the others body language, in response to a variety of things, understands the individual words. So made an eye contact by saying him / her the name, speaking what is happening and what is being done is a great way to create positive relationships. The third key aspect of communication and language is speaking. From sixteen to twenty-six months of age child copies expessions, begins to use two related words, for example, want ball, and starts to ask simple questions. So, we can allow the child to make his / her own choice, accept and praise for the phrases, encourage parents to speak their native language at home, t elling stories with recurring phrases, read loud. The second prime area is a physical development, which is divided into two aspects. The first is the movement and handling. From twenty-two to thirty-six months old groups of children run with the full foot safely, can kick a big ball, turn over pages of a book, control the items keeping, imitates simple shapes. It should be noted that the child may be very active and require a short period of rest. So, it should be given the opportunity to move freely, both indoors and outdoors, to help explore new movements, promote activities to provide safe spaces and the real and role-playing opportunities. The second aspect of physical development is health and self-care. Thirty – fifty months old children can tell when they feel hungry or tired, understand how to use items safely, can wash and dry hands, dress up with a little help. Practicioner can plan their active work, talk about the importance of hand washing, promote to monitore c hanges in their body and promote actively organize cheerful games. This is because physical activity is important to maintain a good health and it protects against obesity in the future. The third prime area of à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬ ¹Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬ ¹personnel, social and emotional development is divided into three aspects, one of which is making relationships. Group of children from forty to sixty months old and more initiate conversations, and take care of what others say, explain their knowledge and understanding, give the steps to resolve conflicts. At this age children need to ensure that between them and adults is the opportunity to listen to each other and explain their actions. The practitioner must be sensitive and considerate, pay attention to the specific needs, ensure that they have the ability to communicate between their age group childrens. The second aspect is the self-awareness and self-confidence. Children from the same age group speak confidently, can expess their nee ds, interests and opinions. They also able describe themselves positively and talk about the possibilities. It is therefore necessary to encourage children to explore and hang on what they learn in terms of their ideas and ways of doing things. Children have a sense of recognition. So as a practitioner you need to enjoy success with them and give time to pursue and complete the activities. The practitioner should give children the opportunity to reflect on the success and talents and provide regular opportunities for children. A good idea is to involve children in the drawing and pursue them to describe their individual preferences and opinions. And third aspect is managing feelings and behaviour. Children from these age of group understand that their actions can affect other people, feel frustrated and trying to comfort them, sets the expectations of the environment, can negotiate problems solving without aggression. Practitioner should discuss honest and dishonest situations, chil drens feelings, justice, be vigilant, allow children to decide and resolve situations. We also encourage children to think about the other approach, ensure that children have the ability to set limits, listen to children and respectfully and kindly explain to anyone why this is important to them and to organize activities where children have to share. Last issue is about how the effective characteristics can promote childs learning and development. It is easy to observe by determining needs of the unique child in theirs groups of age. This is discussed a bit earlier. So what is the effective development? Learning is a building activity, behavior with others,learner promotion. Effective learning is the best result from all of that and monitoring and surveillance to ensure are the methods or strategiesare effective for a specific purpose and context. In other words, the ways in which children become interested. Therefore, effective learning components is a game and exploration, active learning and creative and critical thinking. Playing and exploring is the engagement. Children find and explore playing with what they know and are ready „ to go â€Å". Active learning is the motivation. Child got concentrated and participated, not stop trying, enjoy in oder to perform what they were planned. And the development of creating and thinking critically. Child takes his / her ideas and makes links, choose the ways to perform things. As an example is art, music, dance. This is an opportunity to explore and share ideas, feelings, and thoughts. Creativity is a risk and union and it is strongly associated with the game. Creativity occurs when children goes futher into action and explore ideas, express them through movement, make transformation and aspiration through the media and materials, such as paints, scissors, crayons, words, sounds. Creativity involves children initiate their learning and their choices and decisions. Playing and exploring, learning actively children are engaged with other people and their environment and this supports the learning and development of all areas. And it also supports the child staying efficient and motivated.